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DNS forwarding with dnsmasq under systemd #4155

Closed sandstrom closed 6 years ago

sandstrom commented 6 years ago

Overview of the Issue

The consul guides explain how to run dnsmasq as root, forwarding certain requests to consul. This worked well before systemd (e.g. ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04), but with more recent linux distros running systemd (ubuntu 17.04 and 18.04 LTS) the current guide won't work.

systemd-resolved will control /etc/resolv.conf (it's just a symlink now), so dig will use systemd-resolved by default, instead of dnsmasq.

I see two solutions here:

  1. Find a way to have dnsmasq intercept DNS-queries, pipe the relevant ones to consul and pass along the others to systemd-resolved, without having to disable systemd-resolved.
  2. Sidestep dnsmasq and have systemd-resolved somehow pass along relevant dns queries along to consul.
  3. Explain how to completely disable systemd-resolved and run something similar to what the current guides suggest (I think this option is the least desirable).

All three of them would require guide updates. A related issue is this one (https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/issues/3945).

One partial workaround is to configure the following:

# /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
# …

In that case resolved will ask dnsmasq (indirectly consul) simultaneously with asking its upstream dns (usually from dhcp), which seems to work. However, that would leak consul dns queries outside the local machine. It will probably also be brittle, i.e. it relies on the response from dnsmasq coming in before those from the per-link dns servers.

DNS requests are sent to one of the listed DNS servers in parallel to suitable per-link DNS servers acquired from systemd-networkd.service(8) or set at runtime by external applications. — source: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/resolved.conf.html

This leaking feels like a rather big downside.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Run a vanilla ubuntu 18.04 machine
  2. Setup consul
  3. Follow the dns forwarding guide
mkeeler commented 6 years ago

@sandstrom You could probably just disable the systemd-resolved DNS listeners like


I think this should cause systemd-resolved to generate a resolv.conf like normal but not bind to so that dnsmasq can.

dnsmasq should be either polling or using inotify to monitor changes to resolv.conf so any systemd-resolved updates show up with dnsmasq.

Let me know if that works for you and if so I can update the docs.

sandstrom commented 6 years ago

@mkeeler I tried that, but DNSStubListener=no will only disable the listener itself, it won't change/update resolv.conf (it will still contain a dns record for, which won't be listening).

There may be some additional command/configuration required to cause systemd-resolved to update the resolv.conf file, that I'm not aware of. But DNSStubListener=no plus service-reload won't do it.

Also, there is no binding conflict (that's not the issue), because the systemd-resolved stub will bind to and dnsmasq will (by default) bind to The issue is that dns queries will never hit dnsmasq.

One ostensible solution would be to disable systemd-resolved's control over resolv.conf (while still having the stub running, bound to, and then update resolve.conf to point to dnsmasq, which in turn could be configured to fallback to for namespaces it isn't configured for (non-consul queries).

However, I don't think that'll work. systemd-resolved accept dns queries via three interfaces. (1) a bus API, (2) a glibc api and (3) the stub listener on So with the apparent solution above, one would still run the risk of having dns queries for services/applications handled by systemd (which is basically all of them) bypass the dnsmasq layer.

So instead we must find a way to configure systemd-resolved to query dnsmasq (or consul dns api directly) before any queries are forwarded up the default dns server chain (usually obtained via dhcp).

I hope this helps explain the issue in more detail!

sandstrom commented 6 years ago

Friendly ping @mkeeler 😄

mkeeler commented 6 years ago

@sandstrom Just getting back from a vacation and will look more into this soon. Disabling systemd-resolved in some cases where systemd-networkd is in use would break pushing down nameservers and domains via DHCP so its not a good solution. I have a hunch that something may be able to be done with nss configuration. As then all getaddrinfo/gethostbyname queries can be routed to the proper resolver. I still need to look into this some more especially as it relates to Ubuntu.

mkeeler commented 6 years ago

Another possible area to look into is network manager configuration (assuming you are using it). I think it has various functionality to use resolved or dnsmasq built into it.

sandstrom commented 6 years ago

@mkeeler I've been digging some more.

I agree that disabling systemd-resolved is a bad idea and should be avoided.

