hashicorp / terraform-provider-aws

The AWS Provider enables Terraform to manage AWS resources.
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aws_lakeformation_permissions can't be created on lf_tags shared across accounts #26602

Open Fanswers opened 1 year ago

Fanswers commented 1 year ago

Community Note

Terraform CLI and Terraform AWS Provider Version

Terraform v1.2.8 on windows_amd64

Affected Resource(s)

Terraform Configuration Files

Please include all Terraform configurations required to reproduce the bug. Bug reports without a functional reproduction may be closed without investigation.

template file :

variable "lf_tag_permissions" {
  type = object({
    permissions           = list(string) # ASSOCIATE, DESCRIBE
    grantable_permissions = list(string) # ASSOCIATE, DESCRIBE
  description = <<EOT
Object containing the permissions to be granted to the LF-tags.
Keys: permissions and grantable_permissions
Possible values for permissions and grantable_permissions: ASSOCIATE, DESCRIBE or empty list

Format :
  permissions           = ["DESCRIBE"]
  grantable_permissions = []

  nullable = true
  default  = null

variable "database_permissions" {
  type = object({
    permissions           = list(string) # ALL, ALTER, CREATE_TABLE, DESCRIBE and DROP
    grantable_permissions = list(string) # ALL, ALTER, CREATE_TABLE, DESCRIBE and DROP
  description = <<EOT
Object containing the permissions to be granted to the Database.
Keys: permissions and grantable_permissions
Possible values for permissions and grantable_permissions: ALL, ALTER, CREATE_TABLE, DESCRIBE, DROP or empty list

Format :
  permissions           = ["ALTER", "DESCRIBE"]
  grantable_permissions = ["DESCRIBE"]

  nullable = true
  default  = null

variable "table_permissions" {
  type = object({
    permissions           = list(string) # ALL, ALTER, DELETE, DESCRIBE, DROP, INSERT and SELECT
    grantable_permissions = list(string) # ALL, ALTER, DELETE, DESCRIBE, DROP, INSERT and SELECT
  description = <<EOT
Object containing the permissions to be granted to the Database.
Keys: permissions and grantable_permissions
Possible values for permissions and grantable_permissions: ALL, ALTER, DELETE, DESCRIBE, DROP, INSERT, SELECT or empty list

Format :
  permissions           = ["DESCRIBE", "INSERT", "SELECT"]
  grantable_permissions = ["DESCRIBE", "SELECT"]

  nullable = true
  default  = null

variable "lf_tags" {
  type        = any
  description = <<EOT
Map containing LF-tags to assign to resources.
/!\ You must specify a unique LF-tag key. Otherwise, the last value will be used.

  lf-tag_key : ["lf-tag_value1", "lf-tag_value2"],
  lf-tag_key_2: ["lf-tag_value3"]

  nullable = false

variable "auto_cross_account_permissions" {
  type        = bool
  description = "Boolean used to set the permissions of LF-tags, database and table needed to use the cross-account. Only works if no other permission is implemented in the module."

  nullable = false
  default  = false

variable "iam_principals" {
  type        = list(string)
  description = "Add a list of one or more IAM users or roles."

  nullable = true
  default  = []

variable "saml_arn" {
  type        = list(string)
  description = "Enter a list of one or more SAML user or group ARNs or Amazon QuickSight ARN."

  nullable = true
  default  = []

variable "external_accounts" {
  type        = list(string)
  description = "Enter a list of one or more AWS account IDs or AWS organization IDs."

  nullable = true
  default  = []

##### Manage whether the user wants to use the automatic permissions for cross-accounting or not. #####
locals {

  lf_tag_permissions = var.auto_cross_account_permissions == true ? {
    permissions           = ["DESCRIBE"]
    grantable_permissions = []
  } : var.lf_tag_permissions

  database_permissions = var.auto_cross_account_permissions == true ? {
    permissions           = ["DESCRIBE"]
    grantable_permissions = ["DESCRIBE"]
  } : var.database_permissions

  table_permissions = var.auto_cross_account_permissions == true ? {
    permissions           = ["DESCRIBE", "SELECT"]
    grantable_permissions = ["DESCRIBE", "SELECT"]
  } : var.table_permissions

##### Manage possible permission values for LF-tags, databases and tables #####
locals {
  accepted_lf_tag_permissions   = ["ASSOCIATE", "DESCRIBE"]
  accepted_database_permissions = ["ALL", "ALTER", "CREATE_TABLE", "DESCRIBE", "DROP"]
  accepted_table_permissions    = ["ALL", "ALTER", "DELETE", "DESCRIBE", "DROP", "INSERT", "SELECT"]

resource "aws_lakeformation_permissions" "create_database_permission" {
  for_each = local.database_permissions != null ? toset(concat(var.iam_principals, var.saml_arn, var.external_accounts)) : []

  lifecycle {

    precondition {
      # Here we use the value of the variable and not the local value to be sure that the user has not asked for automatic permissions and has set specific conditions.
      condition     = !(var.auto_cross_account_permissions == true && var.database_permissions != null)
      error_message = "Error! If you want to use automatic values for cross-accounting, remove all other permission implementations (`lf_tag_permissions`, `database_permissions`, `table_permissions`)"

    precondition {
      condition     = alltrue([for permission in local.database_permissions.permissions : contains(local.accepted_database_permissions, permission)])
      error_message = "Error! Database permissions possible values: ALL, ALTER, CREATE_TABLE, DESCRIBE or DROP"

    precondition {
      condition     = alltrue([for grantable_permission in local.database_permissions.grantable_permissions : contains(local.accepted_database_permissions, grantable_permission)])
      error_message = "Error! Database grantable permissions possible values: ALL, ALTER, CREATE_TABLE, DESCRIBE or DROP"

  principal                     = each.value
  permissions                   = sort(local.database_permissions.permissions)
  permissions_with_grant_option = local.database_permissions.grantable_permissions == null ? [] : sort(local.database_permissions.grantable_permissions)

  lf_tag_policy {
    resource_type = "DATABASE"

    dynamic "expression" {
      for_each = var.lf_tags
      content {
        key    = expression.key
        values = expression.value

resource "aws_lakeformation_permissions" "create_table_permission" {
  for_each = local.table_permissions != null ? toset(concat(var.iam_principals, var.saml_arn, var.external_accounts)) : []

  lifecycle {
    precondition {
      # Here we use the value of the variable and not the local value to be sure that the user has not asked for automatic permissions and has set specific conditions.
      condition     = !(var.auto_cross_account_permissions == true && var.table_permissions != null)
      error_message = "Error! If you want to use automatic values for cross-accounting, remove all other permission implementations (`lf_tag_permissions`, `database_permissions`, `table_permissions`)"

    precondition {
      condition     = alltrue([for permission in local.table_permissions.permissions : contains(local.accepted_table_permissions, permission)])
      error_message = "Error! Table permissions possible values: ALL, ALTER, DELETE, DESCRIBE, DROP, INSERT or SELECT"

    precondition {
      condition     = alltrue([for grantable_permission in local.table_permissions.grantable_permissions : contains(local.accepted_table_permissions, grantable_permission)])
      error_message = "Error! Table grantable permissions possible values: ALL, ALTER, DELETE, DESCRIBE, DROP, INSERT or SELECT"

  principal                     = each.value
  permissions                   = sort(local.table_permissions.permissions)
  permissions_with_grant_option = local.table_permissions.grantable_permissions == null ? [] : sort(local.table_permissions.grantable_permissions)

  lf_tag_policy {
    resource_type = "TABLE"

    dynamic "expression" {
      for_each = var.lf_tags
      content {
        key    = expression.key
        values = expression.value

main.tf :

module "datalake_permissions_on_lf_tag" {
  source = "../../../../../modules/lakeformation-lf-tag-permission"

  iam_principals = ["arn:aws:iam::000011112222:role/account-name"]
  lf_tags = { "example" : ["VALUE1"] }

  database_permissions = {
    permissions           = ["DESCRIBE"]
    grantable_permissions = []

  table_permissions = {
    permissions           = ["DESCRIBE", "SELECT"]
    grantable_permissions = []

Expected Behavior

An AWS Lake Formation Permissions should be created on the lf tag who's shared between differents accounts.

