hasadna / open-bus-map-search

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Improve rides reliability metric by adding "actual start time" ETL #19

Open ShayAdler opened 10 months ago

idan-tankel commented 10 months ago

The challenge

Understand whenever a bus has left the first stop of a given ride he produces.

why this is a challenge?


calculate more accurate score of 'successfully left rides' from the starting point based on SIRI realtime information

How / algorithmic approach / data usage

The main idea is to use vehicle locations to load (lon,lat) geo coordinates of all the buses that are registered for a given ride, in a timewindow around the starting time, and to build 2 main requests

  1. An inner request. To locate close vehicles in a distance of ~500m from the starting point, with the correct scheduled_start_time, line_ref and in a proper time window (5 minutes window around the GTFS real start time of the proper ride)
  2. An outer requests, to locate vehicle out of the ~500m distance, but lower than ~3km distance, in ~10min later than the GTFS_start_time

The goal of the second request / filtering is to verify that the bus really left the starting point. Things to test when pairing the results between those 2 queries

Wrapping up

From a single test of a given ride of a given line in a specific time, we want to turn that code into an ETL that would be scheduled.

Preferred - usage of a language / framework that can interact with existing ETLs, views / tables in the database, etc.

idan-tankel commented 8 months ago

hey, I will append a simple 4 API queries I ran to search for the relevant rides (sorry I did not yet build something more informative).

I hope this would give enough ideas how to convert this to an ETL 😅

import stride
from stride import api_proxy
import datetime
import folium
import pandas as pd
from types import SimpleNamespace
radius_factor = 0.1  # default to 1
outer_factor = 12
EPSILON_lon = 0.015060*radius_factor  # 0.015060 is 1.5 km
EPSILON_lat = 0.008983*radius_factor  # 0.008983 is 1 km
ETA_lon = EPSILON_lon*outer_factor
ETA_lat = EPSILON_lat*outer_factor

# case parameters
# these may be given by outer function
parameters = SimpleNamespace(**{
    "line_short_name": "149",
    "agency": "מטרופולין",
    "originated_at": "כפר סבא",
    "date": datetime.date(2023, 6, 28),
    "start_hour": 4,
    "end_hour": 6,
    # "line_refs": "7700"
    "gtfs_route_mkt": "12149",
    # filter by specific gtfs_route_ids
# iterate get

def get_gtfs_ride_stop_query_params(parameters):
    """a simple function to reformat
    line_short_name = parameters.line_short_name
    agency = parameters.agency
    originated_at = parameters.originated_at
    date = parameters.date
    start_hour, end_hour = parameters.start_hour, parameters.end_hour
    gtfs_route_mkt = parameters.gtfs_route_mkt
    gtfs_route_id = None
    recorded_at_time_from = datetime.datetime.combine(
        date, datetime.time(start_hour), datetime.timezone.utc)
    recorded_at_time_to = datetime.datetime.combine(
        date, datetime.time(end_hour, 59, 59), datetime.timezone.utc)
     ## some of the filters are commented out, but see them as may be useful
    return {
        # "stop_sequence": i,
        # "pickup_type": 0,
        # "drop_off_type": 0,
        # "shape_dist_traveled": 0,
        # "gtfs_ride__journey_ref": "string",
        "gtfs_ride__start_time_from": recorded_at_time_from,
        "gtfs_ride__start_time_to": recorded_at_time_to,
        "gtfs_stop__city": originated_at,
        "gtfs_stop__date": date,
        "gtfs_route__date": date,
        "gtfs_route__route_short_name": line_short_name,
        # "gtfs_route__route_long_name": "string",
        "gtfs_route__route_mkt": gtfs_route_mkt,
        "gtfs_ride__gtfs_route_id": gtfs_route_id,
        # "gtfs_route__route_direction": "string",
        # "gtfs_route__route_alternative": "string",
        "gtfs_route__agency_name": agency,
        # "gtfs_route__route_type": "string"
        "order_by": "stop_sequence"

