hashgraph / hedera-mirror-node-explorer

Hedera Mirror Node Explorer for the Hedera Hashgraph DLT.
Apache License 2.0
14 stars 9 forks source link

chore: refactor use of token names and symbols #1061

Closed svienot closed 2 months ago

svienot commented 2 months ago


Notes for reviewer:

This behaviour can already be observed on the staging server.


github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

Coverage Report

Status Category Percentage Covered / Total
🔵 Lines 82.93% 38939 / 46954
🔵 Statements 82.93% 38939 / 46954
🔵 Functions 63.04% 889 / 1410
🔵 Branches 84.18% 4056 / 4818
File Coverage
File Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Lines
Changed Files
src/components/allowances/ApproveAllowanceDialog.vue 45.72% 55.26% 5.4% 45.72% 53-56, 100-108, 110-113, 135-143, 145-148, 167-169, 190, 288-292, 297-298, 311-312, 319, 333-347, 351-364, 369-372, 376-411, 415-425, 431-441, 444-448, 451-461, 464-468, 471-481, 484-489, 501-503, 505-528, 548-549, 552-554, 557-621, 624-657, 660-683, 686-711, 714-745, 748-794, 797-847, 850-866
src/components/token/TokenInfoAnalyzer.ts 95.48% 92.3% 80% 95.48% 113-118
src/components/topic/TopicMessageTable.vue 96.29% 80% 33.33% 96.29% 103-107
src/components/transaction/NftTransactionSummary.vue 72.64% 100% 0% 72.64% 78-109
src/components/transaction/TransactionSummary.vue 92.06% 80% 100% 92.06% 41, 90-98
src/components/values/link/TokenLink.vue 100% 100% 100% 100%
src/pages/NftDetails.vue 66.86% 100% 0% 66.86% 214-317, 320-328
src/pages/TokenDetails.vue 99.01% 96.8% 66.66% 99.01% 423, 436-437, 490-491
src/schemas/HederaUtils.ts 78.94% 72.72% 79.16% 78.94% 41-43, 49-50, 58-59, 66-67, 74-75, 84-85, 95-98, 108-111, 116-117, 159-168, 170-171, 177-178, 221-229, 238-246, 249-257
Generated in workflow #912
sonarcloud[bot] commented 2 months ago

Quality Gate Failed Quality Gate failed

Failed conditions
0.0% Coverage on New Code (required ≥ 80%)
20.6% Duplication on New Code (required ≤ 3%)

See analysis details on SonarCloud