hashgraph / hedera-services

Crypto, token, consensus, file, and smart contract services for the Hedera public ledger
Apache License 2.0
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Can't Use Token with Fixed Custom Fee as a Fixed Custom Fee for another token. #1829

Closed bugbytesinc closed 3 years ago

bugbytesinc commented 3 years ago


The protobuf documentation leads the developer to believe that custom fees can nest at least once, meaning a token can have a custom fee that causes additional custom fees to be triggered:

        /// <summary>
        /// The reference chain of custom fees for a transferred token exceeded the maximum length of 2
        /// </summary>
        [Description("CUSTOM_FEE_CHARGING_EXCEEDED_MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH")] CustomFeeChargingExceededMaxRecursionDepth = 257,

A token having a custom fee of 50 $A is "reference chain length of 1" and Token $A having a custom fee of 25 of $B would be considered "reference chain length of 2".

However previewnet at this time throws the CustomFeeChargingExceededMaxRecursionDepth while attempting to implement this scenario.

Steps to reproduce

Transfer Fails with CustomFeeChargingExceededMaxRecursionDepth

Additional context

.NET integration test code to point of failure:

            await using var fxAccount1 = await TestAccount.CreateAsync(_network);
            await using var fxAccount2 = await TestAccount.CreateAsync(_network);
            await using var fxComAccount = await TestAccount.CreateAsync(_network);
            await using var fxComToken1 = await TestToken.CreateAsync(_network, fx => fx.Params.GrantKycEndorsement = null, fxAccount1, fxAccount2, fxComAccount);
            await using var fxComToken2 = await TestToken.CreateAsync(_network, fx => fx.Params.GrantKycEndorsement = null, fxAccount1, fxAccount2, fxComAccount);
            await using var fxToken = await TestToken.CreateAsync(_network, fx => fx.Params.GrantKycEndorsement = null, fxAccount1, fxAccount2);

            await fxToken.Client.TransferTokensAsync(fxComToken1, fxComToken1.TreasuryAccount, fxAccount1, 100, fxComToken1.TreasuryAccount);
            await fxToken.Client.TransferTokensAsync(fxComToken2, fxComToken2.TreasuryAccount, fxAccount1, 100, fxComToken2.TreasuryAccount);
            await fxToken.Client.TransferTokensAsync(fxToken, fxToken.TreasuryAccount, fxAccount1, 100, fxToken.TreasuryAccount);

            await fxToken.Client.UpdateCommissionsAsync(fxToken, new FixedCommission[] { new FixedCommission(fxComAccount, fxComToken1, 50) }, null, new Signatory(fxToken.CommissionsPrivateKey, fxComAccount.PrivateKey));
            await fxToken.Client.UpdateCommissionsAsync(fxComToken1, new FixedCommission[] { new FixedCommission(fxComAccount, fxComToken2, 25) }, null, new Signatory(fxComToken1.CommissionsPrivateKey, fxComAccount.PrivateKey));

            var record = await fxToken.Client.TransferTokensWithRecordAsync(fxToken, fxAccount1, fxAccount2, 100, fxAccount1);

Corresponding preview network test log:

 Commissions: Nested Fixed Commissions Are Supported
   Source: CreateCommissionsTests.cs line 658
   Duration: 53.4 sec

    Hashgraph.TransactionException : Unable to execute transfers, status: CustomFeeChargingExceededMaxRecursionDepth

  Stack Trace: 
    Client.ExecuteTransactionAsync(INetworkTransaction transaction, Action`1 configure, Boolean includeRecord, Signatory[] extraSignatories) line 68
    Client.ExecuteTransactionAsync(INetworkTransaction transaction, Action`1 configure, Boolean includeRecord, Signatory[] extraSignatories) line 74
    Client.TransferTokensWithRecordAsync(Address token, Address fromAddress, Address toAddress, Int64 amount, Signatory signatory, Action`1 configure) line 155
    CreateCommissionsTests.NestedFixedCommissionsAreSupported() line 674
    CreateCommissionsTests.NestedFixedCommissionsAreSupported() line 733
    CreateCommissionsTests.NestedFixedCommissionsAreSupported() line 733
    CreateCommissionsTests.NestedFixedCommissionsAreSupported() line 733
    CreateCommissionsTests.NestedFixedCommissionsAreSupported() line 733
    CreateCommissionsTests.NestedFixedCommissionsAreSupported() line 733
    CreateCommissionsTests.NestedFixedCommissionsAreSupported() line 733
    --- End of stack trace from previous location ---

