Create a design doc that lays out how HIP 755 can be implemented.
Calling out new components, interfaces and existing structures to add on to.
Open questions
[ ] Does HAPI logic fully support dispatch logic to HSS
[ ] Are there any unique authorization steps that needs to be added for SC
[ ] Is a unique schema or representation of the transaction needed for this HIP e.g. solidity vs protobuf structs
Goal is to to take no longer than the A sprint of the milestone to create doc and get agreement.
Once a draft PR is created note this in services discussions for community
Create a design doc that lays out how HIP 755 can be implemented. Calling out new components, interfaces and existing structures to add on to.
Open questions
Goal is to to take no longer than the A sprint of the milestone to create doc and get agreement. Once a draft PR is created note this in services discussions for community