hashicorp / packer-plugin-googlecompute

Packer plugin for Google Compute Builder
Mozilla Public License 2.0
23 stars 51 forks source link

machine readable: googlecompute.new-my-workstation,error []string{"Error waiting for image: time out while waiting for image to register"} #164

Open vitalyk-multinarity opened 1 year ago

vitalyk-multinarity commented 1 year ago

When filing a bug, please include the following headings if possible. Any example text in this template can be deleted.

Overview of the Issue

Probably similar to https://github.com/hashicorp/packer-plugin-googlecompute/issues/104

Reproduction Steps

Steps to reproduce this issue

Plugin and Packer version

packer-plugin-googlecompute_v1.1.1_x5.0_linux_amd64 v1.1.1

Simplified Packer Buildfile

source "googlecompute" "new-workstation" {
  disk_size         = "100"
  disk_type         = "pd-ssd"
  image_family      = "my-workstation-${var.user_name}"
  machine_type      = "n1-standard-16"
  accelerator_type  = "projects/my-project/zones/europe-west4-b/acceleratorTypes/nvidia-tesla-t4"
  on_host_maintenance = "TERMINATE"
  accelerator_count = "1"
  preemptible       = "false"
  project_id        = "my-project"
  region            = "europe-west4"
  source_image_family = "pytorch-1-13-gpu-debian-10"
  ssh_username      = "packer"
  zone              = "europe-west4-b"
  tags              = ["deeplearning-packer"]

build {
  sources = ["source.googlecompute.my-projectn"]

  provisioner "shell" {
    inline = [
      "set -x",
      "uname -a",

      "echo '${var.gcp_key}' | base64 --decode >$HOME/gcp_key.json",

      "wget https://dl.google.com/dl/cloudsdk/channels/rapid/downloads/google-cloud-cli-418.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz",
      "tar xf google-cloud-cli-418.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz",
      "gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file $HOME/gcp_key.json",
      "gcloud auth configure-docker europe-west1-docker.pkg.dev",
      "sudo /opt/deeplearning/install-driver.sh"
      timeout = "1h" 

Operating system and Environment details

Ubuntu 20.04; running as a part of GitHub Actions workflow

Log Fragments and crash.log files

2023/05/21 12:48:56 packer-plugin-googlecompute_v1.1.1_x5.0_linux_amd64 plugin: 2023/05/21 12:48:56 Retryable error: retrying for state DONE, got RUNNING
2023/05/21 12:48:58 packer-plugin-googlecompute_v1.1.1_x5.0_linux_amd64 plugin: 2023/05/21 12:48:58 Retryable error: retrying for state DONE, got RUNNING
==> googlecompute.new-my-workstation: Error waiting for image: time out while waiting for image to register
==> googlecompute.new-my-workstation: Deleting disk...
2023/05/21 12:48:59 packer-plugin-googlecompute_v1.1.1_x5.0_linux_amd64 plugin: 2023/05/21 12:48:59 Retryable error: retrying for state DONE, got RUNNING
2023/05/21 12:49:00 packer-plugin-googlecompute_v1.1.1_x5.0_linux_amd64 plugin: 2023/05/21 12:49:00 Retryable error: retrying for state DONE, got RUNNING
2023/05/21 12:49:01 packer-plugin-googlecompute_v1.1.1_x5.0_linux_amd64 plugin: 2023/05/21 12:49:01 Skipping cleanup of IAP tunnel; "iap" is false.
    googlecompute.my-workstation: Disk has been deleted!
2023/05/21 12:49:01 [INFO] (telemetry) ending googlecompute.new-my-workstation
2023/05/21 12:49:01 Waiting on builds to complete...
==> Wait completed after 11 minutes 32 seconds
2023/05/21 12:49:01 machine readable: error-count []string{"1"}
==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
2023/05/21 12:49:01 machine readable: googlecompute.new-my-workstation,error []string{"Error waiting for image: time out while waiting for image to register"}
==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.
2023/05/21 12:49:01 [INFO] (telemetry) Finalizing.
==> googlecompute.new-my-workstation: Provisioning step had errors: Running the cleanup provisioner, if present...
Build 'googlecompute.new-my-workstation' errored after 11 minutes 32 seconds: Error waiting for image: time out while waiting for image to register

==> Wait completed after 11 minutes 32 seconds

==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
--> googlecompute.new-my-workstation: Error waiting for image: time out while waiting for image to register