Actual Behavior

Terraform can't find the lf tag targeted, it raise an EntityNotFoundException error. If we precise the catalog_id of the lf tag it will raise another error saying : "error reading Lake Formation permissions: timeout while waiting for state to become 'AVAILABLE' (last state: 'NOT FOUND', timeout: 1m0s)"
It is however possible to do it by hand an with the AWS CLI.

database plan table plan Error

Steps to Reproduce

  1. terraform plan
  2. terraform apply
Witekkq commented 1 year ago

The issue is not related to terraform directly, the TF generates the query correctly but AWS response is [] for resource type table even for cli direct calls. { "Principal": { "DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:iam::xxx" }, "Resource": { "LFTagPolicy": { "CatalogId": "central_account_id", "ResourceType": "TABLE", "Expression": [ { "TagKey": "lob", "TagValues": [ "line" ] }, { "TagKey": "lob.line", "TagValues": [ "lambo" ] } ] } } }

-> aws lakeformation list-permissions --cli-input-json file://test_above.json { "PrincipalResourcePermissions": [] } and it should find something in my configuration, for type "DATABASE" it's ok.

Fanswers commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thank's for your answer, but I don't think it respond to my problem. Maybe I've miss understand something.

The error is that Terraform can't create datalake permissions on lf_tags shared across accounts. But we can do it with the grant-permissions query on the AWS CLI. So I think the problem come from terraform.

Witekkq commented 1 year ago

It's not a solution, just a note left here, that the issue is probably in different repository, as AWS api call return value is wrong, and do not include ""SELECT" values so terraform cannot confirm that resource is being created.

peter-resnick commented 1 year ago

We are also experiencing this issue - anyone able to find a solve for this?

Fanswers commented 1 year ago

We are also experiencing this issue - anyone able to find a solve for this?

In waiting that this issue is solve, we used the AWS CLI via terraform to create our lf tags. It's not a very clean solution but this is the only one I've found to skirt this bug.

bruj0 commented 1 year ago

We have also being hit by this bug. Terraforms produces this error after the apply but the permission is actually created:

Error: error reading Lake Formation permissions: timeout while waiting for state to become 'AVAILABLE' (last state: 'NOT FOUND', timeout: 1m0s)

Here is the reproduction steps using AWS CLI:

    "CatalogId": "local_catalog",
    "Permissions": [
    "Principal": {
        "DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:iam::local_catalog:role/myrole"
    "Resource": {
        "LFTagPolicy": {
            "CatalogId": "remote_catalog",
            "Expression": [
                    "TagKey": "data_layer",
                    "TagValues": [
            "ResourceType": "DATABASE"
$ aws lakeformation grant-permissions   --cli-input-json file://test-create.json
    "CatalogId": "local_catalog",
    "Principal": {
        "DataLakePrincipalIdentifier": "arn:aws:iam::local_catalog:role/myrole"
    "Resource": {
        "LFTagPolicy": {
            "CatalogId": "remote_catalog",
            "Expression": [
                    "TagKey": "data_layer",
                    "TagValues": [
            "ResourceType": "DATABASE"
$ aws lakeformation list-permissions   --cli-input-json file://test-list.json
    "PrincipalResourcePermissions": []
lulgithub commented 5 months ago

Does anyone know if this bug is resolved or not?

Fanswers commented 5 months ago

Does anyone know if this bug is resolved or not?

Doesn't seems resolved no 😕

Rezkmike commented 5 months ago

the issue still open

lulgithub commented 5 months ago

Thank you!

dacreify commented 3 months ago

We encountered this issue as well but discovered a work-around, at least for our setup. If we only specify some of the tags and values used for the cross-account sharing we get the timeout reliably, but if we specify the exact same tags and values the aws_lakeformation_permissions resource creates successfully.

I'm not sure why this works but FWIW.

dacreify commented 3 months ago

Of course this work-around has limited utility because you can't specify more narrow permissions to a local principal than what was granted at the account-level. Can confirm provider create narrower permissions and they work, it just times out trying to read them back.