hashicorp / consul-k8s

First-class support for Consul Service Mesh on Kubernetes
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Federation Between VMs and K8s, federation not success #919

Closed shuiyunwudi closed 2 years ago

shuiyunwudi commented 2 years ago


I try to use mesh gateway to connect two consul cluster, one is in VMs as an Primary Datacenter and another one in Kubernetes as an Secondary Datacenter. The problem was in k8s, pods status are fine, like that:

kubectl get pods
NAME                                                         READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
chartmuseum-d57777b5-nsq6j                                   1/1     Running     0          138d
consul-5xxp9                                                 1/1     Running     0          43m
consul-cmhr5                                                 1/1     Running     0          43m
consul-connect-injector-webhook-deployment-74745b688-n6db7   1/1     Running     0          43m
consul-controller-6cd9f9d8c5-s2slm                           1/1     Running     0          43m
consul-m9784                                                 1/1     Running     0          43m
consul-mesh-gateway-5554d6bf99-xq2xz                         2/2     Running     0          43m
consul-server-0                                              1/1     Running     0          43m
consul-server-1                                              1/1     Running     0          43m
consul-webhook-cert-manager-667b4f5c8-4kzrq                  1/1     Running     0          43m

but there are errors on consul-server pods,like that:

kubectl logs -f consul-server-0 --tail=1
    2021-12-09T10:23:19.959Z [DEBUG] agent.http: Request finished: method=GET url=/v1/status/leader from= latency=34.011µs
    2021-12-09T10:23:21.620Z [WARN]  agent.server.rpc: RPC request for DC is currently failing as no path was found: datacenter=dev-consul-connect method=Health.ServiceNodes
    2021-12-09T10:23:21.621Z [WARN]  agent.server.rpc: RPC request for DC is currently failing as no path was found: datacenter=dev-consul-connect method=Health.ServiceNodes
    2021-12-09T10:23:22.318Z [DEBUG] agent.server: federation states are not enabled in the primary dc
    2021-12-09T10:23:22.957Z [DEBUG] agent.http: Request finished: method=GET url=/v1/status/leader from= latency=38.025µs
    2021-12-09T10:23:24.364Z [WARN]  agent.server.rpc: RPC request for DC is currently failing as no path was found: datacenter=dev-consul-connect method=Health.ServiceNodes
    2021-12-09T10:23:25.328Z [WARN]  agent.router: Non-server in server-only area: non_server=cn-hangzhou. area=lan
    2021-12-09T10:23:25.328Z [WARN]  agent.router: Non-server in server-only area: non_server=cn-hangzhou. area=lan
    2021-12-09T10:23:25.328Z [WARN]  agent.router: Non-server in server-only area: non_server=cn-hangzhou. area=lan
    2021-12-09T10:23:25.827Z [WARN]  agent.server.rpc: RPC request for DC is currently failing as no path was found: datacenter=dev-consul-connect method=Health.ServiceNodes
    2021-12-09T10:23:25.960Z [DEBUG] agent.http: Request finished: method=GET url=/v1/status/leader from= latency=92.662µs
    2021-12-09T10:23:26.300Z [DEBUG] agent.server.memberlist.lan: memberlist: Initiating push/pull sync with: cn-hangzhou.
    2021-12-09T10:23:26.641Z [INFO]  agent: (WAN) joining: wan_addresses=[*.dev-consul-connect/]
    2021-12-09T10:23:26.642Z [DEBUG] agent.server.memberlist.wan: memberlist: Failed to join read tcp> read: connection reset by peer
    2021-12-09T10:23:26.642Z [WARN]  agent: (WAN) couldn't join: number_of_nodes=0 error="1 error occurred:
        * Failed to join read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

