Knitting Rmd files with the BiocStyle::html_document output (BiocStyle_2.25.0) does not appear and shows a blank space. However, if you remove "BiocStyle::" and use html_document, the interactive plot renders successfully and embeds/appears as expected.
# Glimma plots do not embed with BiocStyle
#Packages needed
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install(c("Glimma", "limma", "edgeR"))
#Load and read in example RNAseq123 data from wd()
dge <- readRDS("dge.rds")
MDS Plot
Session info {.unnumbered}
I tried updating all my package versions and using `render(x, BiocStyle::html_document())` to process it, but no luck. Any suggestions?
Thank you!
Thanks for the report, I think the issue will need to be resolved by BiocStyle. Thanks also for starting the conversation on it with Bioc support
Knitting Rmd files with the BiocStyle::html_document output (BiocStyle_2.25.0) does not appear and shows a blank space. However, if you remove "BiocStyle::" and use html_document, the interactive plot renders successfully and embeds/appears as expected.
For example, I followed a demonstration similar to the posted Glimma guide: