hashgraph / hedera-sdk-js

Hedera™ Hashgraph SDK for JavaScript/TypeScript
Apache License 2.0
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Expo Version (expo@51.0.14) #2361

Open rubixvi opened 1 week ago

rubixvi commented 1 week ago


The current Expo Version in the SDK is ^49.0.16 within the script. However, the latest Expo Version is expo@51.0.14

Can we get this updated?

Currently, by passing it with npm install --save @hashgraph/sdk --legacy-peer-deps

Steps to reproduce

  1. Visual Code
  2. Run npx expo install
  3. Run npm install --save @hashgraph/sdk

Additional context

PS F:\XRL Wallet\dev> npm install --save @hashgraph/sdk npm WARN ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency npm WARN While resolving: @hashgraph/cryptography@1.4.8-beta.5 npm WARN Found: expo@51.0.14 npm WARN node_modules/expo npm WARN peer expo@"" from expo-application@5.9.1 npm WARN node_modules/expo-application npm WARN expo-application@"~5.9.0" from expo-auth-session@5.5.2 npm WARN node_modules/expo-auth-session npm WARN 15 more (expo-asset, expo-camera, expo-constants, expo-contacts, ...) npm WARN npm WARN Could not resolve dependency: npm WARN peerOptional expo@"^49.0.16" from @hashgraph/cryptography@1.4.8-beta.5 npm WARN node_modules/@hashgraph/cryptography npm WARN @hashgraph/cryptography@"1.4.8-beta.5" from @hashgraph/sdk@2.47.0 npm WARN node_modules/@hashgraph/sdk npm WARN npm WARN Conflicting peer dependency: expo@49.0.23 npm WARN node_modules/expo npm WARN peerOptional expo@"^49.0.16" from @hashgraph/cryptography@1.4.8-beta.5 npm WARN node_modules/@hashgraph/cryptography npm WARN @hashgraph/cryptography@"1.4.8-beta.5" from @hashgraph/sdk@2.47.0 npm WARN node_modules/@hashgraph/sdk npm WARN ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency npm WARN While resolving: @hashgraph/cryptography@1.4.8-beta.5 npm WARN Found: expo-crypto@13.0.2 npm WARN node_modules/expo-crypto npm WARN expo-crypto@"~13.0.0" from expo-auth-session@5.5.2 npm WARN node_modules/expo-auth-session npm WARN expo-auth-session@"~5.5.2" from the root project npm WARN 1 more (the root project) npm WARN npm WARN Could not resolve dependency: npm WARN peerOptional expo-crypto@"^10.1.2" from @hashgraph/cryptography@1.4.8-beta.5 npm WARN node_modules/@hashgraph/cryptography npm WARN @hashgraph/cryptography@"1.4.8-beta.5" from @hashgraph/sdk@2.47.0 npm WARN node_modules/@hashgraph/sdk npm WARN npm WARN Conflicting peer dependency: expo-crypto@10.2.0 npm WARN node_modules/expo-crypto npm WARN peerOptional expo-crypto@"^10.1.2" from @hashgraph/cryptography@1.4.8-beta.5 npm WARN node_modules/@hashgraph/cryptography npm WARN @hashgraph/cryptography@"1.4.8-beta.5" from @hashgraph/sdk@2.47.0 npm WARN node_modules/@hashgraph/sdk npm WARN ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency npm WARN While resolving: @hashgraph/cryptography@1.4.8-beta.5 npm WARN Found: expo-random@14.0.1 npm WARN node_modules/expo-random npm WARN expo-random@"~14.0.1" from the root project npm WARN npm WARN Could not resolve dependency: npm WARN peerOptional expo-random@"^12.1.2" from @hashgraph/cryptography@1.4.8-beta.5 npm WARN node_modules/@hashgraph/cryptography npm WARN @hashgraph/cryptography@"1.4.8-beta.5" from @hashgraph/sdk@2.47.0 npm WARN node_modules/@hashgraph/sdk npm WARN npm WARN Conflicting peer dependency: expo-random@12.3.0 npm WARN node_modules/expo-random npm WARN peerOptional expo-random@"^12.1.2" from @hashgraph/cryptography@1.4.8-beta.5 npm WARN node_modules/@hashgraph/cryptography npm WARN @hashgraph/cryptography@"1.4.8-beta.5" from @hashgraph/sdk@2.47.0 npm WARN node_modules/@hashgraph/sdk npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOLVE could not resolve npm ERR! npm ERR! While resolving: @hashgraph/sdk@2.47.0 npm ERR! Found: expo@51.0.14 npm ERR! node_modules/expo npm ERR! peer expo@"" from expo-application@5.9.1 npm ERR! node_modules/expo-application npm ERR! expo-application@"~5.9.0" from expo-auth-session@5.5.2 npm ERR! node_modules/expo-auth-session npm ERR! expo-auth-session@"~5.5.2" from the root project npm ERR! peer expo@"*" from expo-asset@10.0.9 npm ERR! node_modules/expo-asset npm ERR! expo-asset@"~10.0.9" from expo@51.0.14 npm ERR! 14 more (expo-camera, expo-constants, expo-contacts, expo-crypto, ...) npm ERR! npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency: npm ERR! peerOptional expo@"^49.0.16" from @hashgraph/sdk@2.47.0 npm ERR! node_modules/@hashgraph/sdk npm ERR! @hashgraph/sdk@"^2.47.0" from the root project npm ERR! npm ERR! Conflicting peer dependency: expo@49.0.23 npm ERR! node_modules/expo npm ERR! peerOptional expo@"^49.0.16" from @hashgraph/sdk@2.47.0 npm ERR! node_modules/@hashgraph/sdk npm ERR! @hashgraph/sdk@"^2.47.0" from the root project npm ERR! npm ERR! Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry npm ERR! this command with --force or --legacy-peer-deps npm ERR! to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.

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