    2021-12-09T10:23:26.642Z [WARN]  agent: Join cluster failed, will retry: cluster=WAN retry_interval=30s error=<nil>
    2021-12-09T10:23:27.096Z [WARN]  agent.server.rpc: RPC request for DC is currently failing as no path was found: datacenter=dev-consul-connect method=Health.ServiceNodes
    2021-12-09T10:23:28.318Z [WARN]  agent.server.rpc: RPC request for DC is currently failing as no path was found: datacenter=dev-consul-connect method=Health.ServiceNodes
    2021-12-09T10:23:28.319Z [WARN]  agent.server.rpc: RPC request for DC is currently failing as no path was found: datacenter=dev-consul-connect method=Health.ServiceNodes
    2021-12-09T10:23:28.957Z [DEBUG] agent.http: Request finished: method=GET url=/v1/status/leader from= latency=31.193µs
    2021-12-09T10:23:29.836Z [DEBUG] agent.server: federation states are not enabled in the primary dc
    2021-12-09T10:23:30.452Z [WARN]  agent.server.rpc: RPC request for DC is currently failing as no path was found: datacenter=dev-consul-connect method=Health.ServiceNodes
    2021-12-09T10:23:30.838Z [DEBUG] agent.server.memberlist.lan: memberlist: Stream connection from=
    2021-12-09T10:23:31.258Z [WARN]  agent.server.rpc: RPC request for DC is currently failing as no path was found: datacenter=dev-consul-connect method=Health.ServiceNodes
    2021-12-09T10:23:31.962Z [DEBUG] agent.http: Request finished: method=GET url=/v1/status/leader from= latency=42.942µs
    2021-12-09T10:23:33.645Z [DEBUG] agent.server: federation states are not enabled in the primary dc
    2021-12-09T10:23:34.905Z [WARN]  agent.server.rpc: RPC request for DC is currently failing as no path was found: datacenter=dev-consul-connect method=Health.ServiceNodes
    2021-12-09T10:23:34.957Z [DEBUG] agent.http: Request finished: method=GET url=/v1/status/leader from= latency=34.466µs
    2021-12-09T10:23:35.544Z [DEBUG] agent.server: federation states are not enabled in the primary dc
    2021-12-09T10:23:37.130Z [WARN]  agent.server.rpc: RPC request for DC is currently failing as no path was found: datacenter=dev-consul-connect method=Health.ServiceNodes
    2021-12-09T10:23:37.959Z [DEBUG] agent.http: Request finished: method=GET url=/v1/status/leader from= latency=28.079µs
    2021-12-09T10:23:38.058Z [DEBUG] agent.server.memberlist.lan: memberlist: Stream connection from=
    2021-12-09T10:23:38.656Z [WARN]  agent.server.rpc: RPC request for DC is currently failing as no path was found: datacenter=dev-consul-connect method=Health.ServiceNodes
    2021-12-09T10:23:39.661Z [WARN]  agent.server.rpc: RPC request for DC is currently failing as no path was found: datacenter=dev-consul-connect method=Health.ServiceNodes
    2021-12-09T10:23:40.959Z [DEBUG] agent.http: Request finished: method=GET url=/v1/status/leader from= latency=38.093µs
    2021-12-09T10:23:41.812Z [WARN]  agent.server.rpc: RPC request for DC is currently failing as no path was found: datacenter=dev-consul-connect method=Health.ServiceNodes
    2021-12-09T10:23:42.427Z [DEBUG] agent.server: federation states are not enabled in the primary dc
    2021-12-09T10:23:43.957Z [DEBUG] agent.http: Request finished: method=GET url=/v1/status/leader from= latency=36.955µs
    2021-12-09T10:23:44.068Z [WARN]  agent.server.rpc: RPC request for DC is currently failing as no path was found: datacenter=dev-consul-connect method=Health.ServiceNodes

I have no idea how to solve it, and will be graceful for your suggesttion.

CLI Commands (consul-k8s, consul-k8s-control-plane, helm)

Helm Configuration

the consul-helm values.yaml:

  # The main enabled/disabled setting. If true, servers,
  # clients, Consul DNS and the Consul UI will be enabled. Each component can override
  # this default via its component-specific "enabled" config. If false, no components
  # will be installed by default and per-component opt-in is required, such as by
  # setting `server.enabled` to true.
  enabled: true

  # Set the prefix used for all resources in the Helm chart. If not set,
  # the prefix will be `<helm release name>-consul`.
  # @type: string
  name: null

  # The domain Consul will answer DNS queries for
  # (see `-domain` (https://consul.io/docs/agent/options#_domain)) and the domain services synced from
  # Consul into Kubernetes will have, e.g. `service-name.service.consul`.
  domain: consul

  # The name (and tag) of the Consul Docker image for clients and servers.
  # This can be overridden per component. This should be pinned to a specific
  # version tag, otherwise you may inadvertently upgrade your Consul version.
  # Examples:
  # ```yaml
  # # Consul 1.5.0
  # image: "consul:1.5.0"
  # # Consul Enterprise 1.5.0
  # image: "hashicorp/consul-enterprise:1.5.0-ent"
  # ```
  image: "consul:1.8.4"

  # Array of objects containing image pull secret names that will be applied to each service account.
  # This can be used to reference image pull secrets if using a custom consul or consul-k8s Docker image.
  # See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#using-a-private-registry for reference.
  # Example:
  # ```yaml
  # imagePullSecrets:
  #   - name: pull-secret-name
  #   - name: pull-secret-name-2
  # ```
  # @type: array<map>
  imagePullSecrets: []

  # The name (and tag) of the consul-k8s (https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-k8s)
  # Docker image that is used for functionality such the catalog sync.
  # This can be overridden per component.
  imageK8S: "hashicorp/consul-k8s:0.22.0"

  # The name of the datacenter that the agents should
  # register as. This can't be changed once the Consul cluster is up and running
  # since Consul doesn't support an automatic way to change this value currently:
  # https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/issues/1858.
  datacenter: dev-consul-connect-dc2

  # Controls whether pod security policies are created for the Consul components
  # created by this chart. See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/.
  enablePodSecurityPolicies: false

  # Configures which Kubernetes secret to retrieve Consul's
  # gossip encryption key from (see `-encrypt` (https://consul.io/docs/agent/options#_encrypt)). If secretName or
  # secretKey are not set, gossip encryption will not be enabled. The secret must
  # be in the same namespace that Consul is installed into.
  # The secret can be created by running:
  # ```shell
  # $ kubectl create secret generic consul-gossip-encryption-key --from-literal=key=$(consul keygen)
  # ```
  # To reference, use:
  # ```yaml
  # global:
  #   gossipEncryption:
  #     secretName: consul-gossip-encryption-key
  #     secretKey: key
  # ```
    # secretName is the name of the Kubernetes secret that holds the gossip
    # encryption key. The secret must be in the same namespace that Consul is installed into.
    secretName: ""
    # secretKey is the key within the Kubernetes secret that holds the gossip
    # encryption key.
    secretKey: ""

  # Enables TLS (https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/consul/tls-encryption-secure)
  # across the cluster to verify authenticity of the Consul servers and clients.
  # Requires Consul v1.4.1+ and consul-k8s v0.16.2+
    # If true, the Helm chart will enable TLS for Consul
    # servers and clients and all consul-k8s components, as well as generate certificate
    # authority (optional) and server and client certificates.
    enabled: true

    # If true, turns on the auto-encrypt feature on clients and servers.
    # It also switches consul-k8s components to retrieve the CA from the servers
    # via the API. Requires Consul 1.7.1+ and consul-k8s 0.13.0
    enableAutoEncrypt: false

    # A list of additional DNS names to set as Subject Alternative Names (SANs)
    # in the server certificate. This is useful when you need to access the
    # Consul server(s) externally, for example, if you're using the UI.
    # @type: array<string>
    serverAdditionalDNSSANs: []

    # A list of additional IP addresses to set as Subject Alternative Names (SANs)
    # in the server certificate. This is useful when you need to access the
    # Consul server(s) externally, for example, if you're using the UI.
    # @type: array<string>
    serverAdditionalIPSANs: []

    # If true, `verify_outgoing`, `verify_server_hostname`,
    # and `verify_incoming_rpc` will be set to `true` for Consul servers and clients.
    # Set this to false to incrementally roll out TLS on an existing Consul cluster.
    # Please see https://consul.io/docs/k8s/operations/tls-on-existing-cluster
    # for more details.
    verify: false

