When the notary node is turned as a Validating node [validating = true], the HcsNotaryServiceFlow is not prepared to receive a Signed Transaction and gives an error. Changing the transaction payload gets access to the State:
SignedTransaction sTxn = payload.getSignedTransaction();
System.out.println("received Signed txn: " + sTxn);
CoreTransaction txn = sTxn.getCoreTransaction();
When the notary node is turned as a Validating node [validating = true], the HcsNotaryServiceFlow is not prepared to receive a Signed Transaction and gives an error. Changing the transaction payload gets access to the State: SignedTransaction sTxn = payload.getSignedTransaction(); System.out.println("received Signed txn: " + sTxn); CoreTransaction txn = sTxn.getCoreTransaction();