hasauino / rrt_exploration_tutorials

This package provides launch files for Gazebo simulation needed to test the rrt_exploration package
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rrt_exploration_tutorials seems not working with ros indigo and gazebo 7 #8

Closed StanSmooth closed 6 years ago

hasauino commented 6 years ago

Hello StanSmooth, I have originally created those files on ROS indigo and with the default Gazebo version supported by indigo (which I think is gazebo 2). So it should work..

Alkhawaja commented 6 years ago

Hello Hasan,

I was trying to run it on Gazebo 4.1 (I need it for the Gapter simulation), however it doesn't seem to be working.

Is there a way to install two gazebo versions at the same time in my Ubuntu 14.04 OS?

Thanks in advance...

hasauino commented 6 years ago

What error do you get? can you take a video of your screen when you run it?

Sorry I have no idea how to run two Gazebo versions on the same machine.

Alkhawaja commented 5 years ago


Apologies for the late reply.

Apparently, the error is this (copied from the terminal) : "Timed out waiting for transform from robot_1/base_link to robot_1/map to become available before running costmap, tf error: canTransform: target_frame robot_1/map does not exist.. canTransform returned after 2376.14 timeout was 0.1."



hasauino commented 5 years ago

the gmapping node is responsible for publishing this transformation (robot_1/base_link to robot_1/map), check if the gmapping node is running ok, also the TF tree...

Alkhawaja commented 5 years ago

Yep, slam_gmapping (node) wasn't working. It is weird tho, the pkg was installed in both situations. I will keep on figuring this out. Thanks a lot for your efforts.