Closed suzuki-shunsuke closed 4 years ago
provider "docker" {
resource "docker_image" "alpine" {
name = "alpine:3.10.3"
resource "docker_container" "foo" {
image = docker_image.alpine.latest
name = "foo"
rm = true
entrypoint = ["tail"]
start = true
command = ["-f", "/dev/null"]
read_only = true
shm_size = 64 # 64MB
privileged = true
user = "root"
working_dir = "/workspace"
domainname = ""
hostname = "foo"
dns = [""]
dns_search = [""]
env = [
userns_mode = "host"
tmpfs = {
"/run" : ""
"/tmp" : ""
log_driver = "json-file"
log_opts = {
max-size : "200k"
max-file : "10"
# these labels are set by docker-compose automatically
labels {
label = "com.docker.compose.config-hash"
value = "40541480c3ba148eefff245755e35d6186d2bca9c9033340866be9a27a603fe9" # you have to fix the value
labels {
label = "com.docker.compose.container-number"
value = "1"
labels {
label = "com.docker.compose.oneoff"
value = "False"
labels {
label = "com.docker.compose.project"
value = "terraform-provider-docker"
labels {
label = "com.docker.compose.service"
value = "foo"
labels {
label = "com.docker.compose.version"
value = "1.24.1"
network_mode = "bridge"
pid_mode = "host"
healthcheck {
test = ["CMD", "true"]
interval = "1m30s"
timeout = "10s"
retries = 3
sysctls = {
"net.core.somaxconn" : 1024
"net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies" : 0
ipc_mode = "shareable"
memory = 50
memory_swap = 100
capabilities {
add = ["ALL"]
drop = ["SYS_ADMIN"]
devices {
container_path = "/dev/null"
host_path = "/dev/null"
permissions = "rwm"
resource "docker_container" "zoo" {
image = docker_image.alpine.latest
name = "zoo"
command = ["tail", "-f", "/dev/null"]
cpu_shares = 2
cpu_set = "1"
start = true
env = [
# links = ["/foo:/zoo/foo"]
$ terraform version
$ terraform apply
$ terraform plan
$ terraform state rm docker_container.zoo
$ terraform import $(docker inspect foo -f "{{.ID}}")
$ terraform import docker_container.zoo $(docker inspect zoo -f "{{.ID}}")
$ terraform plan
$ terraform version
Terraform v0.12.18
+ provider.docker (unversioned)
$ terraform apply
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
+ create
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# will be created
+ resource "docker_container" "foo" {
+ attach = false
+ bridge = (known after apply)
+ command = [
+ "-f",
+ "/dev/null",
+ container_logs = (known after apply)
+ dns = [
+ "",
+ dns_search = [
+ "",
+ domainname = ""
+ entrypoint = [
+ "tail",
+ env = [
+ "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
+ "RACK_ENV=development",
+ exit_code = (known after apply)
+ gateway = (known after apply)
+ hostname = "foo"
+ id = (known after apply)
+ image = (known after apply)
+ ip_address = (known after apply)
+ ip_prefix_length = (known after apply)
+ ipc_mode = "shareable"
+ log_driver = "json-file"
+ log_opts = {
+ "max-file" = "10"
+ "max-size" = "200k"
+ logs = false
+ memory = 50
+ memory_swap = 100
+ name = "foo"
+ network_data = (known after apply)
+ network_mode = "bridge"
+ pid_mode = "host"
+ privileged = true
+ read_only = true
+ restart = "no"
+ rm = true
+ shm_size = 64
+ sysctls = {
+ "net.core.somaxconn" = "1024"
+ "net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies" = "0"
+ tmpfs = {
+ "/run" = ""
+ "/tmp" = ""
+ user = "root"
+ userns_mode = "host"
+ working_dir = "/workspace"
+ capabilities {
+ add = [
+ "ALL",
+ drop = [
+ devices {
+ container_path = "/dev/null"
+ host_path = "/dev/null"
+ permissions = "rwm"
+ healthcheck {
+ interval = "1m30s"
+ retries = 3
+ start_period = "0s"
+ test = [
+ "CMD",
+ "true",
+ timeout = "10s"
+ labels {
+ label = "com.docker.compose.config-hash"
+ value = "40541480c3ba148eefff245755e35d6186d2bca9c9033340866be9a27a603fe9"
+ labels {
+ label = "com.docker.compose.container-number"
+ value = "1"
+ labels {
+ label = "com.docker.compose.oneoff"
