hashicorp / terraform-aws-hashicorp-vault-eks-addon

HashiCorp Vault Add-on for AWS EKS
Apache License 2.0
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Customize values.yaml using Bueprints and GitOps #12

Open dkravetz opened 1 year ago

dkravetz commented 1 year ago


I'm exploring the use cases of AWS Blueprints, and when trying to deploy Vault using GitOps, the customization options are virtually non-existant compared to the Terraform managed flow. In particular, I'm trying to do:

  enable_vault = true
  vault_helm_config = {
    create_service_account_secret_token = "true"
    values = [templatefile("${path.module}/helm_values/vault_values.yaml", {
      iam_role_arn = module.vault_irsa_iam_role.iam_role_arn,
      region       = var.region,
      kms_key_id   = aws_kms_key.vault.id

but the only option that seems to propagate to the ArgoCD app of Apps used here is simply to toggle enabled. Am I missing something here, or does the GitOps approach not cover 1:1 the customizable settings?

Thank you for the development of the add-on and for taking the time!

adabuleanu commented 1 year ago

I am having the same issue while deploying vault with eks blueprints addons and argocd (argocd_manage_add_ons=true). The issue comes from this code. See similar implementation for external-dns. I will make a PR to address this.