hasadna / knesset-data

APIs and documentation to allow getting data from the Israeli Parliament (Knesset)
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Extract bodies being represented by lobbyist in a given Knesset Committee session #143

Open shevyk opened 7 years ago

shevyk commented 7 years ago

Open Knesset committee data currently includes the names of lobbyists (committees_committeemeeting_lobbyists_mentioned) and the lobbyist corporation that employs them (committees_committeemeeting_lobbyist_corporations_mentioned) who are mentioned in committee minutes.

Following an amendment to legislation, lobbyists attending a committee session must now also disclose the name of the person or body that they are representing in the committee session, and this information can now be found in the session minutes, e.g. https://oknesset.org/committee/meeting/13384/ image

This information should be added to Open Knesset committee data.

OriHoch commented 7 years ago

~thanks, I think a prerequisite for this issue is to have lobbyists data synced view the knesset-data pipelines~

currently, lobbyist data is all in Open Knesset

We have issue #136 to have the lobbyist data via knesset-data - ~so this issue is blocked until that one is done~

see comment below - issue is not blocked and can be done on knesset-data

OriHoch commented 7 years ago

after discussion with @shevyk I understand that first priority is to extract all data about people in the committee meeting

today we only related to knesset members, instead we should scrape all people in the invitee section at least or maybe in all speaker sections as well

this data can be stored in new DB tables for now, so it will be available on re:dash ASAP and then content volunteers can start to use it and see what other relations / logic is needed

regarding lobbyists - they are the priority, but it can also be more general - to get data about persons (some of them being lobbyists)

also, existing lobbyist data in Open Knesset is only for registered lobbyists. This relation to registered lobbyists is less important for now. Just the names of people and their roles and who they represent (textually) is enough

OriHoch commented 7 years ago

implementation notes