Added a "SESSIONID" property to the ServiceSettings, this is populated on startup with a random GUID and is used by the Dashboard to denote when a Bot instance has changed.
Deleted the _old dashboard, no longer needed
Deleted the old scripts.js file, no longer needed
When the Dashboard can't access the Go service it will now reset the page, clearing the Widgets and all timed functions whilst it waits for new data.
Added a new guard in loadWidgetStructure() to not continue if no data was retrieved.
Changed the Connected icons from updating the .src of a single object with a new URL when changed, to creating 3 instances for each Connected icon state (on/off/amber) and having JS hide/show the required one. This is because when the Dashboard goes offline the OFF .svg file is no longer accessible.
Updated the Widgets so each widget type also sends the SessionID.
Updated the formating of Time Durations sent to Widgets to be "0s 0000ms"
Updated the "GetWidgetOverview" function of the dashboard to return the SessionID
Added Database/config.go which Gets/Sets the last FakeYou check time in the Database
Updated FakeYou's update models function to only perform once every 12 hours, accounting for the time in the database.
Changed the Scheduler to run each task in a go routine
Updated the Dashboard's SaveJsonData function to lock to a Mutex when in operation, multiple simulatenous operaitons were causing a panic when the scheduler was changed to spawn in go routines.
Added jQuery and jQuery UI via their CDN links to the Dashboard
Made the Widgets re-orderable via drag and drop
Fixed Logs not updating, this was because when the log limit was reached it was deleting the first instance, but the logs were also being added AS the first instance.