Hi Team,
We are using Hashicorp Nomad, consul and vault for our control plane setup. I am trying to render nomad job file based on a Consul KV. Below given is my template.
[[ with $backup := consulKeyOrDefault "/postgres/postgres-backup" "" ]] [[ if or $backup.nfs_host false ]] mounts = [ { type = "volume" target = "/backup" readonly = false volume_options { driver_config { options = { type = "nfs" o = "addr=[[ $backup.nfs_host ]],nolock,soft,rw" device = ":[[ $backup.nfs_path ]]" } } } } ] [[ end ]] [[ end ]]
When i run levant render, I get Unexpected Response code: 403 error. I am guessing this issue is to do with the ACL token for Consul access, however I am not able to find any documentation or variable available for passing Consul ACL token. I tried setting an environment variable "CONSUL_TOKEN" which usually works with consul commands, but levant isn't picking the ACL from the environment variable. Any help here is much appreciated.
Hi Team, We are using Hashicorp Nomad, consul and vault for our control plane setup. I am trying to render nomad job file based on a Consul KV. Below given is my template.
[[ with $backup := consulKeyOrDefault "/postgres/postgres-backup" "" ]] [[ if or $backup.nfs_host false ]] mounts = [ { type = "volume" target = "/backup" readonly = false volume_options { driver_config { options = { type = "nfs" o = "addr=[[ $backup.nfs_host ]],nolock,soft,rw" device = ":[[ $backup.nfs_path ]]" } } } } ] [[ end ]] [[ end ]]
When i run levant render, I get Unexpected Response code: 403 error. I am guessing this issue is to do with the ACL token for Consul access, however I am not able to find any documentation or variable available for passing Consul ACL token. I tried setting an environment variable "CONSUL_TOKEN" which usually works with consul commands, but levant isn't picking the ACL from the environment variable. Any help here is much appreciated.