    # If true, the Helm chart will configure Consul to disable the HTTP port on
    # both clients and servers and to only accept HTTPS connections.
    httpsOnly: false

    # A Kubernetes secret containing the certificate of the CA to use for
    # TLS communication within the Consul cluster. If you have generated the CA yourself
    # with the consul CLI, you could use the following command to create the secret
    # in Kubernetes:
    # ```bash
    # kubectl create secret generic consul-ca-cert \
    #     --from-file='tls.crt=./consul-agent-ca.pem'
    # ```
      # The name of the Kubernetes secret.
      secretName: consul-federation
      # The key of the Kubernetes secret.
      secretKey: caCert

    # A Kubernetes secret containing the private key of the CA to use for
    # TLS communication within the Consul cluster. If you have generated the CA yourself
    # with the consul CLI, you could use the following command to create the secret
    # in Kubernetes:
    # ```bash
    # kubectl create secret generic consul-ca-key \
    #     --from-file='tls.key=./consul-agent-ca-key.pem'
    # ```
    # Note that we need the CA key so that we can generate server and client certificates.
    # It is particularly important for the client certificates since they need to have host IPs
    # as Subject Alternative Names. In the future, we may support bringing your own server
    # certificates.
      # The name of the Kubernetes secret.
      secretName: consul-federation
      # The key of the Kubernetes secret.
      secretKey: caKey

  # [Enterprise Only] `enableConsulNamespaces` indicates that you are running
  # Consul Enterprise v1.7+ with a valid Consul Enterprise license and would
  # like to make use of configuration beyond registering everything into
  # the `default` Consul namespace. Requires consul-k8s v0.12+. Additional configuration
  # options are found in the `consulNamespaces` section of both the catalog sync
  # and connect injector.
  enableConsulNamespaces: false

  # Configure ACLs.
    manageSystemACLs: false

      # The name of the Kubernetes secret.
      secretName: null
      # The key of the Kubernetes secret.
      secretKey: null

    createReplicationToken: false

      # The name of the Kubernetes secret.
      secretName: null
      # The key of the Kubernetes secret.
      secretKey: null

    enabled: true
    createFederationSecret: false

        memory: "25Mi"
        cpu: "20m"
        memory: "50Mi"
        cpu: "20m"
  imageEnvoy: "envoyproxy/envoy-alpine:v1.14.7"

  # Configuration for running this Helm chart on the Red Hat OpenShift platform.
  # This Helm chart currently supports OpenShift v4.x+.
    # If true, the Helm chart will create necessary configuration for running
    # its components on OpenShift.
    enabled: false

  enabled: true

  image: "consul:1.8.4"

  replicas: 2

  bootstrapExpect: 2

    secretKey: null

  exposeGossipAndRPCPorts: false

  # Configures ports for the consul servers.

      port: 8301

  storage: 20Gi

  storageClass: alicloud-disk-ssd

  connect: true

      memory: "100Mi"
      cpu: "100m"
      memory: "100Mi"
      cpu: "100m"

    runAsNonRoot: true
    runAsGroup: 1000
    runAsUser: 100
    fsGroup: 1000

  updatePartition: 0

    enabled: true

    maxUnavailable: null

  extraConfig: |

  extraVolumes: []

  affinity: |
        - labelSelector:
              app: {{ template "consul.name" . }}
              release: "{{ .Release.Name }}"
              component: server
          topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname

  tolerations: ""

  nodeSelector: null

  priorityClassName: ""

  extraLabels: null

  annotations: null


    annotations: null

  extraEnvironmentVars: {}

  enabled: true

  image: null

  join: null

  dataDirectoryHostPath: null

  grpc: true

  exposeGossipPorts: false

      memory: "100Mi"
      cpu: "100m"
      memory: "100Mi"
      cpu: "100m"

    runAsNonRoot: true
    runAsGroup: 1000
    runAsUser: 100
    fsGroup: 1000

  extraConfig: |

  extraVolumes: []

  tolerations: ""

  nodeSelector: null

  affinity: {}

  priorityClassName: ""

  annotations: null

  extraEnvironmentVars: {}

  dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet

  hostNetwork: true

  updateStrategy: null

    # If true, the chart will install resources necessary to run the snapshot agent.
    enabled: false

    # The number of snapshot agents to run.
    replicas: 2

      # The name of the Kubernetes secret.
      secretName: null
      # The key of the Kubernetes secret.
      secretKey: null

