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Github-powered organization #9

Closed preaction closed 9 years ago

preaction commented 9 years ago

I think it will be best if we make github help organize ourselves.

Tickets cannot be the only way to address problems, due to privacy and safety concerns, but it can be an easy way to do it.

Except. Shit. People need to have a github account to post tickets...

emersonveenstra commented 9 years ago

We could have Selvvir interface with the Github API to make a ticket whenever someone updates a factoid

oksushi commented 9 years ago

Perhaps Hubot?

preaction commented 9 years ago

Having a bot that can deal with channel management (bans, ops, warnings, and user-wrangling) is something I've been thinking about. If someone uses the bot to message all the ops, though, it shouldn't create a github ticket (privacy is protection against harassment, as gittip found out).

Anything that might require public comment, however, should be in a public, persistent forum. Github issues is just one possibility. We could give the bot some API controls to mitigate needing a Github account though...

Or I could finally rewrite that issue tracker that I keep meaning to fix... But when it comes to asking me to write software, bet against it :p

AMcBain commented 9 years ago

I have a license to JIRA, it expires later this year but installs keep working afterwards, I just can't get more updates until I pay up again. It can handle 10 users max (So 9, seeing as I would be there automatically). I could set that up again. It would make everything private, but I think we can configure it so certain projects or some such are publicly visible to anyone.

pudly commented 9 years ago

Is there something we can't do on github that facilitates JIRA? I have spare private github repos as well, although considering the open source nature of this channel, i don't think anything needs to be private per se.

Or am I missing something?

oksushi commented 9 years ago

+1 for keeping it all public.

preaction commented 9 years ago


Radical transparency can be dangerous to marginalised people, because it may provide additional information that abusers can use to target them.

I think our default should be public, on Github, but we should have private channels of communication if people wish to use them (a bot, an e-mail address, freenode's memoserv). All we need to do is include those in the list of ways to get in contact with us, putting "Open a Github Issue" first on that list.

AMcBain commented 9 years ago

Well I wasn't meaning private / go dark, more so commenting to the

If someone uses the bot to message all the ops, though, it shouldn't create a github ticket (privacy is protection against harassment, as gittip found out).

AMcBain commented 9 years ago

I have known channels to have private channels that require a key to get in where all the ops hang out and can discuss stuff with everyone which allows more inter-person communication out of the public if needed that personal messages don't provide. Doing a memo through memoserv works too, but you'd have to send one to everyone. You can though configure memoserv to send you e-mails when you get a memo. I have that flag on, but I can't really deal with such things while at work so it ends up just being a reminder to go check memoserv next time I log on.

preaction commented 9 years ago

css-ops is an option. It doesn't have to even be keyed, it could be +m, where anyone talking is only seen by the moderators, so people could then express their issue with only the moderators (ops) seeing what is being said.

preaction commented 9 years ago

css-ops is what we did. We should add some links to here from the website, but that can be another ticket.