hashbangcode / vlad

Vlad - Vagrant LAMP Ansible Drupal
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Allow for additional synced directories #313

Open mlander opened 8 years ago

mlander commented 8 years ago

In Drupal 8, I think you'll see more dependencies and scripts living outside of docroot, particularly when installed via composer(i.e. https://github.com/drupal-composer/drupal-project).

A directory may end up looking like: docroot -> ./web scripts vendor vlad vlad_aux web

I think minimum, having the 'vendor' directory would suffice, but perhaps allowing for an array of values? I'm not sure how much of a performance hit it would be to have additional synced directories?

dixhuit commented 8 years ago

I'm all for this providing it's developed with #253 in mind.

zxaos commented 8 years ago

I've got a custom play that handles (almost) this layout currently. The major difference is I'm installing vlad via composer so the vlad directory ends up in vendor. To work with your structure above, you'd just need to change the synced folder paths.

I agree that it'd be nice to support this. But would it be better to wait for #305 first?

relevant part of vlad_settings:

  host_synced_folder: "../../.."
  aux_synced_folder: "../../../vlad_aux"

# Change the docroot to match what composer builds while we wait for vlad
# issue #284
  vlad_custom_play: true
  vlad_custom_play_path: "../../../vlad_custom/"
  webserver_custom_docroot: 'web'

# Tweaks
  add_index_file: false

vlad_custom play:

- hosts: all
  user: vagrant
    - "../vendor/hashbangcode/vlad/vlad_guts/merged_user_settings.yml"

    - name: adjust composerified drupal docroot
      sudo: true
        name=/etc/apache2/sites-available/{{ webserver_hostname }}.conf
        line="  DocumentRoot /var/www/site/docroot/{{ webserver_custom_docroot }}"
        regexp="\w*DocumentRoot /var/www/site/docroot"
        - restart apache2
    - name: adjust composerified drupal vhost directory
      sudo: true
        name=/etc/apache2/sites-available/{{ webserver_hostname }}.conf
        line="  <Directory /var/www/site/docroot/{{ webserver_custom_docroot }}>"
        regexp="\w*<Directory /var/www/site/docroot.*"
        - restart apache2

    - name: restart apache2
      service: name=apache2 state=restarted
      sudo: true

    - name: restart httpd
      service: name=httpd state=restarted
      sudo: true
gareth-fivemile commented 8 years ago

I've tried another way of doing this - if you want me to push my code, let me know.

I've added a variable for any additional folders that should be synced:

vagrant.yml: additional_synced_folders = []

So this could be set to the following for working with composer + moving the config directory outside of web root: additional_synced_folders: ['../config', '../vendor']

In the Vagrantfile, I've added the following for nfs when the docroot + vlad_aux folders are set up (currently at around line 290 against latest dev):

    # Setup additional synced folders
    vconfig['additional_synced_folders'].each do |dir_path|
      dir_name = dir_path.split('/').last
      config.vm.synced_folder dir_path, "/var/www/site/#{dir_name}", type: "nfs", nfs_udp: false, create: true, id: "vagrant-#{dir_name}"

And for rsync:

# Setup additional synced folders
    vconfig['additional_synced_folders'].each do |dir_path|
      dir_name = dir_path.split('/').last
      config.vm.synced_folder dir_path, "/var/www/site/#{dir_name}", type: "rsync", create: true, id: "vagrant-#{dir_name}"

This will then put the folders at the same level as docroot:

$ pwd
$ ls

I had to use dir_name = dir_path.split('/').last to get the directory name, otherwise if the variable was '../vendor', it would place it one level up. I also didn't add the code for Windows, as I don't have a windows setup to test it on.

I'm keen to help get this feature in, so we can use composer for managing Drupal as mlander says. Let me know how I can help!


dixhuit commented 8 years ago

@gareth-fivemile Sounds reasonable to me. Could you do a PR against latest dev so that we can test/review this? Cheers!