hash-checker / hash-checker

Fast and simple application that allows you to generate and compare hashes from files and text
MIT License
177 stars 52 forks source link

Add romanian language #182

Closed Alexandru51 closed 1 year ago

Alexandru51 commented 1 year ago

Hello, i want to help with the translation, and i want to also be avalabile in romanian.

fartem commented 1 year ago

Hi. You can help with translation on OneSky here.

Alexandru51 commented 1 year ago

Hi. You can help with translation on OneSky here.

Dosen't appear on OneSky

fartem commented 1 year ago

@Alexandru51, I can send sentences to you and you can translate it directory. Or, you can checkout repository, add file for your Language and translate it.

Alexandru51 commented 1 year ago

@Alexandru51, I can send sentences to you and you can translate it directory. Or, you can checkout repository, add file for your Language and translate it.


Alexandru51 commented 1 year ago

@fartem can you send sentences to me?

Alexandru51 commented 1 year ago

So i can translate it

fartem commented 1 year ago

@Alexandru51, done.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- menu -->
    <string name="menu_title_settings">Settings</string>
    <string name="menu_title_feedback">Feedback</string>
    <string name="menu_title_history">History</string>
    <!-- dialog titles -->
    <string name="title_dialog_enter_text">Add text</string>
    <string name="title_warning_dialog">Warning</string>
    <string name="title_permission_dialog">Permission</string>
    <!-- messages -->
    <string name="message_exit">Long press on back button to close the application</string>
    <string name="message_fill_fields">Fill each field for comparison</string>
    <string name="message_generate_hash_before_export">Generate hash value before export</string>
    <string name="message_match_result">Match</string>
    <string name="message_do_not_match_result">Do not match</string>
    <string name="message_generate_dialog">Generating hash, please wait…</string>
    <string name="message_select_object">Tap From to select a needed source type</string>
    <string name="message_request_storage_permission_error">Permission to read device file storage cannot be granted. Please try again</string>
    <string name="message_request_storage_permission_denied">Permission to read device file storage cannot be granted. You need to go to the Settings and provide it yourself</string>
    <string name="message_error_start_file_selector">Can\'t find a file manager on your device</string>
    <string name="message_error_start_google_play">Can\'t find a Google Play app or a web browser on your device</string>
    <string name="message_email_app_chooser">Choose app for send an email</string>
    <string name="message_change_theme">To change the theme, you need to restart the application</string>
    <string name="message_change_language">To change the language, you need to restart the application</string>
    <string name="message_invalid_selected_source">Can\'t generate a hash value from the input source. Please check the selected source</string>
    <string name="message_delete_all_history_items">Delete all history items?</string>
    <!-- commons -->
    <string name="common_text">Text</string>
    <string name="common_file">File</string>
    <string name="common_add">Add</string>
    <string name="common_ok">OK</string>
    <string name="common_cancel">Cancel</string>
    <string name="common_again">Again</string>
    <string name="common_date">Date</string>
    <!-- actions -->
    <string name="action_from">From</string>
    <string name="action_select">Action</string>
    <string name="action_exit_now">Exit now</string>
    <string name="action_generate">Generate</string>
    <string name="action_compare">Compare</string>
    <string name="action_export_to_txt">Export as \".txt\"</string>
    <!-- themes -->
    <string name="title_theme_light">Light</string>
    <string name="title_theme_dark">Dark</string>
    <!-- titles -->
    <string name="title_custom_hash">Custom hash</string>
    <string name="title_generated_hash">Generated hash</string>
    <!-- hints -->
    <string name="hint_input_text">Text here</string>
    <!-- settings titles -->
    <string name="settings_title_general">General</string>
    <string name="settings_title_app">Application</string>
    <string name="settings_title_interface">Interface</string>
    <string name="settings_title_about">About</string>
    <string name="settings_title_upper_case">Upper case</string>
    <string name="settings_title_author">Author</string>
    <string name="settings_title_libraries">Libraries</string>
    <string name="settings_title_app_file_manager">Inner File manager</string>
    <string name="settings_title_version">Version</string>
    <string name="settings_title_vibration">Vibration</string>
    <string name="settings_title_privacy">Privacy</string>
    <string name="settings_title_export_user_data">Export user data</string>
    <string name="settings_title_privacy_policy">Privacy Policy</string>
    <string name="settings_title_theme">Theme</string>
    <string name="settings_title_rate_app">Rate app</string>
    <string name="settings_title_save_result_to_history">Save result to History</string>
    <string name="settings_title_multiline">Multiline hash fields</string>
    <string name="settings_title_language">Language</string>
    <string name="settings_title_support">Support</string>
    <string name="settings_title_help_with_translation">Help with translation</string>
    <!-- feedback -->
    <string name="feedback_manufacturer">Manufacturer</string>
    <string name="feedback_model">Model</string>
    <string name="feedback_message">Message</string>
    <!-- file manager -->
    <string name="file_manager_select_storage_title">Select storage</string>
    <!-- history -->
    <string name="history_item_click_text">Hash value copied to clipboard</string>
    <string name="history_empty_view_message">History items not found</string>
    <!-- rate app -->
    <string name="rate_app_message">If you like the app, you can rate it in Google Play</string>
    <string name="rate_app_action">Rate</string>
    <!-- in-app updates -->
    <string name="update_downloaded_message">An update has just been downloaded</string>
    <string name="update_restart_action">Restart</string>
Alexandru51 commented 1 year ago

Done with translation @fartem


fartem commented 1 year ago

@Alexandru51, thank you very much. Right now app is suspended in Google Play (I wrote to the support but problem resolve may take a few days) so after Language addition I send you link to download actual version with translation (and after Google Play problem I will publish new version as soon as possible).

fartem commented 1 year ago

@Alexandru51, Thanks again. I added you to Contributors list.