hashicorp / docker-vault

Official Docker images for Vault
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Duplicate listeners attempting to be created #229

Closed smcpeck closed 2 years ago

smcpeck commented 3 years ago

I'm using (what I think is) a simple docker-compose setup.


version: '3.6'

    image: vault
      - /srv/vault/config:/vault/config
      - /srv/vault/config/vault-config.json:/vault/config/vault-config.hcl
      - /srv/vault/policies:/vault/policies
      - /srv/vault/data:/vault/data
      - /srv/vault/logs:/vault/logs
    command: server -config=/vault/config/vault-config.hcl -log-level=trace
      - IPC_LOCK


backend "file" {
  path = "vault/data"

listener "tcp" {
  address = ""
  tls_disable = true

api_addr = ""

ui = true


Error initializing listener of type tcp: listen tcp bind: address already in use,
2021-04-29T15:46:56.257Z [INFO]  proxy environment: http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy=,
2021-04-29T15:46:56.259Z [DEBUG] core: set config: sanitized config={"api_addr":"","cache_size":0,"cluster_addr":"","cluster_cipher_suites":"","cluster_name":"","default_lease_ttl":0,"default_max_request_duration":0,"disable_cache":false,"disable_clustering":false,"disable_indexing":false,"disable_mlock":false,"disable_performance_standby":false,"disable_printable_check":false,"disable_sealwrap":false,"disable_sentinel_trace":false,"enable_ui":true,"listeners":[{"config":{"address":"","tls_disable":true},"type":"tcp"},{"config":{"address":"","tls_disable":true},"type":"tcp"}],"log_format":"unspecified","log_level":"","max_lease_ttl":0,"pid_file":"","plugin_directory":"","raw_storage_endpoint":false,"seals":[{"disabled":false,"type":"shamir"}],"storage":{"cluster_addr":"","disable_clustering":false,"redirect_addr":"","type":"file"}},
2021-04-29T15:46:56.259Z [DEBUG] storage.cache: creating LRU cache: size=0,

Things of note from the logs.

It seems, to me, that vault's config is doubling up on listener creation and the 2nd attempt fails which kills the whole startup process.

This happens no matter what port I put in my listener config, so it isn't that 8200 is starting based on some default config and then my config is doubling it up. If I put 8201 in there, then the config shown in the logs shows duplicate listeners for 8201.

I've seen many posts that seem semi-related to my issue, but none of them offer up a decent solution that has worked for me.

rhotchkiss commented 3 years ago

I believe this may be related to https://github.com/hashicorp/docker-vault/issues/109

i.e. vault is automatically reading in config from the config volume(s), and then also reading it from your command line argument. I would suggest removing the config volumes from your compose file to check this.

smcpeck commented 3 years ago

Thanks, @rhotchkiss. I'll give this a look and report back once I've done so.

wildone commented 3 years ago

yep thats correct you don't need -config if you are loading it via volume.

smcpeck commented 2 years ago

Better late than never, right? I never fully configured Vault, but did get further along after removing the command line argument that points to the config file. 🍻

tvsaru commented 2 years ago

This tripped me as well. I was trying to setup a local dev env with two docker containers acting as two nodes in vault cluster.

> tree
├── config
│   ├── configuration.common.hcl
|   ├── configuration.node1.hcl
│   └── configuration.node2.hcl
└── logs
    ├── node1
    ├── node2

I thought in my docker-compose.yml I could do this:

      - server
      - -config=/vault/config/configuration.common.hcl
      - -config=/vault/config/configuration.node1.hcl
      - ./config/:/vault/config
      - ./logs/node1:/vault/logs

but as you noted that results in vault loading the config files from command line options and ALSO from the config volume.

After finding this Github Issue, I restructured as follows:

> tree
├── config
│   ├── configuration.common.hcl
│   ├── node1
│   │   └── configuration.node1.hcl
│   └── node2
│       └── configuration.node2.hcl
└── logs
    ├── node1
    ├── node2


      - server
      - ./config/node1:/vault/config
      - ./config/configuration.common.hcl:/vault/config/configuration.common.hcl
      - ./logs/node1:/vault/logs
      - server
      - ./config/node2:/vault/config
      - ./config/configuration.common.hcl:/vault/config/configuration.common.hcl
      - ./logs/node2:/vault/logs
ahmetonurslmz commented 1 year ago


I’ve written solution in the link. Please check it out to fix the issue. https://en.ahmetonursolmaz.com.tr/error-initializing-listener-of-type-tcp-listen-tcp-127-0-0-18200-bind-address-already-in-use/