hashicorp / structure

Structure (aka "PDS") [deprecated]
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Accordion + Accordion List #95

Open MooCohen opened 3 years ago

MooCohen commented 3 years ago

Building a similar component in cloud-ui in vault (PR: https://github.com/hashicorp/cloud-ui/pull/1052), but it would be nice to move that code/component into Structure to be usable for the rest of the front end.

Here's the vault creation accordion figma: https://www.figma.com/proto/1mARbQaAx5hWxjFL2VHkrX/Create-Cluster-Packaging-%26-Pricing?page-id=336%3A20&node-id=336%3A298&viewport=5180%2C6773%2C0.4632004499435425&scaling=min-zoom

noelledaley commented 3 years ago

More context on the limitations we have with our existing <Accordion />, along with what we'd need out of one from Structure can be found in this slack thread between the Vault Cloud UI & TCE teams:
