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Fix and enable tfproviderdocs contents checking #15842

Closed bflad closed 3 years ago

bflad commented 4 years ago

Community Note


Version 0.8.0 of tfproviderdocs adds experimental checking for resource documentation Markdown contents via a new -enable-contents-check flag. There is also support for a -require-schema-ordering flag to additionally ensure that arguments and attributes lists in documentation are alphabetically, but for now this issue will represent fixing and enabling the first part of the checking. There may be some buggy behavior in the tfproviderdocs reports, which should be reported upstream.

Current reports:

$  tfproviderdocs check -allowed-resource-subcategories-file website/allowed-subcategories.txt -provider-name aws -require-resource-subcategory -enable-contents-check
Error checking Terraform Provider documentation: 249 errors occurred:
    * website/docs/r/acm_certificate.html.markdown: error checking file contents: import section heading level (3) should be: 2
    * website/docs/r/acmpca_certificate_authority.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_account.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_api_key.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_authorizer.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_base_path_mapping.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_client_certificate.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_deployment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_documentation_part.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_documentation_version.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_domain_name.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_gateway_response.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_integration.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_integration_response.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_method.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_method_response.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_method_settings.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_request_validator.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_stage.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/apigatewayv2_api.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/apigatewayv2_api_mapping.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/apigatewayv2_authorizer.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/apigatewayv2_deployment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/apigatewayv2_domain_name.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/apigatewayv2_integration.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/apigatewayv2_integration_response.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/apigatewayv2_model.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/apigatewayv2_route.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/apigatewayv2_route_response.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/apigatewayv2_stage.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/apigatewayv2_vpc_link.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/appautoscaling_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/appautoscaling_target.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/appmesh_route.html.markdown: error checking file contents: import section code block text should contain resource name: aws_appmesh_route
    * website/docs/r/autoscaling_attachment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/autoscaling_lifecycle_hook.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/autoscaling_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/autoscaling_schedule.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/batch_compute_environment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/batch_job_definition.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/batch_job_queue.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/cloud9_environment_ec2.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition the the arguments listed above the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/cloudformation_stack_set.html.markdown: error checking file contents: import section code block text should contain resource name: aws_cloudformation_stack_set
    * website/docs/r/cloudfront_distribution.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/cloudfront_origin_access_identity.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/cloudhsm_v2_cluster.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/cloudhsm_v2_hsm.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/cloudtrail.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/cloudwatch_dashboard.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/cloudwatch_event_target.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/cloudwatch_log_destination_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/cloudwatch_log_subscription_filter.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (No extra attributes are exported.) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/codecommit_trigger.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/codedeploy_app.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/codedeploy_deployment_config.html.markdown: error checking file contents: import section code block text should contain resource name: aws_codedeploy_deployment_config
    * website/docs/r/cognito_identity_pool.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments, which are exported, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/cognito_identity_pool_roles_attachment.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments, which are exported, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/cognito_identity_provider.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/cognito_resource_server.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/cognito_user_group.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/cognito_user_pool.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/cognito_user_pool_client.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/cognito_user_pool_domain.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/config_aggregate_authorization.markdown: error checking file contents: import section code block text should contain resource name: aws_config_aggregate_authorization
    * website/docs/r/config_configuration_recorder_status.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/config_remediation_configuration.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/cur_report_definition.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/customer_gateway.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/datapipeline_pipeline.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/datasync_agent.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/datasync_location_efs.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/datasync_location_fsx_windows_file_system.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/datasync_location_nfs.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/datasync_location_s3.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/datasync_location_smb.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/datasync_task.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/db_event_subscription.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attributes) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/default_network_acl.html.markdown: error checking file contents: example section heading (Example config to deny all Egress traffic, allowing Ingress) should be: Example Usage
    * website/docs/r/default_route_table.html.markdown: error checking file contents: example section heading (Example usage with tags) should be: Example Usage
    * website/docs/r/default_security_group.html.markdown: error checking file contents: example section heading (Example config to deny all Egress traffic, allowing Ingress) should be: Example Usage
