hashicorp / packer-plugin-vsphere

Packer plugin for VMware vSphere Builder
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Permissions list needed. #57

Closed ghost closed 2 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

This issue was originally opened by @Ludicrous09 as hashicorp/packer#10976. It was migrated here as a result of the Packer plugin split. The original body of the issue is below.


Can we get a real list of the permissions needed to use each section of the builder? There seem to be only very old versions of this from when Jetbrains maintained this. While some of those are still applicable, there have been new features added that are not documented permissions wise. Such as publish to content library, I have given the account full content library access and it doesn't work.

The only way I can get it to work is to give it Global Permission Administrator.

I have tried Giving it Global Permission Read-only and all the rest of the normal packer permissions and everything works until it gets to publish to content library then I get a 403 forbidden.

Use Case(s)

To be able to publish a packer created OVA to a local content library in a production environment with out giving the account Global Administrator role in vcenter. An all encompassing permissions list that are needed should be provided.

Potential configuration

VCenter Server 6.7u3 VMware ESXi, 6.7.0, 17499825

Permissions my account has that will preform all operations except publish OVA to content library.


Content Library





Virtual machine

Potential References



mgarren commented 3 years ago

Followed here from issue 97 and worked with our vsphere admin. He found the following was needed at least for my configuration in addition to what was listed in 97:

Resource.AssignVMToPool Folder.Create Datastore.AllocateSpace Network.Assign VirtualMachine.Interact.Inject USB HID scan codes

Not sure if that will help anyone

danfeldmann commented 3 years ago

following from https://github.com/jetbrains-infra/packer-builder-vsphere/issues/97 too

I could get the 403 error solved with adding the permission VApp.Export to our role as referenced here: https://developer.vmware.com/docs/vsphere-automation/v7.0.0/vcenter/rest/com/vmware/vcenter/ovf/library-item/post/

tenthirtyam commented 3 years ago

Regarding exporting machine images as VM Templates or OVF Templates to a publishing content library, see Hierarchical Inheritance of Permissions for Content Libraries in vSphere Virtual Machine Administration under tbe VMware vSphere Documentation.

TL;DR - I typically:

For the documentation, it would be pretty easy to show how to create the custom role using the Terraform provider for vSphere using the vsphere_role resource. Here's an example that could be adapted.

Hope this helps.

Ryan My Packer Examples for VMware vSphere

tenthirtyam commented 2 years ago

Create a custom vSphere role with the required privileges to integrate HashiCorp Packer with VMware vSphere. A service account can be added to the role to ensure that Packer has the least privileged access to the infrastructure. Clone the default Read-Only vSphere role and add the following privileges, which are based on the capabilities of the vsphere-iso plugin:

Category Privilege Reference
Content Library Add library item ContentLibrary.AddLibraryItem
... Update Library Item ContentLibrary.UpdateLibraryItem
Datastore Allocate space Datastore.AllocateSpace
... Browse datastore Datastore.Browse
... Low level file operations Datastore.Browse
Network Assign network Network.Assign
Resource Assign virtual machine to resource pool Resource.AssignVMToPool
vApp Export vApp.Export
Virtual Machine Configuration > Add new disk VirtualMachine.Config.AddNewDisk
... Configuration > Add or remove device VirtualMachine.Config.AddRemoveDevice
... Configuration > Advanced configuration VirtualMachine.Config.AdvancedConfig
... Configuration > Change CPU count VirtualMachine.Config.CPUCount
... Configuration > Change memory VirtualMachine.Config.Memory
... Configuration > Change settings VirtualMachine.Config.Settings
... Configuration > Change Resource VirtualMachine.Config.Resource
... Configuration > Set annotation VirtualMachine.Config.Annotation
... Edit Inventory > Create from existing VirtualMachine.Inventory.CreateFromExisting
... Edit Inventory > Create new VirtualMachine.Inventory.Create
... Edit Inventory > Remove VirtualMachine.Inventory.Delete
... Interaction > Configure CD media VirtualMachine.Interact.SetCDMedia
... Interaction > Configure floppy media VirtualMachine.Interact.SetFloppyMedia
... Interaction > Connect devices VirtualMachine.Interact.DeviceConnection
... Interaction > Inject USB HID scan codes VirtualMachine.Interact.PutUsbScanCodes
... Interaction > Power off VirtualMachine.Interact.PowerOff
... Interaction > Power on VirtualMachine.Interact.PowerOn
... Provisioning > Create template from virtual machine VirtualMachine.Provisioning.CreateTemplateFromVM
... Provisioning > Mark as template VirtualMachine.Provisioning.MarkAsTemplate
... Provisioning > Mark as virtual machine VirtualMachine.Provisioning.MarkAsVM
... State > Create snapshot VirtualMachine.State.CreateSnapshot

If you'd like to automate the creation of the custom vSphere role, a Terraform example is included my project.

Once the custom vSphere role is created, assign Global Permissions in vSphere for the service account used for the HashiCorp Packer to VMware vSphere integration. Global permissions are required for the content library. For example:

  1. Log in to the vCenter Server at _https:///ui_ as administrator@vsphere.local.
  2. Select Menu > Administration.
  3. In the left pane, select Access control > Global permissions and click the Add permissions icon.
  4. In the Add permissions dialog box, enter the service account (e.g. svc-packer-vsphere@rainpole.io), select the custom role (e.g. Packer to vSphere Integration Role) and the Propagate to children check box, and click OK.

In an environment with many vCenter Server instances, such as management and workload domains, you may wish to further reduce the scope of access across the infrastructure in vSphere for the service account. For example, if you do not want Packer to have access to your management domain, but only allow access to workload domains:

  1. From the Hosts and clusters inventory, select management domain vCenter Server to restrict scope, and click the Permissions tab.
  2. Select the service account with the custom role assigned and click the Change role icon.
  3. In the Change role dialog box, from the Role drop-down menu, select No Access, select the Propagate to children check box, and click OK.

Hope this helps.


tenthirtyam commented 2 years ago

Recommend: status/resolved