hashicorp / packer

Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
15.03k stars 3.32k forks source link

Failed to create forward rule in virtualbox #1835

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

The version of packerio I use is 0.7.5. The version of virtualbox I use is 4.3.20. I tried to create the virtualbox image from an ova file. I use the log=1 to check the logging information, it tells it has created the forwarding rule in the virtualbox, but actually it is not, then result in the SSH timeout problem. If I manually create the rule, then it will pass the SSH problem, and tell me connected to SSH.

rickard-von-essen commented 9 years ago

Could you please gist the full debug log and your json file(s).

ghost commented 9 years ago

The json file:

  "builders": [{
  "type": "virtualbox-ovf",
  "source_path": "test_1.ova",
  "format": "ova",
  "ssh_username": "robin",
  "ssh_password": "",
  "ssh_wait_timeout": "200s",
  "boot_wait": "60s",
  "ssh_port" : 22,
  "shutdown_command": "echo '' | sudo -S shutdown -P now"
"provisioners": [
        {"type": "shell",
         "script": "preinstall.sh",
         "execute_command": "echo '' | {{ .Vars }} sudo -E -S sh '{{ .Path }}'"
"post-processors": [
  "type": "vagrant",
  "output" : "centos_puppet.box",
  "only" : ["virtualbox-ovf"]

The log information:

2015/01/14 11:06:14 [INFO] Packer version: 0.7.5  9cd66feeacbd9cb318b72eb5ed5942
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Built with Go Version: go1.3.3
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: amazon-chroot = C:\Users\Crayon\pa
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: amazon-ebs = C:\Users\Crayon\packe
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: amazon-instance = C:\Users\Crayon\
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: digitalocean = C:\Users\Crayon\pac
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: docker = C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: googlecompute = C:\Users\Crayon\pa
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: null = C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\p
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: openstack = C:\Users\Crayon\packer
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: parallels-iso = C:\Users\Crayon\pa
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: parallels-pvm = C:\Users\Crayon\pa
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: qemu = C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\p
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: virtualbox-iso = C:\Users\Crayon\p
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: virtualbox-ovf = C:\Users\Crayon\p
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: vmware-iso = C:\Users\Crayon\packe
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: vmware-vmx = C:\Users\Crayon\packe
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: atlas = C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: compress = C:\Users\Crayon\packer.
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: docker-import = C:\Users\Crayon\pa
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: docker-push = C:\Users\Crayon\pack
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: docker-save = C:\Users\Crayon\pack
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: docker-tag = C:\Users\Crayon\packe
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: vagrant-cloud = C:\Users\Crayon\pa
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: vagrant = C:\Users\Crayon\packer.i
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: vsphere = C:\Users\Crayon\packer.i
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: ansible-local = C:\Users\Crayon\pa
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: chef-client = C:\Users\Crayon\pack
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: chef-solo = C:\Users\Crayon\packer
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: file = C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\p
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: puppet-masterless = C:\Users\Crayo
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: puppet-server = C:\Users\Crayon\pa
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: salt-masterless = C:\Users\Crayon\
2015/01/14 11:06:14 [DEBUG] Discoverd plugin: shell = C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\Crayon\AppData\Roam
2015/01/14 11:06:14 File doesn't exist, but doesn't need to. Ignoring.
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSi
gnature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[amazon-instan
ce:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-builder-amazon-instance.exe digitalocean:C:\
Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-builder-digitalocean.exe docker:C:\Users\Crayon\pa
cker.io\packer-builder-docker.exe googlecompute:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer
-builder-googlecompute.exe null:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-builder-null.ex
e openstack:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-builder-openstack.exe parallels-iso
:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-builder-parallels-iso.exe vmware-vmx:C:\Users\
Crayon\packer.io\packer-builder-vmware-vmx.exe amazon-ebs:C:\Users\Crayon\packer
.io\packer-builder-amazon-ebs.exe qemu:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-builder-
qemu.exe virtualbox-iso:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-builder-virtualbox-iso.
exe vmware-iso:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-builder-vmware-iso.exe amazon-ch
root:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-builder-amazon-chroot.exe parallels-pvm:C:
\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-builder-parallels-pvm.exe virtualbox-ovf:C:\Users
\Crayon\packer.io\packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe] PostProcessors:map[vagrant-
cloud:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-post-processor-vagrant-cloud.exe vagrant:
C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-post-processor-vagrant.exe vsphere:C:\Users\Cra
yon\packer.io\packer-post-processor-vsphere.exe atlas:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\
packer-post-processor-atlas.exe compress:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-post-p
rocessor-compress.exe docker-save:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-post-processo
r-docker-save.exe docker-import:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-post-processor-
docker-import.exe docker-push:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-post-processor-do
cker-push.exe docker-tag:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-post-processor-docker-
tag.exe] Provisioners:map[salt-masterless:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-provi
sioner-salt-masterless.exe shell:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-provisioner-sh
ell.exe ansible-local:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-provisioner-ansible-local
.exe chef-client:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-provisioner-chef-client.exe ch
ef-solo:C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-provisioner-chef-solo.exe file:C:\Users
\Crayon\packer.io\packer-provisioner-file.exe puppet-masterless:C:\Users\Crayon\
packer.io\packer-provisioner-puppet-masterless.exe puppet-server:C:\Users\Crayon
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Setting cache directory: C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\ubuntu\pa
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Reading template: packer.example.virtualbox.ova.json
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Creating build: virtualbox-ovf
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Loading builder: virtualbox-ovf
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Creating plugin client for path: C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\p
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Starting plugin: C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-builder-vi
rtualbox-ovf.exe []string{"C:\\Users\\Crayon\\packer.io\\packer-builder-virtualb
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Waiting for RPC address for: C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packe
2015/01/14 11:06:14 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:14 Plugi