    * website/docs/r/devicefarm_project.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing example section: ## Example Usage
    * website/docs/r/directory_service_conditional_forwarder.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/directory_service_log_subscription.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/dms_event_subscription.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/dx_connection_association.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/dynamodb_table_item.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (All of the arguments above are exported as attributes.) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/ebs_default_kms_key.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ebs_encryption_by_default.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ebs_snapshot_copy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/ec2_client_vpn_authorization_rule.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ec2_client_vpn_network_association.html.markdown: error checking file contents: import section code block text should contain resource name: aws_ec2_client_vpn_network_association
    * website/docs/r/ec2_client_vpn_route.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ec2_fleet.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ec2_local_gateway_route.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ec2_local_gateway_route_table_vpc_association.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ec2_tag.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ec2_transit_gateway.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ec2_transit_gateway_peering_attachment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ec2_transit_gateway_peering_attachment_accepter.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ec2_transit_gateway_route.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ec2_transit_gateway_route_table.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ec2_transit_gateway_route_table_association.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ec2_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_accepter.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ecs_task_definition.html.markdown: error checking file contents: example section code block language (json) should be: ```hcl or ```terraform
    * website/docs/r/eip_association.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/elasticsearch_domain_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/elastictranscoder_pipeline.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/elastictranscoder_preset.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/elb_attachment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/emr_instance_fleet.html.markdown: error checking file contents: title section heading (aws_emr_instance_fleet) should have prefix: "Data Source: " or "Resource: "
    * website/docs/r/emr_managed_scaling_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/fms_admin_account.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/glue_classifier.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following additional attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/glue_resource_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/glue_user_defined_function.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/guardduty_filter.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to all arguments above, the following attribute is exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/iam_account_alias.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/iam_group_membership.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/iam_group_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/iam_group_policy_attachment.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/iam_instance_profile.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/iam_role_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/iam_role_policy_attachment.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/iam_server_certificate.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/iam_user_group_membership.html.markdown: error checking file contents: example section heading (Example usage) should be: Example Usage
    * website/docs/r/iam_user_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/iam_user_policy_attachment.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/iot_certificate.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/iot_policy_attachment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/iot_thing.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments above, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/iot_thing_principal_attachment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/iot_thing_type.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments above, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/kinesis_analytics_application.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported along with all argument references:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/kinesis_firehose_delivery_stream.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/kinesis_stream.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/kinesis_video_stream.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/kinesisanalyticsv2_application.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/kms_alias.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/kms_ciphertext.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (All of the argument attributes are also exported as result attributes.) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/kms_external_key.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lambda_alias.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lambda_event_source_mapping.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lambda_function.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lambda_layer_version.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lambda_permission.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/launch_template.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported along with all argument references:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lb.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lb_listener.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lb_listener_certificate.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/lb_listener_rule.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lb_target_group.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lb_target_group_attachment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lex_bot.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lex_bot_alias.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lex_intent.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lex_slot_type.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lightsail_domain.html.markdown: error checking file contents: example section heading (Example Usage, creating a new domain) should be: Example Usage
    * website/docs/r/lightsail_instance.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lightsail_key_pair.html.markdown: error checking file contents: example section heading (Example Usage, creating a new Key Pair) should be: Example Usage
    * website/docs/r/lightsail_static_ip.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/lightsail_static_ip_attachment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/load_balancer_backend_server_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: example section code block language (shell) should be: ```hcl or ```terraform
    * website/docs/r/load_balancer_listener_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: example section heading (Example Usage for Custom Policy) should be: Example Usage
