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Configure Envoy TLS accepted certificate signatures algorithms #17176

Open L-P opened 1 year ago

L-P commented 1 year ago

Overview of the Issue

It's not trivial to configure Envoy accepted signatures.

I'm setting up a Nomad cluster, when using Consul Connect with a sidecar_service Envoy could not communicate with Consul.

This was initially reported as a bug because I'm dumb, I'm leaving it here so people can see how to configure Envoy accepted certificate signatures in the workaround section (though you should use RSA instead).

Reproduction Steps

  1. Using the hashicorp Debian repository, setup Nomad+Consul using ed25519-signed certs.
  2. Attempt to use connect { sidecar_service {} }.
  3. Envoy fails to reach Consul gRPC with SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE


  1. Use envoy v1.26.0 so you can set signature_algorithms in tls_params, when using Nomad this is done by setting the connect.sidecar_image and connect.gateway_image metas.

  2. Copy the entire boostrap_envoy.json template from bootstrap_tpl.go

  3. In the template, set the client algorithms in common_tls_context with a list that overlaps what Consul uses:

              "typed_config": {
                "@type": "type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.transport_sockets.tls.v3.>
                "common_tls_context": {
    +              "tls_params": {
    +                "signature_algorithms": [
    +                  "ed25519"
    +                ]
    +              },
                  "validation_context": {
                    "trusted_ca": {
                      "inline_string": "{{ .AgentCAPEM }}"
  4. In every connect block, override the config.

    connect {
     sidecar_service {
       proxy {
         config {
           envoy_bootstrap_json_tpl = var.envoy_bootstrap_tpl

Envoy TLS configuration should probably be exposed to Consul (which would allow me to enable mTLS but that's another topic).

Consul info for both Client and Server

Client info ``` agent: check_monitors = 0 check_ttls = 1 checks = 10 services = 8 build: prerelease = revision = 5e08e229 version = 1.15.2 version_metadata = consul: acl = disabled known_servers = 3 server = false runtime: arch = amd64 cpu_count = 2 goroutines = 131 max_procs = 2 os = linux version = go1.20.1 serf_lan: coordinate_resets = 0 encrypted = false event_queue = 0 event_time = 33 failed = 0 health_score = 0 intent_queue = 0 left = 0 member_time = 53605 members = 9 query_queue = 0 query_time = 1 ``` ``` connect { enabled = true } tls { defaults { verify_incoming = true verify_outgoing = true ca_file = "…" cert_file = "…" key_file = "…" } grpc { verify_incoming = false } internal_rpc { verify_server_hostname = true } } ```
Server info ``` agent: check_monitors = 0 check_ttls = 0 checks = 0 services = 0 build: prerelease = revision = 5e08e229 version = 1.15.2 version_metadata = consul: acl = disabled bootstrap = false known_datacenters = 1 leader = true leader_addr = x.x.x.x:8300 server = true raft: applied_index = 603699 commit_index = 603699 fsm_pending = 0 last_contact = 0 last_log_index = 603699 last_log_term = 71 last_snapshot_index = 589960 last_snapshot_term = 71 latest_configuration = [{Suffrage:Voter ID:ca4accb7-2d7c-7a1a-7683-77ecbdc40ba9 Address:x.x.x.x:8300} {Suffrage:Voter ID:448dde0b-f98a-cf8a-d5b0-82d9aed69dd3 Address:x.x.x.x:8300} {Suffrage:Voter ID:1c78c749-75f9-e266-1ebd-bb7f0da701d1 Address:x.x.x.x:8300}] latest_configuration_index = 0 num_peers = 2 protocol_version = 3 protocol_version_max = 3 protocol_version_min = 0 snapshot_version_max = 1 snapshot_version_min = 0 state = Leader term = 71 runtime: arch = amd64 cpu_count = 2 goroutines = 297 max_procs = 2 os = linux version = go1.20.1 serf_lan: coordinate_resets = 0 encrypted = false event_queue = 0 event_time = 33 failed = 0 health_score = 0 intent_queue = 0 left = 0 member_time = 53605 members = 9 query_queue = 0 query_time = 1 ``` ``` auto_encrypt { allow_tls = true } tls { defaults { verify_incoming = true verify_outgoing = true ca_file = "…" cert_file = "…" key_file = "…" } internal_rpc { verify_server_hostname = true } https { ca_file = "…" cert_file = "…" key_file = "…" verify_incoming = false } } ```