  Standard Output: 
    STARTING SETUP: Test Account Instance
    7/17/2021 7:39:19 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550758", "nanos": 912194200 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoCreateAccount": { "key": { "ed25519": "eSN9I6NxjWB6hFF/m5Pc5Nr27+N4IxskQGQHwtsuxBg=" }, "initialBalance": "15", "autoRenewPeriod": { "seconds": "7890000" }, "memo": "&%7&5bD3f%p4s!y1gGq" } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:19 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "Fq3s3ROqib40s6h9oh9X1DGBtBgZm7ZQiKnWxDnbdpnXCSIGIUH5uVa5h4lfAIKfiHTAeTU+0y/2Ohh5kOsBAw==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:19 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:19 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550758", "nanos": 912194200 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:19 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:19 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:20 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3020" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:20 PM  QX ASK → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { }, "responseType": "COST_ANSWER" }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550758", "nanos": 912194200 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:20 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "responseType": "COST_ANSWER", "cost": "8" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:20 PM  QX PYMT  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550760", "nanos": 443074000 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoTransfer": { "transfers": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-8" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "8" } ] } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:20 PM  ├─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "adN3jG9+cn74k+6skwbSeunclpOp+oi4DGNMxkTZVeyNhsVySOdoE6pvse8/adLutBxIduapIXwJ3Dv+t/PjCQ==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:20 PM  └─ QRY → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { "signedTransactionBytes": "CnEKEwoMCOjjzIcGENCLo9MBEgMYuxUSAhgDGID4gq0WIgIIeDI3VGVzdCBBY2NvdW50IEluc3RhbmNlOiBDcmVhdGluZyBUZXN0IEFjY291bnQgb24gTmV0d29ya3ITChEKBwoDGLsVEA8KBgoCGAMQEBJECkIaQGnTd4xvfnJ++JPurJMG0nrp3JaTqfqIuAxjTMZE2VXsjYbFckjnaBOqb7HvP2nS7rQcSHbmqSF8Cdw7/rfz4wk=" } }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550758", "nanos": 912194200 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:20 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { }, "transactionRecord": { "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3020" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } }, "transactionHash": "c4lckmopVZZ2kViFaASTrBbd8wBf+NT+mYC+J3ERfsHlaQ1Hj6X4LyqNenmim6ex", "consensusTimestamp": { "seconds": "1626550760", "nanos": 235338000 }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550758", "nanos": 912194200 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "transactionFee": "42034625", "transferList": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "2037200" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "98" }, "amount": "39997425" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-42034640" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3020" }, "amount": "15" } ] } } } }
    SETUP COMPLETED: Test Account Instance
    STARTING SETUP: Test Account Instance
    7/17/2021 7:39:20 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550760", "nanos": 489254300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoCreateAccount": { "key": { "ed25519": "KZw77ZqvaAZKIrNq4juy7oWazINwm1J7e6jlspLdX30=" }, "initialBalance": "11", "autoRenewPeriod": { "seconds": "7890000" }, "memo": "1Z6MuW3XRkYAO" } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:20 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "MgzxhS6DJZeW+e+msNW7+25iGM3DUP06i/yq9ftygHW5JYEJtCR1XemEzTqqyUus3l6OcNhzsz208eJf7cPwDQ==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:20 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:20 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550760", "nanos": 489254300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:20 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:20 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:21 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:21 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3021" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:21 PM  QX ASK → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { }, "responseType": "COST_ANSWER" }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550760", "nanos": 489254300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:21 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "responseType": "COST_ANSWER", "cost": "8" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:21 PM  QX PYMT  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550761", "nanos": 888160200 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoTransfer": { "transfers": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-8" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "8" } ] } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:21 PM  ├─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "JXdx4lWgHHr7GGLWpdA3FOk0vf/WTEdbJQ1ZVJdMj2Oz03KsGVqA3m+dDJlHFF0z/hKeEG4xjmt37hKxZepnDg==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:21 PM  └─ QRY → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { "signedTransactionBytes": "CnEKEwoMCOnjzIcGEMj/wKcDEgMYuxUSAhgDGID4gq0WIgIIeDI3VGVzdCBBY2NvdW50IEluc3RhbmNlOiBDcmVhdGluZyBUZXN0IEFjY291bnQgb24gTmV0d29ya3ITChEKBwoDGLsVEA8KBgoCGAMQEBJECkIaQCV3ceJVoBx6+xhi1qXQNxTpNL3/1kxHWyUNWVSXTI9js9NyrBlagN5vnQyZRxRdM/4SnhBuMY5rd+4SsWXqZw4=" } }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550760", "nanos": 489254300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:21 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { }, "transactionRecord": { "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3021" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } }, "transactionHash": "VOWskyPh/ZmB8nIUDJOuVUe6r6tvBgvWlkkoQ5ahacF4VgLyP68JfqJVxfK8D1eW", "consensusTimestamp": { "seconds": "1626550761", "nanos": 507238000 }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550760", "nanos": 489254300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "transactionFee": "41889443", "transferList": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "2033605" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "98" }, "amount": "39855838" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-41889454" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3021" }, "amount": "11" } ] } } } }
    SETUP COMPLETED: Test Account Instance
    STARTING SETUP: Test Account Instance
    7/17/2021 7:39:21 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550761", "nanos": 919032500 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoCreateAccount": { "key": { "ed25519": "dM4+kj5CBTzXvZxCN03dtx+bKwrRv8GLaJoNd2Ye37I=" }, "initialBalance": "10", "autoRenewPeriod": { "seconds": "7890000" }, "memo": "P95--bu04yFvO88A@b" } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:21 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "oowThNWrQ5xSLmKQ1AmR3afk5r6oJLZN76yWNwBZ+do9e++0ps7EePbiUfm6ndlm2ZrW6lSJFvLmVxAjEbrNAA==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:21 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:21 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550761", "nanos": 919032500 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:21 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:22 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:22 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:23 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3022" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:23 PM  QX ASK → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { }, "responseType": "COST_ANSWER" }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550761", "nanos": 919032500 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:23 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "responseType": "COST_ANSWER", "cost": "8" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:23 PM  QX PYMT  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550763", "nanos": 308668900 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoTransfer": { "transfers": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-8" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "8" } ] } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:23 PM  ├─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "bPLTE+oDUvD+C8LH5+eY3ywHSmdOTwXh4iwMRHjcVgIvOaXbR9vR3EnzobOCAgqew1bcQEPRS7k0Zc5DdSV2Dw==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:23 PM  └─ QRY → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { "signedTransactionBytes": "CnEKEwoMCOvjzIcGEOTTl5MBEgMYuxUSAhgDGID4gq0WIgIIeDI3VGVzdCBBY2NvdW50IEluc3RhbmNlOiBDcmVhdGluZyBUZXN0IEFjY291bnQgb24gTmV0d29ya3ITChEKBwoDGLsVEA8KBgoCGAMQEBJECkIaQGzy0xPqA1Lw/gvCx+fnmN8sB0pnTk8F4eIsDER43FYCLzml20fb0dxJ86GzggIKnsNW3EBD0Uu5NGXOQ3Uldg8=" } }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550761", "nanos": 919032500 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:23 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { }, "transactionRecord": { "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3022" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } }, "transactionHash": "2EB1D0b34RxDxmG0ubyIVewq4ySQAW2HY1RVlT668o1h9ZZGs8gXq26JydRGA9i2", "consensusTimestamp": { "seconds": "1626550762", "nanos": 905563000 }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550761", "nanos": 919032500 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "transactionFee": "42010425", "transferList": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "2036601" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "98" }, "amount": "39973824" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-42010435" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3022" }, "amount": "10" } ] } } } }
    SETUP COMPLETED: Test Account Instance
    STARTING SETUP: Test Token Instance
    STARTING SETUP: Test Account Instance
