hashicorp / terraform-provider-azuread

Terraform provider for Azure Active Directory
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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azuread_app_role_assignment not properly assigning the role #1409

Open detredwings02 opened 3 weeks ago

detredwings02 commented 3 weeks ago

Community Note

Terraform (and AzureAD Provider) Version

Affected Resource(s)

Terraform Configuration Files

# variables.tf
variable "azuread_service_principals" {
  type = any
  default = [
      display_name_suffix           = "LogViewer"
      app_role_create               = true
      app_role_allowed_member_types = ["User"]
      app_role_description          = "Access Connect Logs"
      app_role_display_name         = "ConnectLogViewers"
      app_role_value                = "LogViewer.Read"
      set_web_redirect_uris         = true
      display_name_suffix   = "AppInsights"
      app_role_create       = false
      set_web_redirect_uris = false

# locals.tf
locals {
  azuread_service_principals = [for s in concat(var.azuread_service_principals, var.azuread_service_principals_additional) :
      display_name                  = tostring(try(s.display_name, "${data.azurerm_subscription.current.display_name}-${local.location}-${s.display_name_suffix}"))
      owners                        = [data.azurerm_client_config.current.object_id]
      password_rotation_increment   = tonumber(try(s.password_rotation_increment, null))
      app_role_create               = tobool(try(s.app_role_create, false))
      app_role_allowed_member_types = toset(try(s.app_role_allowed_member_types, null))
      app_role_description          = tostring(try(s.app_role_description, null))
      app_role_display_name         = tostring(try(s.app_role_display_name, null))
      app_role_value                = tostring(try(s.app_role_value, null))
      web_redirect_uris             = toset(try(s.web_redirect_uris, s.set_web_redirect_uris != true ? null : local.azuread_service_principals_web_redirect_uris))

locals {
  app_role_groups = [

# data.tf

data "azuread_group" "app_roles" {
  for_each = toset(
    [for g in local.app_role_groups : g]
  display_name = each.key

locals {
  azuread_app_role_assignments = flatten([
    for a in local.azuread_service_principals : a.app_role_create == true ? [
      for g in data.azuread_group.app_roles :
        application_display_name = a.display_name
        app_role_value           = a.app_role_value
        display_name             = g.display_name
        app_role_id              = azuread_application.test[a.display_name].app_role_ids[a.app_role_value]
        principal_object_id      = g.object_id
        resource_object_id       = azuread_service_principal.test[a.display_name].object_id
    ] : []

# application.tf
resource "azuread_app_role_assignment" "test" {
  for_each            = { for a in local.azuread_app_role_assignments : a.display_name => a }
  app_role_id         = azuread_application.test[each.value.application_display_name].app_role_ids[each.value.app_role_value]
  principal_object_id = each.value.principal_object_id
  resource_object_id  = each.value.resource_object_id

Debug Output

Panic Output

Expected Behavior

The app role groups should be assigned the app roles. Please note there are NO errors in the plan or apply.

The service principal used to run terraform has these API permissions: image Is an owner of both the Enterprise application and the service principal.

Actual Behavior

This is the app role: image

The app role groups are "partially" added to the app role as below: image

But when I click on 'edit assignment' you can see that it is 'none' and no role is assigned: image

Steps to Reproduce

  1. terraform apply

Important Factoids


nbaju1 commented 2 weeks ago

This is the actual behavior when you manually add an assignment in Entra ID and then edit it. Not sure what you mean by "partially" assigned, that picture states that the roles are assigned.