Idea 1

One avenue I've tried is to configure this only via systemd-network and its routing-only domain.

However, according to the top of the file networks can only be configured with one block, i.e. this would override other network settings (there doesn't seem to be a way to inject the routing-only domain setting into all networks, without disturbing the other, existing, network configuration).

# /etc/systemd/network/00-test.network

# match everything


Idea 2

Another idea is to put systemd-resolved into the fourth mode described in its man page, where other packages are responsible for /etc/resolv.conf and systemd-resolved will only read and abide by it. In that case, we can simply set dnsmasq in that conf file and then configure dnsmasq to do forwarding similar to your current guide.

Thing I haven't figured out yet though, is how to let dnsmasq know about the upstream resolver (received via DHCP) that it should use for all queries that shouldn't be forwarded to consul. With NetworkManager there was an option for this, but Ubuntu 18.04 doesn't seem to be using NetworkManager any more.

Any thoughts on how to let dnsmasq know about the upstream server?

mkeeler commented 6 years ago

@sandstrom For dnsmasq to know about the upstreams you either have to manually put them in its configuration or have something add them to resolv.conf. It will (unless configured otherwise) watch for changes to resolv.conf and update its nameserver lists.

sandstrom commented 6 years ago

There are hooks for dhclient which could be used, for example something like this.

Basically one would then:

  1. Turn systemd-resolved into 'slave mode', where it doesn't set or control /etc/resolv.conf
  2. Setup /etc/resolv.conf to point to dnsmasq (or bind) running locally
  3. Setup dnsmasq (or bind) to forward some queries to consul, the rest to the upstream dns server
  4. Add a hook to dhclient such that it will update the config for dnsmasq (or bind) with new dns servers as they become available.

Does that sound like a good flow?

Something you'd be willing to add instructions around to your guides on dns forwarding?

sandstrom commented 6 years ago

@mkeeler friendly ping 😄

mkeeler commented 6 years ago

@sandstrom That sounds like a decent flow. However I think I found an alternative.

In /etc/systemd/resolved.conf you can have:


Then have dnsmasq serving on and doing its normal thing.

This should force systemd-resolved to send everything within the *.consul domain to the local system resolver and ignore resolvers configured via DHCP or via systemd-networkd per-link configurations.

I ran some tests with wireshark running and no DNS requests for .consul domains are ever sent out to any resolver other than

To me this seems like the least invasive approach. What are your thoughts?

mkeeler commented 6 years ago

I did try to put this in resolved.conf but it doesn't parse


Apparently systemd-resolved doesn't want port numbers in the DNS config. Looking at the systemd-resolved source code the specifically validate that the full string is an ipv4 or ipv6 address. Maybe if I find some time I might try to get a PR into systemd to fix that and then there would be no need for dnsmasq to run at all but instead we would have a direct systemd-resolved section of the configuration.

sandstrom commented 6 years ago

@mkeeler Yeah, I know (I tried something related, with non-53 ports). But you can have consul bind to port 53 on and then config with DNS=

Need to add this permission to your systemd unit file for consul to bind to low ports.

Description=Consul Agent
# …

# …
# …


To answer the other question: using your suggested resolved.conf sounds good! As long as it works 😄 Haven't tested on our machine image yet, but will try! I'm happy with any solution that works reliably.

mkeeler commented 6 years ago

Yeah having systemd-resolved and dnsmasq involved seems a little bit of a hack when we can do it with just systemd-resolved.

I think the best course of action is to add a systemd-resolved section to that forwarding DNS doc and specify how to set it up with two options.

  1. Configure consul to bind to port 53 on
  2. Use iptables redirects with the nat table to redirect port 53 on to port 8600
sandstrom commented 6 years ago

Instead of IP-tables I'd suggest using a systemd socket. I'll admit I haven't used it myself yet, it's the systemd method for handling low ports. So since we're in systemd land already (with systemd-resolved) it will make sense to use that mechanism.