    7/17/2021 7:39:23 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550763", "nanos": 344383800 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoCreateAccount": { "key": { "ed25519": "NCKfLBt+pOYwmDPCSw3vuBu9vQCdJGEtxXomxxq1YDQ=" }, "initialBalance": "10", "autoRenewPeriod": { "seconds": "7890000" }, "memo": "LERfNcR3e#*moTyQ&H" } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:23 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "quQIG7dlkW0pH++0RI24On0tmyyw8OLlfdHLrqBTScCzSWT8vWoznO7B5csddcUBKQAl3Dlzm7iNJEsvJb00CQ==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:23 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:23 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550763", "nanos": 344383800 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:23 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:23 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:24 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:24 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3023" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:24 PM  QX ASK → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { }, "responseType": "COST_ANSWER" }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550763", "nanos": 344383800 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:24 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "responseType": "COST_ANSWER", "cost": "8" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:24 PM  QX PYMT  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550764", "nanos": 757119600 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoTransfer": { "transfers": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-8" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "8" } ] } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:24 PM  ├─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "8KWjjasK3k1M+gtgbv8hsmytxIhDJYyiJoJympb6GVCeTNqORq/IeVmlso1moVKHRYg/nLDay/kMUH0sbNMCAw==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:24 PM  └─ QRY → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { "signedTransactionBytes": "CnEKEwoMCOzjzIcGEPD0gukCEgMYuxUSAhgDGID4gq0WIgIIeDI3VGVzdCBBY2NvdW50IEluc3RhbmNlOiBDcmVhdGluZyBUZXN0IEFjY291bnQgb24gTmV0d29ya3ITChEKBwoDGLsVEA8KBgoCGAMQEBJECkIaQPClo42rCt5NTPoLYG7/IbJsrcSIQyWMoiaCcpqW+hlQnkzajkavyHlZpbKNZqFSh0WIP5yw2sv5DFB9LGzTAgM=" } }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550763", "nanos": 344383800 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:24 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { }, "transactionRecord": { "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3023" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } }, "transactionHash": "CjBK27j+pNyc3/20tYA6NKmvyENQGrcusgJ1H3+oSAJeeQOQk2a/9idKFGpsCbHL", "consensusTimestamp": { "seconds": "1626550764", "nanos": 328282000 }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550763", "nanos": 344383800 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "transactionFee": "42010425", "transferList": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "2036601" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "98" }, "amount": "39973824" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-42010435" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3023" }, "amount": "10" } ] } } } }
    SETUP COMPLETED: Test Account Instance
    STARTING SETUP: Test Account Instance
    7/17/2021 7:39:24 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550764", "nanos": 787020400 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoCreateAccount": { "key": { "ed25519": "D/sr4DKzYr4xZPHlFn1absDaq2XSU6bnJURpOFd/Mho=" }, "initialBalance": "16", "autoRenewPeriod": { "seconds": "7890000" }, "memo": "fptphajZqu" } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:24 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "5A3kCZzBLuNPayPUPZeS5jib709toiBP9FznKZwJ+hy8AQW/Ps1hAcykD2zpkEkSBMub8ItO5wxNEyznk2z+Dg==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:24 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:24 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550764", "nanos": 787020400 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:24 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:25 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:25 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:26 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3024" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:26 PM  QX ASK → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { }, "responseType": "COST_ANSWER" }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550764", "nanos": 787020400 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:26 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "responseType": "COST_ANSWER", "cost": "8" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:26 PM  QX PYMT  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550766", "nanos": 163555400 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoTransfer": { "transfers": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-8" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "8" } ] } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:26 PM  ├─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "nT0++254/k7r0ATDM0eo/XmJOSeWOXMamm9fv3bGqG6W+Av7aam4maJ87Kp2J/jM0YMQCs/HoUlMBMPRyY9gAg==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:26 PM  └─ QRY → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { "signedTransactionBytes": "CnAKEgoLCO7jzIcGEMjQ/k0SAxi7FRICGAMYgPiCrRYiAgh4MjdUZXN0IEFjY291bnQgSW5zdGFuY2U6IENyZWF0aW5nIFRlc3QgQWNjb3VudCBvbiBOZXR3b3JrchMKEQoHCgMYuxUQDwoGCgIYAxAQEkQKQhpAnT0++254/k7r0ATDM0eo/XmJOSeWOXMamm9fv3bGqG6W+Av7aam4maJ87Kp2J/jM0YMQCs/HoUlMBMPRyY9gAg==" } }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550764", "nanos": 787020400 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:26 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { }, "transactionRecord": { "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3024" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } }, "transactionHash": "OEK+0X0RX1yu3ITXM9iQIp1BcEWZogz0kNj8Z9Vq4mkPe/HziyxpsC2jufhhFP2a", "consensusTimestamp": { "seconds": "1626550765", "nanos": 767587000 }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550764", "nanos": 787020400 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "transactionFee": "41816852", "transferList": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "2031807" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "98" }, "amount": "39785045" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-41816868" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3024" }, "amount": "16" } ] } } } }
    SETUP COMPLETED: Test Account Instance
    7/17/2021 7:39:26 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550766", "nanos": 198740500 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "TestToken Setup: CUCLBUGFVBKZZQLRTWPQ", "tokenCreation": { "name": "8QOJt5t$gYn&sxVWUzSLqE#!Vodu@5*9N2HuYfr-o@sSgk$%TK", "symbol": "CUCLBUGFVBKZZQLRTWPQ", "decimals": 2, "initialSupply": "150000000", "treasury": { "accountNum": "3023" }, "adminKey": { "ed25519": "45LTVr3/9uqrFocAydJsymj7cLwDNcdZZxTYH6WAalM=" }, "freezeKey": { "ed25519": "wJkNPpkzMN1dLwPCTyoFp38xt8a8xaFwY8fcibB12wc=" }, "wipeKey": { "ed25519": "NsvTM1YVCgAPEvd5hWURQp6LBPMD+lkEQlX1f4MhOTg=" }, "supplyKey": { "ed25519": "ZJu4bTrsi0zCfOCOy3dg8b/0PDvCylI+ArBKGSgrjLs=" }, "expiry": { "seconds": "1637284100" }, "autoRenewAccount": { "accountNum": "3024" }, "autoRenewPeriod": { "seconds": "7776000" }, "memo": "Test Token: 6HZosexl2sia5zI20yWb", "supplyType": "FINITE", "maxSupply": "375508734", "feeScheduleKey": { "ed25519": "L7xGmaVglz7QXleqCeHnYfUP82hPaY0Njp2dO8G2Glo=" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:26 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "eQfICIvyGdTLqra/jqSSh0c8wlYSQXr5aoDytp7V9UKM+s6WIVwgqFyPT1195HxCMxdo3X53uzs28UXQWmIgAg==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "4w==", "ed25519": "efjGZs9kUbuBKKtdeAhv8kMBYuwi2VANHGnS/5N5TnNOmdJUWIhfz0PBJ+CStntWVkDSQEOX08ph3/0eT1hlCw==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "Dw==", "ed25519": "lhbap44+Idt+nVanHbGO2pkvgvpNOFc8GYfZq/d4su+5sLpTO5RkjImRA1dMu3MekVpnVlm5KQ01QMBqLSatDQ==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "NA==", "ed25519": "4L3pTtZ+DUfNWUM4t/EGDDKr78umrojzZwplZ1K89O/uC7lueCXDmQb1ygLFI1q9YHZK5pmTHAaKXWUJ/9ueCg==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:26 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:26 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550766", "nanos": 198740500 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:26 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:26 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:27 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:27 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } }, "tokenID": { "tokenNum": "3025" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:27 PM  QX ASK → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { }, "responseType": "COST_ANSWER" }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550766", "nanos": 198740500 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:27 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "responseType": "COST_ANSWER", "cost": "8" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:27 PM  QX PYMT  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550767", "nanos": 769836800 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "TestToken Setup: CUCLBUGFVBKZZQLRTWPQ", "cryptoTransfer": { "transfers": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-8" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "8" } ] } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:27 PM  ├─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "xg9cVlXt9nL24+IcjDzGE1sNAisAFzYwg/SYWp6VgwfhLdQ/5er5XrOJKNSMeIvSlBvT/oO55ScUs0pXRm0JCg==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:27 PM  └─ QRY → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { "signedTransactionBytes": "Cl8KEwoMCO/jzIcGEICOi+8CEgMYuxUSAhgDGID4gq0WIgIIeDIlVGVzdFRva2VuIFNldHVwOiBDVUNMQlVHRlZCS1paUUxSVFdQUXITChEKBwoDGLsVEA8KBgoCGAMQEBJECkIaQMYPXFZV7fZy9uPiHIw8xhNbDQIrABc2MIP0mFqelYMH4S3UP+Xq+V6ziSjUjHiL0pQb0/6DueUnFLNKV0ZtCQo=" } }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550766", "nanos": 