Verify that when EOA calls a CONTRACT to airdrop a token from the EOA, when the EOA calls a payable function:
Add negative tests like:
not sending enough HBAR to pay all transaction fees (TokenAirdropTransaction, TokenAssociate)
not sending enough HBAR to the SENDER CONTRACT to pay all custom fees when the airdrop is claimed (fee should be paid by the sender)
not sending enough HBAR for to the RECEIVER contract to pay all custom fees then the airdrop is claimed (fee should be paid by the receiver)
not providing the required signatures (contract-sender/contract-receiver/EOA-sender/EOA-receiver/token-airdropped/token-custom fee keys have changed)
provide the required signatures, while the airdrop is in pending - change the keys of (contract-sender/contract-receiver/EOA-sender/EOA-receiver/token-airdropped/token-custom)
Expected Result:
All test cases should be written in detail and covered with HAPI tests.
All validations should be triggered
Verify that when EOA calls a CONTRACT to airdrop a token from the EOA, when the EOA calls a payable function: Add negative tests like:
Expected Result: All test cases should be written in detail and covered with HAPI tests. All validations should be triggered
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