n minimum port: 10000
2015/01/14 11:06:14 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:14 Plugi
n maximum port: 25000
2015/01/14 11:06:14 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:14 Plugi
n address: tcp
2015/01/14 11:06:14 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:14 Waiti
ng for connection...
2015/01/14 11:06:14 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:14 Servi
ng a plugin connection...
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Loading post-processor: vagrant
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Creating plugin client for path: C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\p
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Starting plugin: C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-post-proce
ssor-vagrant.exe []string{"C:\\Users\\Crayon\\packer.io\\packer-post-processor-v
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Waiting for RPC address for: C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packe
2015/01/14 11:06:14 packer-post-processor-vagrant.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:14 Plugi
n minimum port: 10000
2015/01/14 11:06:14 packer-post-processor-vagrant.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:14 Plugi
n maximum port: 25000
2015/01/14 11:06:14 packer-post-processor-vagrant.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:14 Plugi
n address: tcp
2015/01/14 11:06:14 packer-post-processor-vagrant.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:14 Waiti
ng for connection...
2015/01/14 11:06:14 packer-post-processor-vagrant.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:14 Servi
ng a plugin connection...
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Loading provisioner: shell
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Creating plugin client for path: C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\p
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Starting plugin: C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-provisione
r-shell.exe []string{"C:\\Users\\Crayon\\packer.io\\packer-provisioner-shell.exe
2015/01/14 11:06:14 Waiting for RPC address for: C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packe
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-provisioner-shell.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 Plugin min
imum port: 10000
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-provisioner-shell.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 Plugin max
imum port: 25000
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-provisioner-shell.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 Plugin add
ress: tcp
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-provisioner-shell.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 Waiting fo
r connection...
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-provisioner-shell.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 Serving a
plugin connection...
2015/01/14 11:06:15 ui: virtualbox-ovf output will be in this color.
2015/01/14 11:06:15 ui:
2015/01/14 11:06:15 Build debug mode: false
2015/01/14 11:06:15 Force build: false
2015/01/14 11:06:15 Preparing build: virtualbox-ovf
2015/01/14 11:06:15 Waiting on builds to complete...
2015/01/14 11:06:15 Starting build run: virtualbox-ovf
2015/01/14 11:06:15 Running builder: virtualbox-ovf
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 [DEBU
G] builder/virtualbox: VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH = C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBo
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 VBoxM
anage path: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 Suppr
essing annoying messages in VirtualBox
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 Execu
ting VBoxManage: []string{"setextradata", "global", "GUI/RegistrationData", "tri
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 stdou
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 stder
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 Execu
ting VBoxManage: []string{"setextradata", "global", "GUI/SuppressMessages", "con
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 stdou
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 stder
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 Execu
ting VBoxManage: []string{"setextradata", "global", "GUI/UpdateCheckCount", "60"
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 stdou
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 stder
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 Execu
ting VBoxManage: []string{"setextradata", "global", "GUI/UpdateDate", "1 d, 2016
-01-01, stable"}
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 stdou
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 stder
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 No fl
oppy files specified. Floppy disk will not be made.
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 VBoxM
anage --version output: 4.3.20r96997
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 Virtu
alBox version: 4.3.20
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 Found
 Default Guest Additions ISO: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox/VBoxGuestAdditi
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 Guest
 additions URL: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxGuestAdditions.
2015/01/14 11:06:15 ui: ==> virtualbox-ovf: Downloading or copying Guest additio
2015/01/14 11:06:15 ui:     virtualbox-ovf: Downloading or copying: file:///C:/P
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 Acqui
ring lock to download: file:///C:/Program%20Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxGuestAdd
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 Parse
d URL: &url.URL{Scheme:"file", Opaque:"", User:(*url.Userinfo)(nil), Host:"", Pa
th:"/C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso", RawQuery:"", Fr
2015/01/14 11:06:15 ui: ==> virtualbox-ovf: Importing VM: test_1.ova
2015/01/14 11:06:15 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:06:15 Execu
ting VBoxManage: []string{"import", "test_1.ova", "--vsys", "0", "--vmname", "pa
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:07:20 stdou
t: Disks:  vmdisk2      8589934592      -1      http://www.vmware.com/interfaces
/specifications/vmdk.html#streamOptimized       test_1-disk1.vmdk       -1
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: Virtual system 0:
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:  0: Suggested OS type: "U
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:     (change with "--vsys
0 --ostype <type>"; use "list ostypes" to list all possible values)
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:  1: VM name specified wit
h --vmname: "packer-virtualbox-ovf-1421204774"
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:  2: Number of CPUs: 1
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:     (change with "--vsys
0 --cpus <n>")
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:  3: Guest memory: 2048 MB