    # Resource settings for snapshot agent pods.
        memory: "50Mi"
        cpu: "50m"
        memory: "50Mi"
        cpu: "50m"

    caCert: null

  # @type: boolean
  enabled: false

  type: ClusterIP

  clusterIP: null

  # Extra annotations to attach to the dns service
  # This should be a multi-line string of
  # annotations to apply to the dns Service
  # @type: string
  annotations: null

  # Additional ServiceSpec values
  # This should be a multi-line string mapping directly to a Kubernetes
  # ServiceSpec object.
  # @type: string
  additionalSpec: null

  # True if you want to enable the catalog sync. Set to "-" to inherit from
  # global.enabled.
  enabled: false

  # The name of the Docker image (including any tag) for consul-k8s
  # to run the sync program.
  # @type: string
  image: null

  # If true, all valid services in K8S are
  # synced by default. If false, the service must be annotated
  # (https://consul.io/docs/k8s/service-sync#sync-enable-disable) properly to sync.
  # In either case an annotation can override the default.
  default: true

  # Optional priorityClassName.
  priorityClassName: ""

  toConsul: true

  toK8S: true

  k8sPrefix: ""

  k8sAllowNamespaces: ["test"]

  k8sDenyNamespaces: ["kube-system", "kube-public"]

  k8sSourceNamespace: null


    consulDestinationNamespace: "default"

    mirroringK8S: true

    mirroringK8SPrefix: "myconsul-"

  addK8SNamespaceSuffix: true

  consulPrefix: "fromk8s-"

  k8sTag: null

  consulNodeName: "k8s-sync"

  syncClusterIPServices: true

  nodePortSyncType: ExternalFirst

    # The name of the Kubernetes secret.
    secretName: null
    # The key of the Kubernetes secret.
    secretKey: null

  nodeSelector: null

  # Affinity Settings
  # This should be a multi-line string matching the affinity object
  # @type: string
  affinity: null

  # Toleration Settings
  # This should be a multi-line string matching the Toleration array
  # in a PodSpec.
  # @type: string
  tolerations: null

  # Resource settings for sync catalog pods.
      memory: "50Mi"
      cpu: "50m"
      memory: "50Mi"
      cpu: "50m"

  # Log verbosity level. One of "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", or "error".
  logLevel: debug

  # Override the default interval to perform syncing operations creating Consul services.
  # @type: string
  consulWriteInterval: null

  # True if you want to enable connect injection. Set to "-" to inherit from
  # global.enabled.
  enabled: true

  # Image for consul-k8s that contains the injector
  # @type: string
  image: null

  default: true


    enabled: true
    # If `healthChecks.enabled` is set to `true`, `reconcilePeriod` defines how often a full state
    # reconcile is done after the initial reconcile at startup is completed.
    reconcilePeriod: "1m"

  envoyExtraArgs: "-- -l off --component-log-level upstream:trace,http:trace,router:trace,config:debug "

  # Optional priorityClassName.
  priorityClassName: ""

  # The Docker image for Consul to use when performing Connect injection.
  # Defaults to global.image.
  # @type: string
  imageConsul: null

  # Log verbosity level. One of "debug", "info", "warn", or "error".
  logLevel: info

  # Resource settings for connect inject pods.
      memory: "50Mi"
      cpu: "50m"
      memory: "50Mi"
      cpu: "50m"

  namespaceSelector: null

  k8sAllowNamespaces: ["test"]

  k8sDenyNamespaces: ["mock"]

  # [Enterprise Only] These settings manage the connect injector's interaction with
  # Consul namespaces (requires consul-ent v1.7+ and consul-k8s v0.12+).
  # Also, `global.enableConsulNamespaces` must be true.
    # Name of the Consul namespace to register all
    # k8s pods into. If the Consul namespace does not already exist,
    # it will be created. This will be ignored if `mirroringK8S` is true.
    consulDestinationNamespace: "default"

