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VM disk is corrupted when memory runs out #226

Open xaviemirmon opened 9 years ago

xaviemirmon commented 9 years ago

Hi @philipnorton42,

I have a weird issue and I am really at a loss of where to start pin-pointing it/find a fix. From what I can understand, it seems to happen if my host machine started to run out of memory while I am running a memory intensive process on my VM it craps out and corrupts my VM's disk. The VM will either become unresponsive or the disk will go into read-only mode. If I perform a Vagrant reload then it gets to the SSH process and times out. I have added 'vb.gui = true' to the Vagrantfile and saw my VM was getting the following error.

EXT4-fs (dm-1): Couldn't remount RDWR because of unprocessed orphan inode list. Please umount/remount instead

Have you ever come across this and is there anything I can do fix it other than destroying my box and re-provisioning it?

philipnorton42 commented 9 years ago

I've honestly never managed to crash a VM (yet) so I've not come across this. If I get a chance I'll look into the vagrant docs/ issue queue and see if anyone else has seem the same and if they managed to get the box back.

philipnorton42 commented 9 years ago

Did you ever get to the bottom of this @xaviemirmon ?

domenkozar commented 9 years ago

I'm seeing the same (except that dm-1 is sda)

domenkozar commented 9 years ago

I've fixed it by using live ISO and fscking the filesystem.