198740500 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:27 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { }, "transactionRecord": { "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } }, "tokenID": { "tokenNum": "3025" } }, "transactionHash": "hXgB30u8PyGTMaQJPnSV+Lkc5xs2NNGa3uVaXr4WdNNT5yW3RXKqwo4IIFML3wWw", "consensusTimestamp": { "seconds": "1626550767", "nanos": 228370000 }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550766", "nanos": 198740500 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "memo": "TestToken Setup: CUCLBUGFVBKZZQLRTWPQ", "transactionFee": "873462307", "transferList": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "16597177" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "98" }, "amount": "856865130" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-873462307" } ] }, "tokenTransferLists": [ { "token": { "tokenNum": "3025" }, "transfers": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3023" }, "amount": "150000000" } ] } ] } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:27 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550767", "nanos": 804144300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "tokenAssociate": { "account": { "accountNum": "3020" }, "tokens": [ { "tokenNum": "3025" } ] } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:27 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "N/hJRQ2I5fQ5qSlkbFEw/tcyGZBWphFNGKxaeNGAtG51jEXF+lYhRJkjw+jx4pdg5gdQsO5QilsaZjhe1JEzDg==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "eQ==", "ed25519": "08t42TWtTPNm+yvCD4r5K/kOfxQ82yhpb1b/4fV0GNrpGAh7yExChSkwmUxeR9srph6u7p51T5Tg9nmiZ09/Dw==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:27 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:27 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550767", "nanos": 804144300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:27 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:28 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:28 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:29 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:29 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550769", "nanos": 164755600 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "tokenAssociate": { "account": { "accountNum": "3021" }, "tokens": [ { "tokenNum": "3025" } ] } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:29 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "/jNUb+M74L/cREOnSKEUG8H5kOucYvd5OXVzSzHfSj3woJXFOcEc5V0jSzy1yEDeH5l7fB9vWN/n/N8YJcmkCw==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "KQ==", "ed25519": "e1Xv04ubhOYOaIwX3+Gtu4rzaFNea1EfyfvxGlpQtVQz25IgET0wtIsS6MBz0mhWquQh5VbLVUIQ6CvGisRlCw==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:29 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:29 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550769", "nanos": 164755600 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:29 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:29 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:29 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:30 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:30 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550770", "nanos": 532597600 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "tokenAssociate": { "account": { "accountNum": "3022" }, "tokens": [ { "tokenNum": "3025" } ] } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:30 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "2AimutATOmBSESf4qkx5Q57o0VSPwOC7PCFaR/IZu/bcwn2+vcOnKOGAJZ2DGYPfsq04K6Kt3U++I5Szgw9GBg==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "dA==", "ed25519": "Mx0TOR9dCBL85QXuAV6GRvZBWkOPR8Srnzg/l/0xleEV7C/dMrgcfEDlRQIUl6Pg+WzRDcK/khIwY3nuD7XeDg==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:30 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:30 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550770", "nanos": 532597600 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:30 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:30 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:31 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:31 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    SETUP COMPLETED: Test Token Instance
    STARTING SETUP: Test Token Instance
    STARTING SETUP: Test Account Instance
    7/17/2021 7:39:31 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550771", "nanos": 921930300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoCreateAccount": { "key": { "ed25519": "tez+pnvnwpjvYu0lDso9K/qMYZ/GdtF/TP4SdzsS5rM=" }, "initialBalance": "15", "autoRenewPeriod": { "seconds": "7890000" }, "memo": "!!532GYtLRuz8cZn" } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:31 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "2952bd7Bppy9N5Co8bNCWxT1Q/7c/AH9b0Dc4P+iIASNQbOvCQQIsFlEyffCSqEaf3zytjpRpfCRZZkWFE3tDQ==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:31 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:31 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550771", "nanos": 921930300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:31 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:32 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:32 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:33 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3026" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:33 PM  QX ASK → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { }, "responseType": "COST_ANSWER" }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550771", "nanos": 921930300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:33 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "responseType": "COST_ANSWER", "cost": "8" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:33 PM  QX PYMT  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550773", "nanos": 331476400 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoTransfer": { "transfers": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-8" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "8" } ] } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:33 PM  ├─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "OTQfw2tAzGkZmNccsC1HGsiX3lZHQoqnL1k9EKj+1On0BKqR28B2rAd2Xyr3aEPOLPVFbWFZEd8AUj5tgpBoDw==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:33 PM  └─ QRY → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { "signedTransactionBytes": "CnEKEwoMCPXjzIcGELDbh54BEgMYuxUSAhgDGID4gq0WIgIIeDI3VGVzdCBBY2NvdW50IEluc3RhbmNlOiBDcmVhdGluZyBUZXN0IEFjY291bnQgb24gTmV0d29ya3ITChEKBwoDGLsVEA8KBgoCGAMQEBJECkIaQDk0H8NrQMxpGZjXHLAtRxrIl95WR0KKpy9ZPRCo/tTp9ASqkdvAdqwHdl8q92hDziz1RW1hWRHfAFI+bYKQaA8=" } }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550771", "nanos": 921930300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:33 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { }, "transactionRecord": { "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3026" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } }, "transactionHash": "uzBYV2jic97rnHlebriltFmdEJ9SIzx6Ha+fXSypFCf9QUZuhbkbIedgBNjaG2Av", "consensusTimestamp": { "seconds": "1626550773", "nanos": 17513000 }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550771", "nanos": 921930300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "transactionFee": "41962034", "transferList": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "2035403" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "98" }, "amount": "39926631" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-41962049" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3026" }, "amount": "15" } ] } } } }
    SETUP COMPLETED: Test Account Instance
    STARTING SETUP: Test Account Instance
    7/17/2021 7:39:33 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550773", "nanos": 364764200 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoCreateAccount": { "key": { "ed25519": "s0OwH+HpwQ3WSPmjXYROBDIhDOV9DBp5Qb2tk8q7OR0=" }, "initialBalance": "17", "autoRenewPeriod": { "seconds": "7890000" }, "memo": "e&qK*W*!JS" } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:33 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "O0XmLZfmUxmWuS+qTVPu6FWI8QohLoVF+G9r/5kKB168T77hcxZM7uVOJuvXUUQoFouka1alhJzJCToKHjcmCA==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:33 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:33 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550773", "nanos": 364764200 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:33 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:33 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:34 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:34 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3027" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:34 PM  QX ASK → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { }, "responseType": "COST_ANSWER" }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550773", "nanos": 364764200 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:34 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "responseType": "COST_ANSWER", "cost": "8" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:34 PM  QX PYMT  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550774", "nanos": 766728300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoTransfer": { "transfers": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-8" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "8" } ] } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:34 PM  ├─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "VoT2NM+cCG1rt7WyT2umT5snNl89RCwRgSX1m6Ko9FJ6RGkfGkr0OTq0qJ59cVbEm/sfnvQ9n+H7gblk8sRnDw==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:34 PM  └─ QRY → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { "signedTransactionBytes": "CnEKEwoMCPbjzIcGEOywze0CEgMYuxUSAhgDGID4gq0WIgIIeDI3VGVzdCBBY2NvdW50IEluc3RhbmNlOiBDcmVhdGluZyBUZXN0IEFjY291bnQgb24gTmV0d29ya3ITChEKBwoDGLsVEA8KBgoCGAMQEBJECkIaQFaE9jTPnAhta7e1sk9rpk+bJzZfPUQsEYEl9ZuiqPRSekRpHxpK9Dk6tKiefXFWxJv7H570PZ/h+4G5ZPLEZw8=" } }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550773", "nanos": 364764200 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:34 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { }, "transactionRecord": { "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3027" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } }, "transactionHash": "Bbc0r6iNRyb+ikwJhi7VluK5mWSg3qh216EnWIi0R1XR7FS0CvqZzP/dOT+wI7CV", "consensusTimestamp": { "seconds": "1626550774", "nanos": 395376000 }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550773", "nanos": 364764200 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "transactionFee": "41816852", "transferList": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "2031807" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "98" }, "amount": "39785045" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-41816869" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3027" }, "amount": "17" } ] } } } }
