Currently, the page load times for our website are longer than desired, resulting in a suboptimal user experience. We need to investigate the root causes of the slow load times and implement optimizations to reduce and improve these load times.
Analyze the current page load times for different pages of the website.
Identify the components, assets, or scripts that contribute to the slow load times.
Evaluate the server response times and network performance to determine if they are impacting the load times.
Optimize the website's code, assets, and resources to reduce their size and improve loading efficiency.
Implement caching mechanisms, such as browser caching or server-side caching, to speed up subsequent visits to the website.
Utilize techniques like lazy loading, asynchronous loading, or code splitting to prioritize critical resources and enhance initial page rendering.
Test the website after implementing optimizations to measure the improvements in load times.
Monitor and analyze the performance metrics to ensure sustained improvements in page load times.
Why is this important?
Fast page load times are crucial for providing a positive user experience and encouraging user engagement. Slow load times can lead to high bounce rates, decreased user satisfaction, and potential loss of conversions or revenue. By investigating and improving the page load times, we can enhance the overall performance and usability of our website, resulting in increased user satisfaction and improved business outcomes.
Acceptance Criteria
The page load times are significantly reduced compared to the previous state.
Key pages of the website load within an acceptable timeframe.
The website's performance metrics (e.g., TTFB, FCP, LCP) show noticeable improvements.
The optimizations are implemented without introducing any critical regressions or functional issues.
Currently, the page load times for our website are longer than desired, resulting in a suboptimal user experience. We need to investigate the root causes of the slow load times and implement optimizations to reduce and improve these load times.
Why is this important?
Fast page load times are crucial for providing a positive user experience and encouraging user engagement. Slow load times can lead to high bounce rates, decreased user satisfaction, and potential loss of conversions or revenue. By investigating and improving the page load times, we can enhance the overall performance and usability of our website, resulting in increased user satisfaction and improved business outcomes.
Acceptance Criteria
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