hashgraph / MyHbarWallet

🟩 MyHbarWallet is a free, client-side interface helping you interact with Hedera™ Hashgraph.
Apache License 2.0
71 stars 44 forks source link

Fully implemented CSButton and Modal #448

Closed masonmeier closed 3 years ago

masonmeier commented 3 years ago


Notes for reviewer: Modal is implemented at app level and is teleport-ed in on button click. Same standard modal pattern used in the rest of the app.


netlify[bot] commented 3 years ago

:construction_worker: Deploy request for myhbarwallet pending review. Visit the deploys page to approve it

:hammer: Explore the source changes: 0d4aa3871b6351c9b4cf6547bc171f2e060ed1ea