hashicorp / packer-plugin-amazon

Packer plugin for Amazon AMI Builder
Mozilla Public License 2.0
72 stars 110 forks source link

Build of an AMI with HCP Packer Registry integration and with skip_create_ami = true ends up in creating an incomplete Iteration in HCP Packer Registry #419

Open schniber opened 1 year ago

schniber commented 1 year ago

When filing a bug, please include the following headings if possible. Any example text in this template can be deleted.

Overview of the Issue

Build of an AMI with HCP Packer Registry integration and with skip_create_ami = true ends up in creating an incomplete Iteration in HCP Packer Registry.

Reproduction Steps

1/ Export the HCP_CLIENT_SECRET and the HCP_CLIENT_ID locally as per : https://developer.hashicorp.com/packer/tutorials/hcp-get-started/hcp-push-image-metadata#create-hcp-service-principal-and-set-to-environment-variable 2/ Run the following:

packer {
  required_plugins {
    amazon = {
      version = ">= 1.0.1"
      source  = "github.com/hashicorp/amazon"

source "amazon-ebs" "basic-example-east" {
  region = "us-east-2"
  source_ami_filter {
    filters = {
      virtualization-type = "hvm"
      name                = "ubuntu/images/*ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-*"
      root-device-type    = "ebs"
    owners      = ["099720109477"]
    most_recent = true
  skip_create_ami = true
  instance_type  = "t2.small"
  ssh_username   = "ubuntu"
  ssh_agent_auth = false
  ami_name       = "packer_AWS_{{timestamp}}"

build {
  name = "example-amazon-ebs"
  sources = [ "source.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east"]
  hcp_packer_registry {
    bucket_name = "example-amazon-ebs-custom"
    description = "Golden image for Amazon-backed applications"

    bucket_labels = {
      "team" = "amazon-development",
      "os"   = "Ubuntu"

    build_labels = {
      "python-version"   = "3.9",
      "ubuntu-version" = "Xenial 16.04"
      "build-time" = timestamp()

Plugin and Packer version

Packer v1.9.4

Simplified Packer Buildfile

See above

Operating system and Environment details


Log Fragments and crash.log files

> packer build .
Tracking build on HCP Packer with fingerprint "XXXXX"
example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: output will be in this color.

==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Prevalidating any provided VPC information
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Prevalidating AMI Name: packer_AWS_1695295551
    example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Found Image ID: ami-yyyyyyyyy
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Creating temporary keypair: packer_650c283f-65c4-5efe-ad79-4ee744651510
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Creating temporary security group for this instance: packer_650c2846-a87f-58d6-c7bf-af9608fc299c
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Authorizing access to port 22 from [] in the temporary security groups...
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Launching a source AWS instance...
    example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Instance ID: i-qsdqsdqsdqsdqsd
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Waiting for instance (i-qsdqsdqsdqsdqsd) to become ready...
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Using SSH communicator to connect:
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Waiting for SSH to become available...
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Connected to SSH!
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Stopping the source instance...
    example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Stopping instance
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Waiting for the instance to stop...
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Skipping AMI creation...
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Skipping AMI region copy...
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Skipping Enable AMI deprecation...
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Skipping AMI modify attributes...
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Skipping AMI create tags...
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Terminating the source AWS instance...
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Cleaning up any extra volumes...
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: No volumes to clean up, skipping
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Deleting temporary security group...
==> example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east: Deleting temporary keypair...
Error: failed to complete HCP-enabled build "example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east"

failed to update Packer registry with image artifacts for
"amazon-ebs.basic-example-east": setting a build to DONE with no published
images is not currently supported.

Build 'example-amazon-ebs.amazon-ebs.basic-example-east' finished after 1 minute 46 seconds.

==> Wait completed after 1 minute 46 seconds

==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.

Iteration "XXXXX" is not complete, the following builds are not done:

* "amazon-ebs.basic-example-east": RUNNING

You may resume work on this iteration in further Packer builds by defining the following variable in your environment:

Ideally, HCP Packer Registry push should be ignored by Packer since this is a test build and no AMI will be created upon the packer process.

Hope this makes sense.

Thanks a lot for your help.
