hasadna / OpenCommunity

Open Community, by hasadna.org.il
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added a feedback form #14

Closed ehudmagal closed 10 years ago

ehudmagal commented 10 years ago

new feedback form.

  1. added a class view named "ContactUsView" on ~\OpenCommunity\src\communities\views.py.
  2. added a model named ContactUs on ~\OpenCommunity\src\communities\models.py.
  3. added a moedlForm named ContactUsForm on ~\OpenCommunity\src\communities\forms.py
  4. added a new template named contact_us .html on ~\OpenCommunity\src\communities\templates\communities\contact_us.html.
  5. added a new url_patern to urls.py on ~\OpenCommunity\src\communities\urls.py.
  6. added the template from (5) to upcomming.html on ~\OpenCommunity\src\communities\templates\communities\upcoming.html.

ignore all the rest

ehudmagal commented 10 years ago

feedback form