hashicorp / terraform-provider-aws

The AWS Provider enables Terraform to manage AWS resources.
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[Bug]: aws_cloudwatch_event_target Cross-Region #31444

Open pixie79 opened 1 year ago

pixie79 commented 1 year ago

Terraform Core Version


AWS Provider Version


Affected Resource(s)


Expected Behavior

I should be able to replicate events from a bus in one region to a bus in another using the bus ARN as a target

Actual Behavior

creating EventBridge Target (arn:aws:events:af-south-1::event-bus/ ): ValidationException: Cross-region api call is not allowed.

This was allowed when I added the target manually via the console.

Relevant Error/Panic Output Snippet

No response

Terraform Configuration Files

data "aws_iam_policy_document" "assume_role_policy" {
  statement {
    effect = "Allow"
    principals {
      type        = "Service"
      identifiers = ["events.amazonaws.com"]
    actions = ["sts:AssumeRole"]
  provider = aws.ireland

data "aws_iam_policy_document" "event_bus_invoke_remote_event_bus" {
  statement {
    effect    = "Allow"
    actions   = ["events:PutEvents"]
    resources = [module.salesforce.eventhub_bus_arn]
  provider = aws.ireland

resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_rule" "eu_af" {
  name           = local.salesforce_name
  description    = "Sync bus to SF Region"
  event_bus_name = var.eu_eventbus_name
  event_pattern = jsonencode({
    source = [
  provider = aws.ireland

resource "aws_iam_role" "cross_account_sync" {
  name               = "${local.name}-service"
  assume_role_policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.assume_role_policy.json
  inline_policy {
    name   = "policy-allow-events"
    policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.event_bus_invoke_remote_event_bus.json
  provider = aws.ireland

resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_target" "eu_af" {
  rule           = aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.eu_af.name
  arn            = module.salesforce.eventhub_bus_arn
  role_arn       = aws_iam_role.cross_account_sync.arn
  provider       = aws.ireland
  event_bus_name = module.salesforce.eventhub_bus_arn

Steps to Reproduce

Try and attach a target to send events from an event bus in one region to an event bus in another via TF

Debug Output

No response

Panic Output

No response

Important Factoids

No response


No response

Would you like to implement a fix?


github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago

Community Note

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PaulTartarian commented 2 weeks ago

Any update? or maybe a workaround?

Same issue happens when trying to import a aws_cloudwatch_event_target resource that is in a region different than the rule. I get : Cross-region api call is not allowed