    * website/docs/r/load_balancer_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: example section code block language (shell) should be: ```hcl or ```terraform
    * website/docs/r/media_store_container_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/neptune_event_subscription.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attributes) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/network_interface_sg_attachment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/organizations_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/organizations_policy_attachment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/pinpoint_adm_channel.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/pinpoint_apns_channel.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/pinpoint_apns_sandbox_channel.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/pinpoint_apns_voip_channel.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/pinpoint_apns_voip_sandbox_channel.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/pinpoint_baidu_channel.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/pinpoint_event_stream.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/pinpoint_gcm_channel.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/quicksight_user.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (All above attributes except for session_name and identity_type are exported as well as:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/rds_global_cluster.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/redshift_event_subscription.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attributes) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/redshift_snapshot_copy_grant.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/redshift_snapshot_schedule.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/redshift_snapshot_schedule_association.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/route53_health_check.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/route53_record.html.markdown: error checking file contents: import section code block text should contain resource name: aws_route53_record
    * website/docs/r/route53_vpc_association_authorization.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
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    * website/docs/r/s3_bucket_analytics_configuration.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/s3_bucket_inventory.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/s3_bucket_metric.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/s3_bucket_notification.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/s3_bucket_object.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/s3_bucket_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/s3_bucket_public_access_block.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/sagemaker_endpoint.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/sagemaker_endpoint_configuration.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/sagemaker_model.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
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    * website/docs/r/secretsmanager_secret_rotation.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/secretsmanager_secret_version.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/securityhub_account.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/securityhub_action_target.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/securityhub_member.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/securityhub_product_subscription.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/securityhub_standards_subscription.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/servicequotas_service_quota.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ses_active_receipt_rule_set.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ses_configuration_set.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ses_domain_mail_from.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments, which are exported, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/ses_event_destination.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ses_identity_notification_topic.markdown: error checking file contents: missing title section: # Resource: aws_ses_identity_notification_topic
    * website/docs/r/ses_identity_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ses_receipt_filter.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments, which are exported, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/ses_receipt_rule.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ses_receipt_rule_set.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/sns_sms_preferences.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/sns_topic_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/spot_datafeed_subscription.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/sqs_queue_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ssm_maintenance_window_target.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing example section: ## Example Usage
    * website/docs/r/ssm_resource_data_sync.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/storagegateway_cache.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/storagegateway_cached_iscsi_volume.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/storagegateway_gateway.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/storagegateway_nfs_file_share.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/storagegateway_smb_file_share.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/storagegateway_stored_iscsi_volume.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/storagegateway_upload_buffer.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/storagegateway_working_storage.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/transfer_server.html.markdown: error checking file contents: title section code examples should be in Example Usage section
    * website/docs/r/transfer_ssh_key.html.markdown: error checking file contents: title section code examples should be in Example Usage section
    * website/docs/r/transfer_user.html.markdown: error checking file contents: title section code examples should be in Example Usage section
    * website/docs/r/volume_attachment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/vpc_peering_connection_accepter.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (All of the argument attributes except auto_accept are also exported as result attributes.) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/vpc_peering_connection_options.html.markdown: error checking file contents: title section code examples should be in Example Usage section
    * website/docs/r/vpn_connection.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/vpn_connection_route.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/vpn_gateway_route_propagation.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (This resource does not export any additional attributes.) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/wafregional_web_acl_association.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing example section: ## Example Usage
    * website/docs/r/wafv2_web_acl_association.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/workspaces_directory.html.markdown: error checking file contents: arguments section heading (Arguments Reference) should be: Argument Reference
    * website/docs/r/workspaces_workspace.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing title section: # Resource: aws_workspaces_workspace
    * website/docs/r/xray_encryption_config.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments above, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/xray_group.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments above, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/xray_sampling_rule.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments above, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