Operating system and Environment details

Log Fragments

Envoy (log_level debug)

[2023-04-28 10:49:49.835][1][debug][pool] [source/common/http/conn_pool_base.cc:78] queueing stream due to no available connections (ready=0 busy=0 connecting=0)
[2023-04-28 10:49:49.835][1][debug][pool] [source/common/conn_pool/conn_pool_base.cc:291] trying to create new connection
[2023-04-28 10:49:49.835][1][debug][pool] [source/common/conn_pool/conn_pool_base.cc:145] creating a new connection (connecting=0)
[2023-04-28 10:49:49.835][1][debug][http2] [source/common/http/http2/codec_impl.cc:1586] [C5] updating connection-level initial window size to 268435456
[2023-04-28 10:49:49.835][1][debug][connection] [./source/common/network/connection_impl.h:98] [C5] current connecting state: true
[2023-04-28 10:49:49.835][1][debug][client] [source/common/http/codec_client.cc:57] [C5] connecting
[2023-04-28 10:49:49.835][1][debug][connection] [source/common/network/connection_impl.cc:941] [C5] connecting to alloc/tmp/consul_grpc.sock
[2023-04-28 10:49:49.836][1][debug][connection] [source/common/network/connection_impl.cc:688] [C5] connected
[2023-04-28 10:49:49.837][1][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/tls/ssl_socket.cc:360] [C5] Async cert validation completed
[2023-04-28 10:49:49.837][1][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/tls/ssl_socket.cc:234] [C5] remote address:alloc/tmp/consul_grpc.sock,TLS error: 268436496:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE
[2023-04-28 10:49:49.837][1][debug][connection] [source/common/network/connection_impl.cc:250] [C5] closing socket: 0
[2023-04-28 10:49:49.837][1][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/tls/ssl_socket.cc:234] [C5] remote address:alloc/tmp/consul_grpc.sock,TLS error: 268436496:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE
[2023-04-28 10:49:49.837][1][debug][client] [source/common/http/codec_client.cc:107] [C5] disconnect. resetting 0 pending requests
[2023-04-28 10:49:49.837][1][debug][pool] [source/common/conn_pool/conn_pool_base.cc:484] [C5] client disconnected, failure reason: TLS error: 268436496:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE
[2023-04-28 10:49:49.837][1][debug][router] [source/common/router/router.cc:1278] [C0][S8602616725729965611] upstream reset: reset reason: connection failure, transport failure reason: TLS error: 268436496:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE
[2023-04-28 10:49:49.837][1][debug][http] [source/common/http/async_client_impl.cc:123] async http request response headers (end_stream=true):
':status', '200'
'content-type', 'application/grpc'
'grpc-status', '14'
'grpc-message', 'upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure, transport failure reason: TLS error: 268436496:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE'

[2023-04-28 10:49:49.837][1][debug][config] [./source/common/config/grpc_stream.h:197] DeltaAggregatedResources gRPC config stream to local_agent closed: 14, upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure, transport failure reason: TLS error: 268436496:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:SSLV3_ALERT_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE
[2023-04-28 10:49:49.837][1][debug][config] [source/common/config/grpc_subscription_impl.cc:115] gRPC update for type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.cluster.v3.Cluster failed

consul monitor --log-level trace

2023-04-28T10:51:38.490Z [TRACE] agent: [core][Server #2] grpc: Server.Serve failed to create ServerTransport: connection error: desc = "ServerHandshake(\"\") failed: tls: peer doesn't support any of the certificate's signature algorithms"

Side to side Client Hello and Server Hello:


L-P commented 1 year ago

After writing all this and submitting it, I'm just realizing this is because the Vault-generated certificate has a key_type of ed25519 which is not accepted by Envoy by default.

So this is not a bug and should probably be a feature request for passing TLS configuration through Consul to Envoy instead.

In the meantime I'll probably just scrap ed25519 and go back to good ol' RSA.