2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:     (change with "--vsys
0 --memory <MB>")
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:  4: Sound card (appliance
 expects "", can change on import)
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:     (disable with "--vsys
 0 --unit 4 --ignore")
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:  5: USB controller
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:     (disable with "--vsys
 0 --unit 5 --ignore")
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:  6: Network adapter: orig
 Bridged, config 3, extra slot=0;type=Bridged
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:  7: Network adapter: orig
 NAT, config 3, extra slot=1;type=NAT
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:  8: CD-ROM
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:     (disable with "--vsys
 0 --unit 8 --ignore")
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:  9: IDE controller, type
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:     (disable with "--vsys
 0 --unit 9 --ignore")
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 10: IDE controller, type
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:     (disable with "--vsys
 0 --unit 10 --ignore")
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 11: SATA controller, type
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:     (disable with "--vsys
 0 --unit 11 --ignore")
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 12: Hard disk image: sour
ce image=test_1-disk1.vmdk, target path=C:\Users\Crayon\VirtualBox VMs\test_1_1\
test_1-disk1.vmdk, controller=11;channel=0
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:     (change target path w
ith "--vsys 0 --unit 12 --disk path";
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:     disable with "--vsys
0 --unit 12 --ignore")
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: Successfully imported the
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:07:20 stder
r: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: Interpreting C:\Users\Cra
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: OK.
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:07:20 Not a
ttaching guest additions since we're uploading.
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:07:20 No fl
oppy disk, not attaching.
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:07:20 Looki
ng for available SSH port between 2222 and 4444
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:07:20 Tryin
g port: 2469
2015/01/14 11:07:20 ui: ==> virtualbox-ovf: Creating forwarded port mapping for
SSH (host port 2469)
2015/01/14 11:07:20 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:07:20 Execu
ting VBoxManage: []string{"modifyvm", "packer-virtualbox-ovf-1421204774", "--nat
pf1", "packerssh,tcp,,2469,,22"}
2015/01/14 11:07:21 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:07:21 stdou
2015/01/14 11:07:21 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:07:21 stder
2015/01/14 11:07:21 ui: ==> virtualbox-ovf: Starting the virtual machine...
2015/01/14 11:07:21 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:07:21 Execu
ting VBoxManage: []string{"startvm", "packer-virtualbox-ovf-1421204774", "--type
", "gui"}
2015/01/14 11:07:35 ui: ==> virtualbox-ovf: Waiting 1m0s for boot...
2015/01/14 11:07:35 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:07:35 stdou
t: Waiting for VM "packer-virtualbox-ovf-1421204774" to power on...
2015/01/14 11:07:35 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: VM "packer-virtualbox-ovf
-1421204774" has been successfully started.
2015/01/14 11:07:35 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:07:35 stder
2015/01/14 11:08:35 ui: ==> virtualbox-ovf: Typing the boot command...
2015/01/14 11:08:35 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:08:35 Waiti
ng for SSH, up to timeout: 3m20s
2015/01/14 11:08:35 ui: ==> virtualbox-ovf: Waiting for SSH to become available.
2015/01/14 11:08:37 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:08:37 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:08:43 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:08:43 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:08:49 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:08:49 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:08:55 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:08:55 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:09:01 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:09:01 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:09:07 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:09:07 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:09:13 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:09:13 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:09:19 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:09:19 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:09:25 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:09:25 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:09:31 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:09:31 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:09:37 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:09:37 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:09:43 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:09:43 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:09:49 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:09:49 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:09:55 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:09:55 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:10:01 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:10:01 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:10:07 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:10:07 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:10:13 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:10:13 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:10:19 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:10:19 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:10:25 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:10:25 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:10:31 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:10:31 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:10:37 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:10:37 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:10:43 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:10:43 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:10:49 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:10:49 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:10:55 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:10:55 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:11:01 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:01 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:11:07 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:07 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:11:13 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:13 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:11:19 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:19 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:11:25 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:25 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:11:31 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:31 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:11:37 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:37 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:11:43 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:43 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:11:49 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:49 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:11:55 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:55 TCP c
onnection to SSH ip/port failed: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: No conn
ection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
2015/01/14 11:11:55 ui error: ==> virtualbox-ovf: Timeout waiting for SSH.
2015/01/14 11:11:55 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:55 SSH w
ait cancelled. Exiting loop.
2015/01/14 11:11:56 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:56 Execu
ting VBoxManage: []string{"controlvm", "packer-virtualbox-ovf-1421204774", "powe
2015/01/14 11:11:56 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:56 stdou
2015/01/14 11:11:56 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:56 stder
r: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%
2015/01/14 11:11:56 ui: ==> virtualbox-ovf: Unregistering and deleting imported
2015/01/14 11:11:56 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:56 Execu
ting VBoxManage: []string{"unregistervm", "packer-virtualbox-ovf-1421204774", "-
2015/01/14 11:11:56 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:56 stdou
2015/01/14 11:11:56 packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe: 2015/01/14 11:11:56 stder
r: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%
2015/01/14 11:11:56 ui: ==> virtualbox-ovf: Deleting output directory...
2015/01/14 11:11:56 ui error: Build 'virtualbox-ovf' errored: Timeout waiting fo
r SSH.
2015/01/14 11:11:56 Builds completed. Waiting on interrupt barrier...
2015/01/14 11:11:56 machine readable: error-count []string{"1"}
2015/01/14 11:11:56 ui error:
==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
2015/01/14 11:11:56 machine readable: virtualbox-ovf,error []string{"Timeout wai
ting for SSH."}
2015/01/14 11:11:56 ui error: --> virtualbox-ovf: Timeout waiting for SSH.
2015/01/14 11:11:56 ui:
==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.
2015/01/14 11:11:56 waiting for all plugin processes to complete...
2015/01/14 11:11:56 C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-post-processor-vagrant.exe:
 plugin process exited
2015/01/14 11:11:56 C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf.exe:
 plugin process exited
2015/01/14 11:11:56 C:\Users\Crayon\packer.io\packer-provisioner-shell.exe: plug
in process exited
mitchellh commented 9 years ago

This is fixed with #2190.

I think this is all that was happening. Can't be sure without more details since I can't repro it. Any other info would be appreciated!