Some more details:

mkeeler commented 6 years ago

@sandstrom I dont' think systemd socket activation is applicable here. You may be able to not use the "activation" part and still use systemd sockets with long running services but then it would require systemd specific modifications to Consul as well as modifications to the miekg/dns library we use to handle unix/file sockets and probably a few other things.

sandstrom commented 6 years ago

@mkeeler Yeah, I think you are right (read some more on sockets). Would require some modifications to Consul to accept sockets.

Although I think socket support would be useful, I don't think it should block this issue. IP-tables forwarding would certainly work.

mkeeler commented 6 years ago

@sandstrom I have a PR open with the documentation fixes if you wanted to take a peek. It probably wont hit the website until the end of June.

sandstrom commented 6 years ago

@mkeeler I'll have a look and also try this myself.

PTR records leaking out is just an effect of how reverse dns lookups work, right? (and those aren't part of "normal" consul usage)

mkeeler commented 6 years ago

@sandstrom Actually Consul will handle the .arpa domain for PTR record queries in addition to the configured consul domain. It will then use the configured recursors to resolve PTR records recursively if the IP is not known to Consul.

However with just systemd-resolved and Consul it isn't really possible to not expose all PTR queries to the main nameservers without manually configuring the recursors for Consul (which kind of defeats the purpose).

For the purposes of the guide it seemed a decent trade off since no consul specific information is being exposed to other nameservers. Just IP addresses.

sandstrom commented 6 years ago

@mkeeler I'll close this issue, the changes you PR:ed seems to solve this issue for us. Although we haven't rolled this into production just yet, I'm pretty sure it'll work (can reopen this issue in case it doesn't).

I still have my initial caveat on resolved.conf, which I described in the top post:

DNS requests are sent to one of the listed DNS servers in parallel to suitable per-link DNS servers acquired from systemd-networkd.service(8) […] — https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/resolved.conf.html

But I guess that description isn't valid when the DOMAINS=~consul directive is also used (since you checked it with wireshark). Anyway, we're in need of a solution so we'll roll with this for now, and maybe revisit in the future in case something even better turns up.

Thanks for working with me on solving this! 💯

(I've added a few minor comments on your PR)

mkeeler commented 6 years ago

@sandstrom Yes assuming I am reading the docs right (and what I saw with wireshark is generally indicative of its normal behavior) using the ~ prefix should prevent the per-link configured DNS servers from being used.

sandstrom commented 6 years ago

After running with this setup for about a day I'm seeing this issue in the logs (below).

Seems like queries to resolve s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com is going through consul somehow, which I hadn't expected them to.

@mkeeler Any thoughts? Not 100% sure this is related to the changes above, but most likely. Perhaps we missed something in our configuration.