Affected Resources

Definition of Done

bflad commented 4 years ago

Regarding ## Attribute Reference versus ## Attributes Reference the majority is plural in larger providers so seems that is the desired convention.

Singular:        4
Plural:      247

Singular:        0
Plural:      321

Singular:       79
Plural:      458

Singular:        3
Plural:      466

Singular:        0
Plural:      200
philnichol commented 4 years ago

@bflad hope you don't mind I raised a PR to address some of this #16199

bflad commented 3 years ago

Updated reports:

$ tfproviderdocs check -enable-contents-check \
          -allowed-resource-subcategories-file website/allowed-subcategories.txt \
          -ignore-file-missing-data-sources aws_alb,aws_alb_listener,aws_alb_target_group \
          -ignore-file-missing-resources aws_alb,aws_alb_listener,aws_alb_listener_certificate,aws_alb_listener_rule,aws_alb_target_group,aws_alb_target_group_attachment \
          -ignore-side-navigation-data-sources aws_alb,aws_alb_listener,aws_alb_target_group,aws_kms_secret \
          -provider-name aws \
          -providers-schema-json /Users/bflad/test/schema/aws.json \
Error checking Terraform Provider documentation: 119 errors occurred:
    * website/docs/r/acm_certificate.html.markdown: error checking file contents: import section heading level (3) should be: 2
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_base_path_mapping.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/api_gateway_gateway_response.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
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    * website/docs/r/elastictranscoder_preset.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/elb_attachment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
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    * website/docs/r/fms_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
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    * website/docs/r/glue_resource_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/iam_account_alias.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
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    * website/docs/r/iot_policy_attachment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/iot_thing_principal_attachment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/lakeformation_data_lake_settings.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to all arguments above, no attributes are exported.) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
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    * website/docs/r/lightsail_key_pair.html.markdown: error checking file contents: example section heading (Example Usage, creating a new Key Pair) should be: Example Usage
    * website/docs/r/load_balancer_backend_server_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: example section code block language (shell) should be: ```hcl or ```terraform
    * website/docs/r/load_balancer_listener_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: example section heading (Example Usage for Custom Policy) should be: Example Usage
    * website/docs/r/load_balancer_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: example section code block language (shell) should be: ```hcl or ```terraform
    * website/docs/r/media_store_container_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/neptune_event_subscription.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attributes) should be: Attributes Reference
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    * website/docs/r/organizations_policy_attachment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/pinpoint_adm_channel.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/pinpoint_apns_channel.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/pinpoint_apns_sandbox_channel.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/pinpoint_apns_voip_channel.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/pinpoint_apns_voip_sandbox_channel.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/pinpoint_baidu_channel.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/pinpoint_event_stream.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/pinpoint_gcm_channel.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/quicksight_user.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (All above attributes except for session_name and identity_type are exported as well as:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/redshift_event_subscription.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attributes) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/redshift_snapshot_schedule.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/redshift_snapshot_schedule_association.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/s3_bucket_analytics_configuration.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/s3_bucket_inventory.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/s3_bucket_metric.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/s3_bucket_notification.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/s3_bucket_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/s3_object_copy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/sagemaker_domain.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/sagemaker_image.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/sagemaker_image_version.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/sagemaker_model_package_group.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/sagemaker_user_profile.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (The following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/secretsmanager_secret_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/securityhub_invite_accepter.markdown: error checking file contents: title section heading (aws_securityhub_invite_accepter) should have prefix: "Data Source: " or "Resource: "
    * website/docs/r/ses_active_receipt_rule_set.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments, which are exported, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/ses_configuration_set.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments, which are exported, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/ses_event_destination.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments, which are exported, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/ses_identity_notification_topic.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ses_identity_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ses_receipt_rule.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments, which are exported, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/ses_receipt_rule_set.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (In addition to the arguments, which are exported, the following attributes are exported:) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/signer_signing_profile_permission.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/sns_sms_preferences.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/sns_topic_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/spot_datafeed_subscription.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/sqs_queue_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ssm_maintenance_window_target.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing example section: ## Example Usage
    * website/docs/r/ssm_resource_data_sync.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ssoadmin_account_assignment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ssoadmin_managed_policy_attachment.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ssoadmin_permission_set.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/ssoadmin_permission_set_inline_policy.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/storagegateway_stored_iscsi_volume.html.markdown: error checking file contents: import section code block text should contain resource name: aws_storagegateway_stored_iscsi_volume
    * website/docs/r/storagegateway_tape_pool.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section heading (Attribute Reference) should be: Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/transfer_server.html.markdown: error checking file contents: title section code examples should be in Example Usage section
    * website/docs/r/transfer_ssh_key.html.markdown: error checking file contents: title section code examples should be in Example Usage section
    * website/docs/r/transfer_user.html.markdown: error checking file contents: title section code examples should be in Example Usage section
    * website/docs/r/vpc_peering_connection_accepter.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (All of the argument attributes except auto_accept are also exported as result attributes.) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/vpc_peering_connection_options.html.markdown: error checking file contents: title section code examples should be in Example Usage section
    * website/docs/r/vpn_gateway_route_propagation.html.markdown: error checking file contents: attributes section byline (This resource does not export any additional attributes.) should be: In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
    * website/docs/r/wafregional_web_acl_association.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing example section: ## Example Usage
    * website/docs/r/wafv2_web_acl_association.html.markdown: error checking file contents: missing attributes section: ## Attributes Reference
    * website/docs/r/workspaces_directory.html.markdown: error checking file contents: arguments section heading (Arguments Reference) should be: Argument Reference
github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

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