    SETUP COMPLETED: Test Account Instance
    7/17/2021 7:39:34 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550774", "nanos": 798002900 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "TestToken Setup: WWCVIKJRKHZVJJWFPBII", "tokenCreation": { "name": "R6Pm9@te9z!mJzuigC9W#6gnIo!6Gj-3$FbWBI8-1&v%E-29ic", "symbol": "WWCVIKJRKHZVJJWFPBII", "decimals": 4, "initialSupply": "11000000000", "treasury": { "accountNum": "3026" }, "adminKey": { "ed25519": "J/xP0tL+vO5cct9fi/cyTqTf3HRTGh56c03hPn+JvrU=" }, "freezeKey": { "ed25519": "C8fpzQUWFbdTAr5Q0VlcCzHgb6Gr+Wxzp4V2GUn8snE=" }, "wipeKey": { "ed25519": "mt+FcJhE4nOIe3EUO1XCQ5b0SCWlM0WcOe88MeWzWog=" }, "supplyKey": { "ed25519": "W6lp3k8/za86K8G4yheqd0s0X25ViZS8Jq5M+voBYv0=" }, "expiry": { "seconds": "1635465286" }, "autoRenewAccount": { "accountNum": "3027" }, "autoRenewPeriod": { "seconds": "7776000" }, "memo": "Test Token: XM!mCKliQ4HYvtBvJ1@$", "supplyType": "FINITE", "maxSupply": "27412801851", "feeScheduleKey": { "ed25519": "ErF5zYEJZwdAEybq5D2ybGj7Ry6wrMUGNFXchygurbo=" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:34 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "AWzbwzwQAvDukPgy3GKl0CnqO8yG80SK2i+qGr33m87wP5kGEvgNDaQW0GOoF85817CeTHCcCFEcA3GvLvc0Aw==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "Jw==", "ed25519": "hhn2gmCP9nqYo7t1inEsG6Rf1Ry74KuQ+R7x/0wmaZ/2xbb1HRry5ve1sqdKX9MLf/pp8TXDNdO7HgOOtIjODQ==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "sw==", "ed25519": "Zv3WNL3X9RtCa8zHIfbv4DIimpJ13c8BILlysa3E3zcGczI9/79Ab4htdm2TV4XK2P4xyCx1X8hHutG4shzbCQ==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "tQ==", "ed25519": "HobVS9+WMWwGslBHfhAfWPtdpA70hIgs5IAjsNPr1qhqvtXnAhZ6LjIyDytDJepf+//QMLb0lF6OEUTBipmTCw==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:34 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:34 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550774", "nanos": 798002900 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:34 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:35 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:35 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:36 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } }, "tokenID": { "tokenNum": "3028" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:36 PM  QX ASK → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { }, "responseType": "COST_ANSWER" }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550774", "nanos": 798002900 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:36 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "responseType": "COST_ANSWER", "cost": "8" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:36 PM  QX PYMT  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550776", "nanos": 201281000 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "TestToken Setup: WWCVIKJRKHZVJJWFPBII", "cryptoTransfer": { "transfers": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-8" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "8" } ] } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:36 PM  ├─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "ZXn2lq0tyQkQ6GVvfIy/0/6faAiQd5H3p8l6Fhh1A1YZdrFwCMwVIEIyK78LwXaFIgjoamBvgy+UhpXVj9TeDA==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:36 PM  └─ QRY → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { "signedTransactionBytes": "Cl4KEgoLCPjjzIcGEOib/V8SAxi7FRICGAMYgPiCrRYiAgh4MiVUZXN0VG9rZW4gU2V0dXA6IFdXQ1ZJS0pSS0haVkpKV0ZQQklJchMKEQoHCgMYuxUQDwoGCgIYAxAQEkQKQhpAZXn2lq0tyQkQ6GVvfIy/0/6faAiQd5H3p8l6Fhh1A1YZdrFwCMwVIEIyK78LwXaFIgjoamBvgy+UhpXVj9TeDA==" } }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550774", "nanos": 798002900 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:36 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { }, "transactionRecord": { "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } }, "tokenID": { "tokenNum": "3028" } }, "transactionHash": "IK7FnjbK2YQUGKfz/Ix1R9COKuSR2bcBXTQOm5cV6n4F0M7LMUqPJ6pltfuVgTcC", "consensusTimestamp": { "seconds": "1626550775", "nanos": 786786000 }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550774", "nanos": 798002900 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "memo": "TestToken Setup: WWCVIKJRKHZVJJWFPBII", "transactionFee": "873462307", "transferList": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "16597177" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "98" }, "amount": "856865130" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-873462307" } ] }, "tokenTransferLists": [ { "token": { "tokenNum": "3028" }, "transfers": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3026" }, "amount": "11000000000" } ] } ] } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:36 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550776", "nanos": 229272900 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "tokenAssociate": { "account": { "accountNum": "3020" }, "tokens": [ { "tokenNum": "3028" } ] } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:36 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "gYXWoC2KW8PtR+jqG02Jfs1ZpsxGes/V0tqgkFeqbJZUV4U7c3xl4Hm9oFkBcm8Xe1hDnWOfEnKk/jr3J1Y0AA==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "eQ==", "ed25519": "ByQH/WWd/JCFXQ1J1CLQ7CkTArJTgo8SKfI2O42XoXYk3hCb892EDoRZA4QKZ+HKc1tzKW65lTToK0M4e5YdCA==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:36 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:36 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550776", "nanos": 229272900 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:36 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:36 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:36 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:37 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:37 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550777", "nanos": 599831900 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "tokenAssociate": { "account": { "accountNum": "3021" }, "tokens": [ { "tokenNum": "3028" } ] } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:37 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "ob57r9JjiBrQExCscvlCY8DaMgsxoGbjqHyXNh4ee83P91tJaYZkA8QoZL4LsWa9snKgpHodxInun+hwOy22Cw==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "KQ==", "ed25519": "5v+iICEo/VtXEwPDclFQ7+Is3lapAu2T172X+UvIDYgzV+iSKmm/XzFP3G468RRVH72xGdm2NfT4FdCmX2eoCg==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:37 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:37 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550777", "nanos": 599831900 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:37 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:37 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:38 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:39 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:39 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550779", "nanos": 27769100 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "tokenAssociate": { "account": { "accountNum": "3022" }, "tokens": [ { "tokenNum": "3028" } ] } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:39 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "NiTqpTjYNWszDg2voAzBzekaD/40r9WbEZYLEzrG9x9rUASk+iD94B3b31RzH3S37MnhJnJhy1hYxGYxkdW1Bw==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "dA==", "ed25519": "xMn+lkGbSxiNX3ktJCLnEnI9u4V8ecFkVIntfGJxJVma24ecjcttQdPQ67lwCa67v6cu5iIdXXpDuhSggutiDA==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:39 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:39 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550779", "nanos": 27769100 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:39 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:39 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:39 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:40 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    SETUP COMPLETED: Test Token Instance
    STARTING SETUP: Test Token Instance
    STARTING SETUP: Test Account Instance
    7/17/2021 7:39:40 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550780", "nanos": 404165300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoCreateAccount": { "key": { "ed25519": "YXrTKh6w8imx9FXwwX8am420wGCZjMO/TtvQ/Kz+N1Y=" }, "initialBalance": "19", "autoRenewPeriod": { "seconds": "7890000" }, "memo": "oUF8VxmK%kwISTS6LMj9" } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:40 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "5ebodT7u1PUDJEJv3pxjN+Zlh9/eSX+rTHeWdghYWeK8N9wl+tWBMair0+xGusbm/xD2Oxwp9B3QWZG3ir8EBw==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:40 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:40 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550780", "nanos": 404165300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:40 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:40 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:41 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:41 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3029" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:41 PM  QX ASK → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { }, "responseType": "COST_ANSWER" }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550780", "nanos": 404165300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:41 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "responseType": "COST_ANSWER", "cost": "8" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:41 PM  QX PYMT  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550781", "nanos": 804088300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoTransfer": { "transfers": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-8" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "8" } ] } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:41 PM  ├─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "vz1ZWM/Bq1+iunDnmKNLdhyg8k3MYPWrWTjfiHDLil53HRN/99sQkrK7PaJLpU62fa2zB+nWc3ai/jM2YUEfAg==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:41 PM  └─ QRY → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { "signedTransactionBytes": "CnEKEwoMCP3jzIcGEOzTtf8CEgMYuxUSAhgDGID4gq0WIgIIeDI3VGVzdCBBY2NvdW50IEluc3RhbmNlOiBDcmVhdGluZyBUZXN0IEFjY291bnQgb24gTmV0d29ya3ITChEKBwoDGLsVEA8KBgoCGAMQEBJECkIaQL89WVjPwatforpw55ijS3YcoPJNzGD1q1k434hwy4pedx0Tf/fbEJKyuz2iS6VOtn2tswfp1nN2ov4zNmFBHwI=" } }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550780", "nanos": 404165300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:41 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { }, "transactionRecord": { "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3029" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } }, "transactionHash": "DdnryHAAbj/k8h28J4d2OYw7DAEtPcy+MTWr6Heud2Ex7XFiqJ3e8k8WWSvRb0/K", "consensusTimestamp": { "seconds": "1626550781", "nanos": 428884000 }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550780", "nanos": 404165300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "transactionFee": "42058818", "transferList": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "2037800" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "98" }, "amount": "40021018" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-42058837" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3029" }, "amount": "19" } ] } } } }
    SETUP COMPLETED: Test Account Instance
    STARTING SETUP: Test Account Instance
    7/17/2021 7:39:41 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550781", "nanos": 832007400 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoCreateAccount": { "key": { "ed25519": "T/KC/mzBaD0QIAE4a9IH/abN0tWBQlrkIoXDXw63Tks=" }, "initialBalance": "15", "autoRenewPeriod": { "seconds": "7890000" }, "memo": "z6kfVYbIsrGpg7gs%" } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:41 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "Q9PzD5PR4Ra7yi3Hx/ium0mtz1CWd//yJxJxL6rpBv+6M6hShGVZh7tjMqkqY2t/2+37DpAEDg9Lk7HJUx6FAg==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:41 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:41 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550781", "nanos": 832007400 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:41 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:42 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:42 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:43 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3030" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:43 PM  QX ASK → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { }, "responseType": "COST_ANSWER" }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550781", "nanos": 832007400 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:43 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "responseType": "COST_ANSWER", "cost": "8" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:43 PM  QX PYMT  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550783", "nanos": 221946100 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "cryptoTransfer": { "transfers": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-8" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "8" } ] } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:43 PM  ├─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "mNugfh1MnA7FXggMgmSdPLkgnZe/6barvLyfUIrkXUJ/ReSxF6kXs9WLv77uZXL0XYAUp6J4mlGI99eREtdrAg==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:43 PM  └─ QRY → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { "signedTransactionBytes": "CnAKEgoLCP/jzIcGEPTB6mkSAxi7FRICGAMYgPiCrRYiAgh4MjdUZXN0IEFjY291bnQgSW5zdGFuY2U6IENyZWF0aW5nIFRlc3QgQWNjb3VudCBvbiBOZXR3b3JrchMKEQoHCgMYuxUQDwoGCgIYAxAQEkQKQhpAmNugfh1MnA7FXggMgmSdPLkgnZe/6barvLyfUIrkXUJ/ReSxF6kXs9WLv77uZXL0XYAUp6J4mlGI99eREtdrAg==" } }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550781", "nanos": 832007400 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:43 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { }, "transactionRecord": { "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "accountID": { "accountNum": "3030" }, "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } }, "transactionHash": "T+6AMeH96kyll9RhkpSUlgqtboK2i7JUYCi8+0dHkdR0WgVI4wUMMgNiLUo9hdFk", "consensusTimestamp": { "seconds": "1626550782", "nanos": 861160000 }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550781", "nanos": 832007400 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "memo": "Test Account Instance: Creating Test Account on Network", "transactionFee": "41986226", "transferList": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "2036002" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "98" }, "amount": "39950224" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-41986241" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3030" }, "amount": "15" } ] } } } }
    SETUP COMPLETED: Test Account Instance
    7/17/2021 7:39:43 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550783", "nanos": 268115300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "TestToken Setup: OHFHCRJKYGGNFRITQHQS", "tokenCreation": { "name": "GnNzIWn8hyIMkDBi-nQX7cN149EBu5cZlRcVT%qk#o5sT$IoEH", "symbol": "OHFHCRJKYGGNFRITQHQS", "decimals": 4, "initialSupply": "13000000000", "treasury": { "accountNum": "3029" }, "adminKey": { "ed25519": "0SEfuOvO7zZx7+yEPoszZvjQkA4CtkKvB4xD5GoRcfo=" }, "freezeKey": { "ed25519": "qyhuPOOaM60dfjfVfik1fd9kzvlpMDiMYKRwY8NIzZU=" }, "wipeKey": { "ed25519": "JM6wBueglqw96fbSvi1tM3/H0wqB7nY1Xxr2+FTcVJw=" }, "supplyKey": { "ed25519": "bm7dlmHs2e2FqDWNdKQjUtVuSAfC/mXE02WsLVHEzlk=" }, "expiry": { "seconds": "1634500783" }, "autoRenewAccount": { "accountNum": "3030" }, "autoRenewPeriod": { "seconds": "7776000" }, "memo": "Test Token: $$yaSoni80i#mSIJQKy&", "supplyType": "FINITE", "maxSupply": "32323653977", "feeScheduleKey": { "ed25519": "Vf/RDx/7QlsTT0NyRk3XLm9MRmbymK64ulp3dOCQG4g=" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:43 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "QeXZIcWF6R94bQCFI2KJa5gfvlsn6aXUQbqfS2jMlwwtgixTedXJYGkwQV9waqoFB9Z5/uDLjfyrhuOId7oVBg==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "0Q==", "ed25519": "oxu5IaQADUBxB5xKMQ0mhEcdoBJiTWuS4rmmsKhGHTRzt0FnxsYuWOljP8F4IkQbLmC3VBbtUkC86nCWoQoOBg==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "Tw==", "ed25519": "CNzqKHAGDTBCAhbZHHuh7WsrztxUKaxKJmyxi5QJocKRM7Nz3+wPFm6Aiqq8xlY1zRw9bwwh3MjRkWVwXcepBA==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "YQ==", "ed25519": "gBNOJ/fV5T3HgouAUwndF6KBJCM6zReG9xxtziZuEFav7GK2hWns9ZQ1LXEgQ02RpMbPOLzpRqmGFpR8fJboAw==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:43 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:43 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550783", "nanos": 268115300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:43 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:43 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:44 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:44 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } }, "tokenID": { "tokenNum": "3031" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:44 PM  QX ASK → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { }, "responseType": "COST_ANSWER" }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550783", "nanos": 268115300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:44 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "responseType": "COST_ANSWER", "cost": "8" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:44 PM  QX PYMT  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550784", "nanos": 669117600 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "memo": "TestToken Setup: OHFHCRJKYGGNFRITQHQS", "cryptoTransfer": { "transfers": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-8" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "8" } ] } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:44 PM  ├─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "ed25519": "wBiLtlWpEINobjV91wZxduy3zgU/16GaW80lvv951GQz1xHUqII7UZO7dq/Gl6PcqT7VLV7OQOMc4Sw3yjLHCg==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:44 PM  └─ QRY → { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { "payment": { "signedTransactionBytes": "Cl8KEwoMCIDkzIcGEKDZh78CEgMYuxUSAhgDGID4gq0WIgIIeDIlVGVzdFRva2VuIFNldHVwOiBPSEZIQ1JKS1lHR05GUklUUUhRU3ITChEKBwoDGLsVEA8KBgoCGAMQEBJECkIaQMAYi7ZVqRCDaG41fdcGcXbst84FP9ehmlvNJb7/edRkM9cR1KiCO1GTu3avxpej3Kk+1S1ezkDjHOEsN8oyxwo=" } }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550783", "nanos": 268115300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:44 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetRecord": { "header": { }, "transactionRecord": { "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } }, "tokenID": { "tokenNum": "3031" } }, "transactionHash": "hDzWwNn/t/EIu/f9i3aYxZPCC2y1qYQUqb1LvYY1jTI4kr1BmH1Gifj4FUtyg1E8", "consensusTimestamp": { "seconds": "1626550784", "nanos": 283647000 }, "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550783", "nanos": 268115300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "memo": "TestToken Setup: OHFHCRJKYGGNFRITQHQS", "transactionFee": "873462307", "transferList": { "accountAmounts": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "amount": "16597177" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "98" }, "amount": "856865130" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" }, "amount": "-873462307" } ] }, "tokenTransferLists": [ { "token": { "tokenNum": "3031" }, "transfers": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3029" }, "amount": "13000000000" } ] } ] } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:44 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550784", "nanos": 696837500 