Jun 14 09:14:42 ubuntu-bionic consul[21810]:     2018/06/14 09:14:42 [ERR] dns: all resolvers failed for {s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com. 1 1} from client (udp)
Jun 14 09:14:43 ubuntu-bionic consul[21810]:     2018/06/14 09:14:43 [ERR] dns: recurse failed: dial udp socket: too many open files
Jun 14 09:14:43 ubuntu-bionic consul[21810]:     2018/06/14 09:14:43 [ERR] dns: all resolvers failed for {s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com. 28 1} from client (udp)
Jun 14 09:14:43 ubuntu-bionic consul[21810]:     2018/06/14 09:14:43 [ERR] dns: recurse failed: dial udp socket: too many open files
Jun 14 09:14:43 ubuntu-bionic consul[21810]:     2018/06/14 09:14:43 [ERR] dns: all resolvers failed for {s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com. 1 1} from client (udp)
Jun 14 09:14:44 ubuntu-bionic consul[21810]:     2018/06/14 09:14:44 [ERR] dns: recurse failed: dial udp socket: too many open files
Jun 14 09:14:44 ubuntu-bionic consul[21810]:     2018/06/14 09:14:44 [ERR] dns: all resolvers failed for {s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com. 1 1} from client (udp)
Jun 14 09:14:44 ubuntu-bionic consul[21810]:     2018/06/14 09:14:44 [ERR] dns: recurse failed: dial udp socket: too many open files
Jun 14 09:14:44 ubuntu-bionic consul[21810]:     2018/06/14 09:14:44 [ERR] dns: all resolvers failed for {s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com. 28 1} from client (udp)
Jun 14 09:14:46 ubuntu-bionic consul[21810]:     2018/06/14 09:14:46 [ERR] dns: recurse failed: dial udp socket: too many open files
Jun 14 09:14:46 ubuntu-bionic consul[21810]:     2018/06/14 09:14:46 [ERR] dns: all resolvers failed for {s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com. 1 1} from client (udp)
Jun 14 09:14:46 ubuntu-bionic consul[21810]:     2018/06/14 09:14:46 [ERR] dns: recurse failed: dial udp socket: too many open files
Jun 14 09:14:46 ubuntu-bionic consul[21810]:     2018/06/14 09:14:46 [ERR] dns: all resolvers failed for {s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com. 28 1} from client (udp)
vagrant@ubuntu-bionic:~$ sudo lsof -i 
sshd       1063            root    3u  IPv4    17656      0t0  TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
sshd       1063            root    4u  IPv6    17658      0t0  TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
systemd-n  1635 systemd-network   22u  IPv4 70689049      0t0  UDP ubuntu-bionic:bootpc 
sshd      18507            root    3u  IPv4 72929902      0t0  TCP ubuntu-bionic:ssh->_gateway:54235 (ESTABLISHED)
sshd      18622         vagrant    3u  IPv4 72929902      0t0  TCP ubuntu-bionic:ssh->_gateway:54235 (ESTABLISHED)
node      20373          kibana   10u  IPv4    71195      0t0  TCP localhost:36714->localhost:9200 (ESTABLISHED)
node      20373          kibana   11u  IPv4    66949      0t0  TCP *:5601 (LISTEN)
node      20373          kibana   12u  IPv4    71197      0t0  TCP localhost:36716->localhost:9200 (ESTABLISHED)
consul    21810          consul    3u  IPv4    70662      0t0  TCP localhost:8300 (LISTEN)
consul    21810          consul    7u  IPv4    70671      0t0  TCP localhost:8302 (LISTEN)
consul    21810          consul    8u  IPv4    70672      0t0  UDP localhost:8302 
consul    21810          consul   10u  IPv4    70138      0t0  TCP localhost:8301 (LISTEN)
consul    21810          consul   11u  IPv4    70139      0t0  UDP localhost:8301 
consul    21810          consul   12u  IPv4    70140      0t0  UDP localhost:8600 
consul    21810          consul   13u  IPv4    70675      0t0  TCP localhost:8600 (LISTEN)
consul    21810          consul   14u  IPv4    70677      0t0  TCP localhost:8500 (LISTEN)
consul    21810          consul   15u  IPv4    71064      0t0  TCP localhost:52419->localhost:8300 (ESTABLISHED)
consul    21810          consul   16u  IPv4    71065      0t0  TCP localhost:8300->localhost:52419 (ESTABLISHED)
nginx     21878            root    6u  IPv4    70158      0t0  TCP localhost:8099 (LISTEN)
nginx     21878            root    7u  IPv6    70159      0t0  TCP ip6-localhost:8099 (LISTEN)
nginx     21878            root    8u  IPv4    70160      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
nginx     21878            root    9u  IPv6    70161      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
nginx     21879        www-data    6u  IPv4    70158      0t0  TCP localhost:8099 (LISTEN)
nginx     21879        www-data    7u  IPv6    70159      0t0  TCP ip6-localhost:8099 (LISTEN)
nginx     21879        www-data    8u  IPv4    70160      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
nginx     21879        www-data    9u  IPv6    70161      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
nginx     21880        www-data    6u  IPv4    70158      0t0  TCP localhost:8099 (LISTEN)
nginx     21880        www-data    7u  IPv6    70159      0t0  TCP ip6-localhost:8099 (LISTEN)
nginx     21880        www-data    8u  IPv4    70160      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
nginx     21880        www-data    9u  IPv6    70161      0t0  TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
java      21975   elasticsearch  114u  IPv6    71130      0t0  TCP ip6-localhost:9300 (LISTEN)
java      21975   elasticsearch  116u  IPv6    71140      0t0  TCP localhost:9300 (LISTEN)
java      21975   elasticsearch  129u  IPv6    71842      0t0  TCP ip6-localhost:9200 (LISTEN)
java      21975   elasticsearch  130u  IPv6    71857      0t0  TCP localhost:9200->localhost:36714 (ESTABLISHED)
java      21975   elasticsearch  131u  IPv6    71843      0t0  TCP localhost:9200 (LISTEN)
java      21975   elasticsearch  132u  IPv6    71858      0t0  TCP localhost:9200->localhost:36716 (ESTABLISHED)
sshd      22548            root    3u  IPv4    72924      0t0  TCP ubuntu-bionic:ssh->_gateway:55228 (ESTABLISHED)
sshd      22640         vagrant    3u  IPv4    72924      0t0  TCP ubuntu-bionic:ssh->_gateway:55228 (ESTABLISHED)
systemd-r 28467 systemd-resolve   12u  IPv4   905240      0t0  UDP localhost:domain 
systemd-r 28467 systemd-resolve   13u  IPv4   905241      0t0  TCP localhost:domain (LISTEN)
sandstrom commented 6 years ago

