hashicorp / boundary-reference-architecture

Example reference architecture for a high availability Boundary deployment on AWS.
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Fix jq string on Kubernetes Deployment instructions #51

Open TheUltimateAbsol opened 3 years ago

TheUltimateAbsol commented 3 years ago

Response syntax has been changed. Jq string needs to be updated in the Kubernetes Deployment readme

For the string boundary auth-methods list -scope-id $(boundary scopes list -format json | jq -c ".[] | select(.name | contains(\"primary\")) | .[\"id\"]" | tr -d '"')

Change it to boundary auth-methods list -scope-id $(boundary scopes list -format json | jq -c ".items[] | select(.name | contains(\"primary\")) | .[\"id\"]" | tr -d '"')

Furthermore in order to run this command, you need to make sure the docker image is a later version (such as 0.5.0) since the password syntax is different boundary authenticate password -login-name=jeff -password=foofoofoo -auth-method-id=ampw_1234567890

PykupeJIbc commented 2 years ago

Same on Docker Deployment instructions

omkensey commented 2 years ago

@PykupeJIbc, the jq filters in the Docker ref-arch should be fixed now.