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "tokenAssociate": { "account": { "accountNum": "3020" }, "tokens": [ { "tokenNum": "3031" } ] } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:44 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "ANADc8L5PEBPiw4oYO45l50e+L42cobBtd10h+u+eS2E9/jJX/NeoEdYHca82DxOu/irpkwsVjKcif11vKlFDQ==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "eQ==", "ed25519": "rRhV7O/LsrGqjKkEgYljov3I8aXgG4YPzXPng9PH8VjSjKRacGgUxSfwOZ/Zgo0mu+Z3tkPR9gRzQEoFcVKhDg==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:44 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:44 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550784", "nanos": 696837500 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:44 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:44 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:45 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:46 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:46 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550786", "nanos": 74283100 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "tokenAssociate": { "account": { "accountNum": "3021" }, "tokens": [ { "tokenNum": "3031" } ] } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:46 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "Zof+PbBk76gRvNScBU/2ZDn7A6mQtXA0hMRo4U+OKJxOSjK5EvaUAB1x03QHIAuUetjVcSp7sCxudVkB5XfoDw==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "KQ==", "ed25519": "Yv/YDhiLA0pGf+DleOOigwGuy7WC/eNE1IfYpXtbwKXken6vWftv+7jRqyd1EAJ9vZS5BIEX6qT6cM6rLJQPBg==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:46 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:46 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550786", "nanos": 74283100 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:46 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:46 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:46 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:47 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    SETUP COMPLETED: Test Token Instance
    7/17/2021 7:39:47 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550787", "nanos": 439983300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "cryptoTransfer": { "tokenTransfers": [ { "token": { "tokenNum": "3025" }, "transfers": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3023" }, "amount": "-100" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3020" }, "amount": "100" } ] } ] } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:47 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "34wy5yqOYR4Bd8I5bGBRksUlqwAxZI/t8poL9PbPsTWlSh1pFHatgv/bG1UYmUZzq90t9Ai1p0TL3tHrEslaAQ==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "NA==", "ed25519": "4SJWueWxHxXWVYvGNQuNRCxls1AOhsiPX5wTyHtctpobzBDdisd+jhJI2SDsu9M0YoU6+3xle8ZmoDUQChPhBQ==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:47 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:47 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550787", "nanos": 439983300 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:47 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:47 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:48 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:48 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:48 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550788", "nanos": 809505800 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "cryptoTransfer": { "tokenTransfers": [ { "token": { "tokenNum": "3028" }, "transfers": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3026" }, "amount": "-100" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3020" }, "amount": "100" } ] } ] } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:48 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "ZhudcQRU0Yf3AIYiLVbATBxVC9NsE1sJLKlbWfy8dF/9gfabfEX2JlIQPh6oichzUBMUF9XGDt1rDTvc3LaqCA==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "tQ==", "ed25519": "FjcQ4xBb+b4FXFaIbkO8krZGClGLEJZZ6x3JwUYSkvCRtet1ANn3YJFDdcyBETKd1GuLSIN/9ZSA+Bj4CGwRAA==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:48 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:48 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550788", "nanos": 809505800 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:48 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:49 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:49 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:50 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:50 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550790", "nanos": 177073400 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "cryptoTransfer": { "tokenTransfers": [ { "token": { "tokenNum": "3031" }, "transfers": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3029" }, "amount": "-100" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3020" }, "amount": "100" } ] } ] } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:50 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "utZvZxehFNL4jkFXaFOvx73vycRwHgaw/4IngohxfQTJlCOR3+AgqidjNTCFSe+Q1ZGka77mrxn6f2camFq9CA==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "YQ==", "ed25519": "hhxresCFqo6oumuYcbxFUie/L6KxbupvhN7A/Ao+wjwNkduAWDQDFDT8FUnreDcaD4XC+29OEYcQFV4NETXACg==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:50 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:50 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550790", "nanos": 177073400 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:50 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:50 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:51 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:51 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:51 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550791", "nanos": 686782400 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "tokenFeeScheduleUpdate": { "tokenId": { "tokenNum": "3031" }, "customFees": [ { "fixedFee": { "amount": "50", "denominatingTokenId": { "tokenNum": "3025" } }, "feeCollectorAccountId": { "accountNum": "3022" } } ] } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:51 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "mTDJVZs1/vYd6GjHgt7bulhRZVWEKxTFPnTHYPa3zhxIY++vwiMf279Y63T2OneYciGJEnOH11KTjqyLNd3KDw==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "VQ==", "ed25519": "ztWnEVhiDJVZA9I9ed9uQo5YqUZJGWDwI4EPYVFrACY5K1qekKGXmkFYV8FRMhFuic5KYBDhUtMJnWi318K7CA==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "dA==", "ed25519": "cJl2OHaSGcXT+MpvmaPode1JJdxJnfKTX3xHn5V1mEIkPbJReMS6uRWfJZrYDYYR3Tds/kZSuK7ZfzfxlVkfDg==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:51 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:51 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550791", "nanos": 686782400 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:51 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:51 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:52 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:53 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:53 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550793", "nanos": 62168900 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "tokenFeeScheduleUpdate": { "tokenId": { "tokenNum": "3025" }, "customFees": [ { "fixedFee": { "amount": "25", "denominatingTokenId": { "tokenNum": "3028" } }, "feeCollectorAccountId": { "accountNum": "3022" } } ] } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:53 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "pB1XKuGQMtcWxDCTf6uic/9wH4x8WBiCEX8VYwY+t8w/51YQlpCJwpTTPdfEzuA6dI6hUu3IM9oEQxRZfBkUBg==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "Lw==", "ed25519": "LaOhcJJBGplfXtLq422SPednLU24yErgjUy05KPyMrZpXGP9/LcNVSQ9keR+KvGvI3d0uNZzN6ZNLTUvMvKTDA==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "dA==", "ed25519": "61uauTddMqqTrr3DSXaqHWdtWPWy1/JEM05+SX+Kq5Ix/BFn8OppL1gTs1D+bgSfGsAtTrgOZ8jql9fWyVWaBA==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:53 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:53 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550793", "nanos": 62168900 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:53 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:53 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:53 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:54 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "SUCCESS", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:54 PM  TX BODY  { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550794", "nanos": 421044000 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } }, "nodeAccountID": { "accountNum": "3" }, "transactionFee": "6000000000", "transactionValidDuration": { "seconds": "120" }, "cryptoTransfer": { "tokenTransfers": [ { "token": { "tokenNum": "3031" }, "transfers": [ { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3020" }, "amount": "-100" }, { "accountID": { "accountNum": "3021" }, "amount": "100" } ] } ] } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:54 PM  └─ SIG → { "sigPair": [ { "pubKeyPrefix": "Qg==", "ed25519": "nqe0uWtjMbsiyAKyQ3eSrgGDj1k8AD5GFBhhWOlBTuwlqjv1NzbkVfZFqZ6XMd7FzO77+MdTL7MvZgvMHjpVCg==" }, { "pubKeyPrefix": "eQ==", "ed25519": "pQTYcn+aTizyMmIHlswvI5cPa6Hexn6sSPEmdNI2DY5WrvSe8MO+weYpzbTjwGxrBzSsIpXehvZD0fQAYeUNDg==" } ] }
    7/17/2021 7:39:54 PM  RX:(00)  { }
    7/17/2021 7:39:54 PM  TX     → { "transactionGetReceipt": { "transactionID": { "transactionValidStart": { "seconds": "1626550794", "nanos": 421044000 }, "accountID": { "accountNum": "2747" } } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:54 PM  RX:(00)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:54 PM  RX:(01)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:55 PM  RX:(02)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "UNKNOWN" } } }
    7/17/2021 7:39:55 PM  RX:(03)  { "transactionGetReceipt": { "header": { }, "receipt": { "status": "CUSTOM_FEE_CHARGING_EXCEEDED_MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH", "exchangeRate": { "currentRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 12, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } }, "nextRate": { "hbarEquiv": 1, "centEquiv": 15, "expirationTime": { "seconds": "4102444800" } } } } } }