    # Causes k8s pods to be registered into a Consul namespace
    # of the same name as their k8s namespace, optionally prefixed if
    # `mirroringK8SPrefix` is set below. If the Consul namespace does not
    # already exist, it will be created. Turning this on overrides the
    # `consulDestinationNamespace` setting.
    mirroringK8S: false

    mirroringK8SPrefix: ""


    secretName: null

    caBundle: ""

    # Name of the file within the secret for
    # the TLS cert.
    certName: tls.crt

    # Name of the file within the secret for
    # the private TLS key.
    keyName: tls.key

  nodeSelector: null

  affinity: null

  tolerations: null

  aclBindingRuleSelector: "serviceaccount.name!=default"

  overrideAuthMethodName: ""

    secretName: null
    secretKey: null

  # Requires Consul >= v1.5 and consul-k8s >= v0.8.1.
    enabled: true

    defaultProtocol: http

    proxyDefaults: |

        # Recommended default: 100Mi
        # @type: string
        memory: null
        # Recommended default: 100m
        # @type: string
        cpu: null
        # Recommended default: 100Mi
        # @type: string
        memory: null
        # Recommended default: 100m
        # @type: string
        cpu: null

  # Resource settings for the Connect injected init container.
        memory: "25Mi"
        cpu: "50m"
        memory: "150Mi"
        cpu: "50m"

# Controller handles config entry custom resources.
# Requires consul >= 1.8.4.
# ServiceIntentions require consul 1.9+.
  enabled: true
  replicas: 1

  # Log verbosity level. One of "debug", "info", "warn", or "error".
  logLevel: debug

  # Resource settings for controller pods.
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 50Mi
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 50Mi

  # Optional YAML string to specify a nodeSelector config.
  # @type: string
  nodeSelector: null

  # Optional YAML string to specify tolerations.
  # @type: string
  tolerations: null

  # Affinity Settings
  # This should be a multi-line string matching the affinity object
  # @type: string
  affinity: null

  # Optional priorityClassName.
  priorityClassName: ""

# Mesh Gateways enable Consul Connect to work across Consul datacenters.

  enabled: true

  globalMode: local

  # Number of replicas for the Deployment.
  replicas: 1

  # What gets registered as WAN address for the gateway.

    source: "NodeIP"

    port: 443

    static: ""


    enabled: true

    type: LoadBalancer

    port: 443

    nodePort: null

    annotations: null

    additionalSpec: null

  hostNetwork: true

  dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet

  consulServiceName: "mesh-gateway"

  containerPort: 8443

  hostPort: null

  # Resource settings for mesh gateway pods.
  # NOTE: The use of a YAML string is deprecated. Instead, set directly as a
  # YAML map.
      memory: "100Mi"
      cpu: "100m"
      memory: "100Mi"
      cpu: "100m"

        memory: "25Mi"
        cpu: "50m"
        memory: "150Mi"
        cpu: "50m"

  affinity: |
        - labelSelector:
              app: {{ template "consul.name" . }}
              release: "{{ .Release.Name }}"
              component: mesh-gateway
          topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname

  tolerations: null

  nodeSelector: null

  priorityClassName: ""

  annotations: null


Current understanding and Expected behavior

Environment details

consul-helm: 0.28.0; consul: 1.8.4; envoy: 1.14.7; consul-k8s: 0.22

Additional Context

ishustava commented 2 years ago

Hey @shuiyunwudi

There is a few of things you could check to help with debugging of the issue:

  1. Do you have network connectivity between the mesh gateway for the VMs dc and mesh gateway on k8s. It looks like you need to allow traffic between the node IP of the mesh gateway on k8s and the address of the primary gateway (looks like a public address).
  2. Is your primary mesh gateway also have the mode set to local?
  3. CA cert and key have to be the same for both datacenters.
david-yu commented 2 years ago

Hi @shuiyunwudi hope the last response was helpful. Please re-open if that did not address your issue.