hashbangcode / vlad

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Commands working very slow #291

Closed drupality closed 8 years ago

drupality commented 8 years ago

First I've encountered that drush is working very slow. I was start thinking that this maybe php/mysql config issue. But when I tried 'git status' the case was the same. ~15sec to see an output...

How can I speed this up?

dixhuit commented 8 years ago

First time I've ever heard anything like this reported. My first suggestion would be to increase the resource allocation to the guest via Vlad's settings. You could start with (I generally always use this as a default):

vm_cpus: "auto"
vm_memory: "auto"

That should be an increase from the defaults, there's room to assign even more memory from the host if you feel the need, just specify how much as an integer like so:

vm_memory: 2048

More info: http://vlad-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/usage/variables/#vagrantfile-configuration (see vm_cpus and vm_memory)

philipnorton42 commented 8 years ago

@drupality Did any of Dan's suggestions improve things at all? Or are you still seeing slowdowns?

philipnorton42 commented 8 years ago

Assuming that @danbohea's suggestions are working correctly and this was a resources issue I'm going to close this issue.