hashicorp / packer-plugin-azure

Packer plugin for Azure Virtual Machine Image Builders
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Cross Subscription Image Builds Failing - newer resource-manager version solves issue #403

Closed jercle closed 5 months ago

jercle commented 5 months ago

Overview of the Issue

Until the last week or so, we have been building images in one subscription then saving them in a Shared Image Gallery in another subscription. This is now failing with the following error:

2024/04/10 03:58:48 ui error: --> azure-arm.test1: performing CreateOrUpdate: unexpected status 400 (400 Bad Request) 
with error: InvalidParameter: The source VM '/subscriptions/PKR_VAR_SUB_ID/resourceGroups/pkr-Resource-Group-
s7mcoo7lju/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/pkrvms7mcoo7lju' is a cross subscription source for the 
galleryImageVersion created in subscription 'SIG_SUB_ID'. Please retry the call by specifying the VM id in 
'galleryImageVersion.properties.storageProfile.source.virtualMachineId' instead. See https://aka.ms/acgsecurityupdates
for more details.

Reproduction Steps

Run any packer build that builds an image, then saves the image to a SIG in another subscription

Plugin and Packer version

Packer v1.10.1 Failed on both versions of azure plugin. Previously functional on v2.0.2, only installed v2.1.0 after failures began. packer-plugin-azure_v2.0.2_x5.0_linux_amd64 packer-plugin-azure_v2.1.0_x5.0_linux_amd64

Simplified Packer Buildfile

variable "CLIENT_ID" { type = string } variable "CLIENT_SECRET" { type = string } variable "SUBSCRIPTION_ID" { type = string } variable "TENANT_ID" { type = string } source "azure-arm" "test1" { azure_tags = { dept = "Engineering" task = "Image deployment" } location = "Australia East" virtual_network_name = "PKR_VAR_SUB_VNET" virtual_network_subnet_name = "PKR_VAR_SUB_SUBNET" virtual_network_resource_group_name = "PKR_VAR_SUB_RG" os_type = "Windows" image_offer = "office-365" image_publisher = "MicrosoftWindowsDesktop" image_sku = "win10-22h2-avd-m365-g2" shared_image_gallery_timeout = "2h5m2s" client_id = var.CLIENT_ID client_secret = var.CLIENT_SECRET communicator = "winrm" shared_image_gallery_destination { subscription = "SIG_SUB_ID" resource_group = "SIG_RG" gallery_name = "SIG_NAME" image_name = "imgdef-specialised-win10-multi-session-gen2" image_version = "1.0.89" specialized = true # replication_regions = ["australiaeast"] } user_assigned_managed_identities = [ "/subscriptions/SIG_SUB_ID/resourceGroups/PKR_VAR_SUB_RG/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/id" ] os_disk_size_gb = 127 subscription_id = var.SUBSCRIPTION_ID tenant_id = var.TENANT_ID vm_size = "Standard_F8s_V2" winrm_insecure = true winrm_timeout = "2h" winrm_use_ssl = false winrm_username = "packer" winrm_password = "" winrm_no_proxy = true polling_duration_timeout = "1h5m2s" # custom_script = "winrm quickconfig -quiet" custom_script = "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoProfile -NonInteractive -Command \"$userData = (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Metadata=$true} -Method GET -Uri http://IP/metadata/instance/compute/userData?api-version=2021-01-01$([char]38)format=text); $contents = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([Convert]::FromBase64String($userData)); set-content -path c:\\Windows\\Temp\\userData1.ps1 -value $contents; . c:\\Windows\\Temp\\userData1.ps1;\"" user_data_file = "./userData1.ps1" } build { sources = ["source.azure-arm.test1"] provisioner "powershell" { script = "./build.ps1" elevated_user = "packer" elevated_password = build.Password execution_policy = "bypass" } }

Operating system and Environment details

Ubuntu x86-64 22.04

jercle commented 5 months ago

Could be related to https://github.com/Azure/azure-cli/issues/28700 (https://github.com/Azure/azure-cli/issues/28700#issuecomment-2048212517) or an issue with Azure's underlying API

jercle commented 5 months ago

Also, there's a new field in the GalleryArtifactVersionFullSource struct which should solve the issue by updating the used sdk and passing the value there

azure-sdk-for-go changelog

5.6.0 (2024-03-22)

Features Added

jercle commented 5 months ago

Also looks to be available in resource-manager/compute/2023-07-03

Having a look through the tags, the earliest available version of github.com/hashicorp/go-azure-sdk/resource-manager is v0.20240403.1161138

jercle commented 5 months ago

Pinning at least v0.20240403.1161138 of github.com/hashicorp/go-azure-sdk/resource-manager and VirtualMachineID here should resolve this issue

JenGoldstrich commented 5 months ago

Ah yeah, seems like we need to send the new VirtualMachineID field instead of ID for that case, but I think we still need to send ID if the build is sourced from a managed image and not a VM, I'll work on getting a fix out for that shortly, thanks for reporting and your investigation