hashicorp / terraform-k8s

Terraform Cloud Operator for Kubernetes
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Fixing conversion of null value #130

Open jtyr opened 2 years ago

jtyr commented 2 years ago

Community Note

This PR is fixing handling of outputs that contain null. In the current implementation, if an output contains anywhere a value that is null, that output key is skipped completely. For example if the output is the result from the random_password resource:

resource "random_password" "password" {
  length           = 16
  special          = true
  override_special = "!#$%&*()-_=+[]{}<>:?"

output "password" {
  description = "Password output"
  value       = random_password.password
  sensitive   = true

the keepers key is completely missing in the outputs.

$ kubectl get secret -o yaml test-outputs | yq e '.data.password' - | base64 -d 

As a consequence of skipping the keepers from outputs, there is also an extra , at the end of the encoded output.

With this PR applied, the outputs contain the keepers and even if it would be skipped, the extra , would not be added:

$ kubectl get secret -o yaml test-outputs | yq e '.data.password' - | base64 -d 

Release note for CHANGELOG:

Fix for handling null values in outputs.