Hedera network



v0.16.0-alpha? (presumably July 16 build deployed on previewnet)

Operating system


tinker-michaelj commented 3 years ago

Hi @bugbytesinc, excellent point...we should have made the default tokens.maxCustomFeeDepth=2 instead of 1. I've updated that setting in file 0.0.121 on previewnet, and your test should pass now.

On a related note, the one part of your pseudocode we haven't yet implemented is custom fee exemptions.

I've created https://github.com/hashgraph/hedera-services/issues/1830 to exempt both (1) fee collection accounts and (2) token treasury accounts from being charged custom fees for the tokens they serve. Does that make sense to you?

bugbytesinc commented 3 years ago

A qualified yes makes sense to me.

Outbound from the Treasury, it makes sense to me to not charge fees (I'm curious as to what the rest of the community thinks), particularly if the treasury is the fee collector itself.

Inbound to Fee Collectors - yes for variable fees since they'd receive the token anyway. Not sure it applies easily to fixed fees?

One alternative for the treasury fee problem would be if a token could be directly minted to an account holder, but that would be a separate HIP I think. :-)

tinker-michaelj commented 3 years ago

A qualified yes makes sense to me.

Outbound from the Treasury, it makes sense to me to not charge fees (I'm curious as to what the rest of the community thinks), particularly if the treasury is the fee collector itself.

Inbound to Fee Collectors - yes for variable fees since they'd receive the token anyway. Not sure it applies easily to fixed fees?

One alternative for the treasury fee problem would be if a token could be directly minted to an account holder, but that would be a separate HIP I think. :-)

True, a "targeted mint" would be interesting!

If token T has fee collector X for a fixed fee, then X is automatically "exempt" from these outbound fees when using T (since it pays itself).

For the treasury of T, fee exemption does seem the most reasonable default (in analogy to how the Hedera treasury 0.0.2 is exempt from network fees). If desired, we can add a chargeCustomFeesToTreasury=false flag that can be toggled via the TokenFeeScheduleUpdate operation.