Closed huahuayu closed 1 year ago
It's possible to do with delve. Here are steps that I used to launch a plugin in debug mode:
#set magicCookie=magicValue environemnt variables from HandshakeConfig
export TEST_PLUGIN=cookie_value
#set plugin vars
export PLUGIN_MIN_PORT=10000
export PLUGIN_MAX_PORT=25000
#make sure plugin output is "original" without debugger messages by passing log-dest & tty arguments
dlv --listen=:40000 --headless=true --api-version=2 --accept-multiclient \
--log-dest "dlv.log" \
--tty="" \
exec /full/path/to/plugin.bin -- "$@"
cmd := exec.Command("/bin/sh", "/full/path/to/")
client := plugin.NewClient(&plugin.ClientConfig{
HandshakeConfig: adapter.HandshakeConfig,
Plugins: pluginMap,
Cmd: cmd,
in Goland create go Remote debugger with 40000 port
Build the plugin binary for debugging
go build -gcflags="all=-N -l" -o ~/my-plugin main.go
Invoke the base project that spawns the plugin process.
Then attach to the running plugin process
dlv attach $(pgrep my-plugin)
Hi, since the plugin is invoked by the base project in different and run in different PID, so it become harder to debug. I tried but didn't success, could you please give an exmaple how to do it?