hashicorp / packer

Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
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Expressions documentation talks about conditional evaluation, but never defines it #12806

Open johnson-earls opened 7 months ago

johnson-earls commented 7 months ago

Community Note

Overview of the Issue

The Expressions documentation at https://developer.hashicorp.com/packer/docs/templates/hcl_templates/expressions talks about "conditional evaluation" in a couple of places. But nowhere in that documentation or anywhere else in the Packer documentation do they give examples of or say how to do conditional evaluation. To me, conditional evaluation means logic that determines a value, something like C's ?: ternary operator or Python's foo if bar else baz conditional operator syntax. There is no such thing in Packer. The documentation should not claim there is and then not say anything else about it.

Reproduction Steps

Read the documentation.

Packer version

Packer version 1.9 or 2.0

Simplified Packer Template

I don't have a template because the documentation to create such a template does not exist.

Operating system and Environment details

Not applicable.

Log Fragments and crash.log files

Not applicable.

tenthirtyam commented 3 months ago

I use conditionals all the time in my project.

For example:

locals {
  data_source_command = var.common_data_source == "http" ? "inst.ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/ks.cfg" : "inst.ks=cdrom:/ks.cfg"

source "vsphere-iso" "linux-rhel" {
  # ...
  iso_paths    = var.common_iso_content_library_enabled ? [local.iso_paths.content_library] : [local.iso_paths.datastore]
  http_content = var.common_data_source == "http" ? local.data_source_content : null
  cd_content   = var.common_data_source == "disk" ? local.data_source_content : null
  http_ip       = var.common_data_source == "http" ? var.common_http_ip : null
  http_port_min = var.common_data_source == "http" ? var.common_http_port_min : null
  http_port_max = var.common_data_source == "http" ? var.common_http_port_max : null
 # ...
  boot_command = [
    "text ${local.data_source_command}",
  # ...

Might be good to add such an example because it certainly can be used. 💯