hashicorp / nomad

Nomad is an easy-to-use, flexible, and performant workload orchestrator that can deploy a mix of microservice, batch, containerized, and non-containerized applications. Nomad is easy to operate and scale and has native Consul and Vault integrations.
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Render templates and download artifacts in containers #12301

Open schmichael opened 2 years ago

schmichael commented 2 years ago

aka switch template from being trusted to untrusted.


Nomad should fetch artifacts and render templates inside their task's container so that they have the same permissions, capabilities, namespaces, and filesystem layout as their task.


As of Nomad 1.2 the artifact and template stanzas map to the go-getter and consul-template tools respectively. These tools are used as libraries: embedded in the Nomad binary and their code is executed with the Nomad agent's permissions and capabilities.

Since go-getter and consul-template were designed as standalone tools and for use in CLI apps, it has been quite difficult to run them securely.


The primary complication here is that task drivers were not designed with a Prestart phase in which containerization has been setup but the task itself has not yet started.

It is likely the implementation should work more like logmon than our Consul Connect integration's Envoy sidecar proxy. The Envoy sidecar proxy is implemented as a task that is generated from other stanzas at the group level. The Envoy task uses the Docker driver and has to allow for extensive customization by job and cluster operators.

Logmon on the other hand is built into Nomad and fork/exec'd before starting tasks. It's not a "real" task and therefore is (largely) task driver agnostic. We could reuse the libcontainer containerization features of our exec driver to execute a new consul-template entrypoint safely. The downsides are that there's a lot of useful plumbing for tasks (logging, restarts, observability, etc) that we wouldn't get for free.

Consul Token

Right now templates use a per-allocation Vault token for communicating with Vault. However for Consul the Nomad agent's Consul token is used. We would not want to put the agent's Consul token in a container with a now-untrusted consul-template, so we would have to use a per-allocation Consul token.

Another alternative would be to proxy Consul requests through Nomad where the agent's Consul token could be safely injected.

Non-Linux Operating Systems

If we go the logmon route we currently only support containerization on Linux. We would either have to ship unsafe templating for other operating systems, or implement containerization.

Container Implementation

schmichael commented 2 years ago

Just noticed this is technically a dupe of #2510, but we'll continue to use this issue since stalebot closed the original years ago.

tgross commented 1 year ago

Another challenge here is limiting memory overhead. We know that the logmon process is using up an unfortunate amount of memory and having multiple template runners would be additional Nomad-owned RAM unusable by workloads. (This is less of a problem for artifacts because artifact fetching is one-and-done whereas templates remain running.) Some thoughts I've had on that:

tgross commented 4 months ago

Some follow-up on this. We've sandboxed go-getter on Linux in a subprocess via Landlock with solves a lot of the problems this issue was intended to resolve without having to deal with the chicken-and-the-egg of having the artifact run before the container it downloads.

But template runners remain a challenge, particularly because they need to be long-lived and can potentially have unbound resource usage via large numbers of dependencies. This was the source of the issue I was investigating in https://github.com/hashicorp/nomad/pull/20134. It might be interesting to consider whether we could redesign template blocks to be more like the connect block -- automatically create a sidecar task that requires resource allocation. This would be tricky to do without a universal exec driver though.