def get_gtfs_ride_query_params(line_short_name, agency, originated_at, date, start_hour, end_hour, line_refs=None, gtfs_route_mkt=None, gtfs_route_id=None):
    return {
        "start_time_from": datetime.datetime.combine(date, datetime.time(start_hour), datetime.timezone.utc),
        "start_time_to": datetime.datetime.combine(date, datetime.time(end_hour, 59, 59), datetime.timezone.utc),
        # "gtfs_stop__city": originated_at,
        "gtfs_route__route_short_name": line_short_name,
        "gtfs_route__agency_name": agency,
        "gtfs_route__line_refs": line_refs,
        "gtfs_route__route_mkt": gtfs_route_mkt,
        "order_by": "start_time",
        "gtfs_route_id": gtfs_route_id

close_gtfs_rides = list(stride.iterate(
    '/gtfs_rides/list', params=get_gtfs_ride_query_params(**vars(parameters)), limit=TOP_FORWARD_STATIONS))

close_gtfs_rides_hours = list(
    set([ride["start_time"] for ride in close_gtfs_rides]))
close_gtfs_rides_line_ref = list(
    set([ride["gtfs_route__line_ref"] for ride in close_gtfs_rides]))
close_gtfs_rides_operator_ref = list(
    set([ride["gtfs_route__operator_ref"] for ride in close_gtfs_rides]))

gtfs_ride_stops = list(stride.iterate('/gtfs_ride_stops/list',
                       params=get_gtfs_ride_stop_query_params(parameters=parameters), limit=TOP_FORWARD_STATIONS))
lon_lat_lists = [{"lon": stop["gtfs_stop__lon"],
                  "lat": stop["gtfs_stop__lat"]} for stop in gtfs_ride_stops]
lon_lat_first_stop = lon_lat_lists[0]
# locations for the start and the last
# locate all the siri records by those locations

def get_siri_query_params(line_refs, operator_refs, parameters):
    date = parameters.date
    start_hour, end_hour = parameters.start_hour,parameters.end_hour
    recorded_at_time_from = datetime.datetime.combine(
        date, datetime.time(start_hour), datetime.timezone.utc)
    recorded_at_time_to = datetime.datetime.combine(
        date, datetime.time(end_hour, 59, 59), datetime.timezone.utc)
    return {
        "recorded_at_time_from": recorded_at_time_from,
        "recorded_at_time_to": recorded_at_time_to,
        "siri_routes__line_ref": line_refs,
        "siri_routes__operator_ref": operator_refs,
        "lon__greater_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lon"] - EPSILON_lon,
        "lon__lower_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lon"] + EPSILON_lon,
        "lat__greater_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lat"] - EPSILON_lat,
        "lat__lower_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lat"] + EPSILON_lat,
        "order_by": "recorded_at_time"

def create_map(path, data):
    """ only for visualization, but important to see what a given 🚌 did at any minute by plate
    colors = ['red',
    if not data.empty:
        df = data[['lat', 'lon', 'recorded_at_time',
                   "siri_ride__vehicle_ref", "siri_route__line_ref", "siri_ride__scheduled_start_time"]]

        map = folium.Map(location=[df.iloc[0]['lat'], df.iloc[0]['lon']],
                         names=['lat', 'lon', 'recorded_at_time', "siri_ride__vehicle_ref", 'siri_route__line_ref', 'siri_ride__scheduled_start_time'], max_zoom=21)

        for (name, group), color in zip(df.groupby("siri_ride__vehicle_ref"), colors):
        # Loop through the DataFrame and add a marker for each location with the recorded time
            for index, row in group.iterrows():
                popup_text = f"Recorded at: {row['recorded_at_time']}<br>Lat: {row['lat']}<br>Lon: {row['lon']}<br>Plate: {row['siri_ride__vehicle_ref']}<br>Line Ref:{row['siri_route__line_ref']}<br>Sched:{row['siri_ride__scheduled_start_time']}"
                folium.Marker(location=[row['lat'], row['lon']], icon=folium.Icon(
                    color=color), popup=popup_text).add_to(map)


def get_siri_query_params_out(line_refs, operator_refs,parameters):
    """This stores the parameter of the outer racktangle - southern / northern / eastern / western of the starting point
    date = parameters.date
    start_hour, end_hour = parameters.start_hour,parameters.end_hour
    recorded_at_time_from = datetime.datetime.combine(
        date, datetime.time(start_hour), datetime.timezone.utc)
    recorded_at_time_to = datetime.datetime.combine(
        date, datetime.time(end_hour, 59, 59), datetime.timezone.utc)
    down_params = {
        "siri_routes__line_ref": line_refs,
        "siri_routes__operator_ref": operator_refs,
        "recorded_at_time_from": recorded_at_time_from,
        "recorded_at_time_to": recorded_at_time_to,
        "lat__lower_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lat"] - EPSILON_lat,
        "lat__greater_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lat"] - ETA_lat,
        "lon__greater_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lon"] - ETA_lon,
        "lon__lower_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lon"] + ETA_lon,
        "order_by": "recorded_at_time"
    up_params = {
        "siri_routes__line_ref": line_refs,
        "siri_routes__operator_ref": operator_refs,
        "recorded_at_time_from": recorded_at_time_from,
        "recorded_at_time_to": recorded_at_time_to,
        "lat__greater_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lat"] + EPSILON_lat,
        "lat__lower_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lat"] + ETA_lat,
        "lon__greater_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lon"] - ETA_lon,
        "lon__lower_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lon"] + ETA_lon,
        "order_by": "recorded_at_time"
    left_params = {
        "siri_routes__line_ref": line_refs,
        "siri_routes__operator_ref": operator_refs,
        "recorded_at_time_from": recorded_at_time_from,
        "recorded_at_time_to": recorded_at_time_to,
        "lon__lower_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lon"] - EPSILON_lon,
        "lon__greater_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lon"] - ETA_lon,
        "lat__greater_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lat"] - ETA_lat,
        "lat__lower_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lat"] + ETA_lat,
        "order_by": "recorded_at_time"
    right_params = {
        "siri_routes__line_ref": line_refs,
        "siri_routes__operator_ref": operator_refs,
        "recorded_at_time_from": recorded_at_time_from,
        "recorded_at_time_to": recorded_at_time_to,
        "lon__greater_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lon"] + EPSILON_lon,
        "lon__lower_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lon"] + ETA_lon,
        "lat__greater_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lat"] - ETA_lat,
        "lat__lower_or_equal": lon_lat_first_stop["lat"] + ETA_lat,
        "order_by": "recorded_at_time"
    return {"right": right_params, "left": left_params, "up": up_params, "down": down_params}

def rank_results(joint_results):
    """"this function should define the time offset to match on (match on plate + time offset). match between inner results to 
          outer results

def main():
    siri_records = stride.iterate('/siri_vehicle_locations/list',
                                  params=get_siri_query_params(line_refs=close_gtfs_rides_line_ref[0], operator_refs=close_gtfs_rides_operator_ref[0],parameters=parameters), limit=TOP_FORWARD_STATIONS)
    # print(list(siri_records))
    records_list = list(siri_records)
    locations_list = [(record["lat"], record["lon"], record["recorded_at_time"].strftime(
        "%H:%M:%S")) for record in records_list]
    create_map(data=pd.DataFrame(records_list), path=r"./nearby.html")

    # update the line refs accordingly
    out_params = get_siri_query_params_out(
        parameters = parameters)
    generator_list = []
    for type, params in out_params.items():
                                             params=params, limit=TOP_FORWARD_STATIONS))

    # convert generators to something real
    results = [pd.DataFrame(result) for result in generator_list]
    right_results, left_results, up_results, down_results = results
    create_map(data=right_results, path="right.html")
    create_map(data=left_results, path="left.html")
    create_map(data=up_results, path="up.html")
    create_map(data=down_results, path="down.html")
    joint_data = pd.concat(results)
    # create another ranking strategy
    # the joint data is too much, even if it done by plate
    # join between the siri information to gtfs information - how?
    create_map(data=joint_data, path="concat.html")


    # create planned ride list, and to see if it's matched or unmatched

if __name__ == '__main__':
# the sorting via the recorded_at_time is problematic
# there are some records that are listed under 2 separate snapshots with the same recorded_at_time