@mkeeler I think the issue may be that the configuration we've discussed will forward all lookups to consul, not only those under the .consul tld (checked with nast and dig consul.service.consul plus dig google.com, both will send packages to consul). This in conjunction with the consul recursors setting (which we had set to will cause a loop.

The thing is, we need recursors for some externally configured services, such as AWS RDS (hosted databases) and we don't want to stick a public dns in there (such as since I don't think it will resolve AWS internal services correctly.

So we're sort of back at square one here 😄 (at least I am, perhaps you can see a way out of here?)

mkeeler commented 6 years ago

@sandstrom Given those error messages it looks like Consul is trying to use as a recursor. This would be bad as would be port forwarded back to itself creating an endless loop (and causing things to run out of sockets and have high CPU utilization).

I would think in the scenario with systemd-resolved consul shouldn't have any recursors configured as systemd-resolved should be handling all queries and then just forwarding some off to Consul.

Also, in this configuration Consul will be receiving all queries for this system. Without recursors set up it should just return a NXDOMAIN response and allow the other per-link resolvers to present a real answer.

sandstrom commented 6 years ago

@mkeeler Yes, exactly.

Dropping recursors seems to work! 🎉 I didn't know it still worked with registered external services in the catalog without recursors.

Are there any downsides to having consul configured without recursors? (i.e. does it have any use-case besides being a fallback when all DNS queries are routed through consul)

mkeeler commented 6 years ago

@sandstrom recursors is just so Consul can forward queries for domains it doesn't know about to an upstream so you could use it for your primary DNS. So if you had a statically IPed system with a set of known name servers that don't change you could put the recursors into the Consul config and have the system only use for its primary DNS.

When fronting Consul with another DNS server there isn't much point to Consul also serving it out. Other downsides include increased network traffic and systemd load due to more concurrent queries being sent to upstream DNS servers. systemd-resolved will concurrently issue queries to both its upstream servers and Consul. Consul will then recurse and issue queries to more upstreams which should be unnecessary.

scalp42 commented 6 years ago

@sandstrom can't just add the VPC resolver for example? That should take care of RDS etc, if using Chef:

default['consul']['config']['recursors'] = [node['ipaddress'].split('.')[0..1].join('.').concat('.0.2')]
sandstrom commented 6 years ago

@scalp42 Yeah I know, we looked at that, it's a good idea! 😄 Works in the VPC, but wouldn't work on a vagrant machine (dev env). It also feels a bit hacky, would like to avoid it if we can (the idea with DHCP-provided DNS servers is a good one, we'd like to stick with it if we can).

josegonzalez commented 6 years ago

In case anyone is stumbling upon this, I hit this issue in a local vagrant setup. I definitely had to setup a recursor to get systemd-resolved to stop switching to itself for resolution - see this ticket for more details - but it's not clear what else I can do here other than generally complain about systemd 😅

weeping-somnambulist commented 5 years ago

This is what I did, for anyone that happens upon this. I think it's a better solution than what is presented above. The idea is to bind dnsmasq to a different IP address, and run dnsmasq and systemd-resolved in parallel, with systemd-resolved referring to dnsmasq as it's DNS server.

Note the DNS address, below:

➜ cat /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

And we change the listen address for dnsmasq.conf:

➜ cat /etc/dnsmasq.conf | grep

And you need to tell dnsmasq to ignore systemd-resolved to prevent a loop:

 ➜ cat /etc/default/dnsmasq 
# This file has five functions: 
# 1) to completely disable starting dnsmasq, 
# 2) to set DOMAIN_SUFFIX by running `dnsdomainname` 
# 3) to select an alternative config file
#    by setting DNSMASQ_OPTS to --conf-file=<file>
# 4) to tell dnsmasq to read the files in /etc/dnsmasq.d for
#    more configuration variables.
# 5) to stop the resolvconf package from controlling dnsmasq's
#    idea of which upstream nameservers to use.
# For upgraders from very old versions, all the shell variables set 
# here in previous versions are still honored by the init script
# so if you just keep your old version of this file nothing will break.


# Whether or not to run the dnsmasq daemon; set to 0 to disable.

# By default search this drop directory for configuration options.
# Libvirt leaves a file here to make the system dnsmasq play nice.
# Comment out this line if you don't want this. The dpkg-* are file
# endings which cause dnsmasq to skip that file. This avoids pulling
# in backups made by dpkg.

# If the resolvconf package is installed, dnsmasq will use its output 
# rather than the contents of /etc/resolv.conf to find upstream 
# nameservers. Uncommenting this line inhibits this behaviour.
# Note that including a "resolv-file=<filename>" line in 
# /etc/dnsmasq.conf is not enough to override resolvconf if it is
# installed: the line below must be uncommented.
kneufeld commented 5 years ago

Thanks so much @SwitchedToGitlab

To anybody here because they want to integrate with consul, add the following:

# dnsmasq.conf
otrapeznikov commented 5 years ago

@SwitchedToGitlab Thanks for sharing your approach. Worked for me, and solved reverse lookup issue when queries round robin between consul and upstream DNS.

One thing to add, I had to uncomment bind-interfaces in /etc/dnsmasq.conf

tpdownes commented 4 years ago

Thanks for all this. On my system, which was built for AWS using packer and terraform module consul-cluster, I found that the only reason I need to move dnsmasq to is because something (run-consul?) is setting up iptables rules that forward to

As Shaggy said, "it wasn't me."

Which all makes sense with only systemd-resolved and consul in the picture, but makes much less sense with dnsmasq included.

root@ip-10-0-0-26:~# iptables -t nat -L
target     prot opt source               destination

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
REDIRECT   udp  --  anywhere             localhost            udp dpt:domain redir ports 8600
REDIRECT   tcp  --  anywhere             localhost            tcp dpt:domain redir ports 8600

target     prot opt source               destination

(UPDATE) NAT setup is here

sarkis commented 4 years ago

Which all makes sense with only systemd-resolved and consul in the picture, but makes much less sense with dnsmasq included.

@tpdownes do you have a use case that warrants installing both dnsmasq and systemd-resolved over just using this: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-aws-consul/tree/master/modules/setup-systemd-resolved?

tpdownes commented 4 years ago

https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/issues/6462 describes one here.

Not my use case, but it appears to be the only way to ensure reverse lookup never goes through consul.

tpdownes commented 4 years ago

FWIW - i would describe that as a systemd-resolved problem (you configured a DNS server to perform forward resolution for .consul but it sneaks in and does reverse lookup, too). Nevertheless, that's the only reason I can see for having dnsmasq installed. You might also read my PR https://github.com/hashicorp/consul/pull/6731 on improving reverse lookup when you want only consul to perform reverse lookup on the subnets it's a part of.

scalp42 commented 4 years ago

@sarkis there's a use case for having /etc/hosts.consul be read by dnsmasq to lower the load on the Consul resolver (without getting into too many details).

kquinsland commented 4 years ago

Just a FYI, it's possible to use systed.resolvd w/ consul-agent. See here:


ghost commented 4 years ago

Hey there,

This issue has been automatically locked because it is closed and there hasn't been any activity for at least 30 days.

If you are still experiencing problems, or still have questions, feel free to open a new one :+1:.