hashicorp / faas-nomad

OpenFaaS plugin for Nomad
MIT License
254 stars 46 forks source link

Is this project abandoned? #93

Open AllanOricil opened 3 years ago

numkem commented 3 years ago

I've been looking myself at serverless functions within Nomad and OpenFaas seems to be the go to. But I'd rather use Nomad than Kubernetes. I hope this is not the case.

acornies commented 3 years ago

Hi folks, as you may have already noticed, I haven't been able to keep this provider up-to-date due to external factors and just life in general. However, I do think this provider technically has a place in the OpenFaaS ecosystem, but it requires additional contributors to make it work well with the latest versions of the OpenFaaS gateway and the faas-provider.

On a more broader note: I find that while OpenFaaS is very popular, historically the interest to support anything outside of Kubernetes or containerd just wasn't there. This might change over time as Nomad becomes the de facto orchestration alternative.

The approach I've taken to get similar functionality of OpenFaaS using the HashiStack and other OSS is:

Having said all of this, I still really appreciate what OpenFaaS is about. The commitment to the dev experience by using a single cli is great! This may or may not be needed depending on your organizational methodologies and interest. I'm only pointing out other primitives that can achieve the same end result if you've aligned with the HashiCorp ecosystem (given the state of this provider).

The only blocker we have with this project is people's time. Technically, Nomad, Consul and Vault can be a great fit as an OpenFaaS provider. Any volunteers? 😄

nicholasjackson commented 3 years ago

I saw this, sorry for the late reply.

I want to publically thank @acornies for all of the amazing work he has done on this project, his contributions to the community are nothing short of fantastic. Andrew is an invaluable member of the HashiCorp community and one of the reasons I love being part of it.

I will archive the repo for the time being.