+ value = "False"
+ labels {
+ label = "com.docker.compose.project"
+ value = "terraform-provider-docker"
+ labels {
+ label = "com.docker.compose.service"
+ value = "foo"
+ labels {
+ label = "com.docker.compose.version"
+ value = "1.24.1"
# docker_container.zoo will be created
+ resource "docker_container" "zoo" {
+ attach = false
+ bridge = (known after apply)
+ command = [
+ "tail",
+ "-f",
+ "/dev/null",
+ container_logs = (known after apply)
+ cpu_set = "1"
+ cpu_shares = 2
+ env = [
+ "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
+ exit_code = (known after apply)
+ gateway = (known after apply)
+ hostname = (known after apply)
+ id = (known after apply)
+ image = (known after apply)
+ ip_address = (known after apply)
+ ip_prefix_length = (known after apply)
+ ipc_mode = (known after apply)
+ log_driver = "json-file"
+ logs = false
+ name = "zoo"
+ network_data = (known after apply)
+ read_only = false
+ restart = "no"
+ rm = false
+ shm_size = (known after apply)
# docker_image.alpine will be created
+ resource "docker_image" "alpine" {
+ id = (known after apply)
+ latest = (known after apply)
+ name = "alpine:3.10.3"
Plan: 3 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Do you want to perform these actions?
Terraform will perform the actions described above.
Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
Enter a value: yes
docker_image.alpine: Creating...
docker_image.alpine: Creation complete after 0s [id=sha256:965ea09ff2ebd2b9eeec88cd822ce156f6674c7e99be082c7efac3c62f3ff652alpine:3.10.3]
docker_container.zoo: Creating... Creating...
docker_container.zoo: Creation complete after 0s [id=08e9f5799f00d5a6c968666cd91e683ab5a626e1aae84c761b3a05e2d9e7b9a5] Creation complete after 0s [id=ca7f581b69edba2a71fac1146c1a3fa95a03e3e4b4fccce9dbec46cbbe9cab04]
Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
$ terraform plan
Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...
The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be
persisted to local or remote state storage.
docker_image.alpine: Refreshing state... [id=sha256:965ea09ff2ebd2b9eeec88cd822ce156f6674c7e99be082c7efac3c62f3ff652alpine:3.10.3]
docker_container.zoo: Refreshing state... [id=08e9f5799f00d5a6c968666cd91e683ab5a626e1aae84c761b3a05e2d9e7b9a5] Refreshing state... [id=ca7f581b69edba2a71fac1146c1a3fa95a03e3e4b4fccce9dbec46cbbe9cab04]
No changes. Infrastructure is up-to-date.
This means that Terraform did not detect any differences between your
configuration and real physical resources that exist. As a result, no
actions need to be performed.
$ terraform state rm docker_container.zoo
Removed docker_container.zoo
Successfully removed 2 resource instance(s).
$ terraform import $(docker inspect foo -f "{{.ID}}") Importing from ID "ca7f581b69edba2a71fac1146c1a3fa95a03e3e4b4fccce9dbec46cbbe9cab04"... Import prepared!
Prepared docker_container for import Refreshing state... [id=ca7f581b69edba2a71fac1146c1a3fa95a03e3e4b4fccce9dbec46cbbe9cab04]
Import successful!
The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.
$ terraform import docker_container.zoo $(docker inspect zoo -f "{{.ID}}")
docker_container.zoo: Importing from ID "08e9f5799f00d5a6c968666cd91e683ab5a626e1aae84c761b3a05e2d9e7b9a5"...
docker_container.zoo: Import prepared!
Prepared docker_container for import
docker_container.zoo: Refreshing state... [id=08e9f5799f00d5a6c968666cd91e683ab5a626e1aae84c761b3a05e2d9e7b9a5]
Import successful!
The resources that were imported are shown above. These resources are now in
your Terraform state and will henceforth be managed by Terraform.
$ terraform plan
Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...
The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be
persisted to local or remote state storage.
docker_image.alpine: Refreshing state... [id=sha256:965ea09ff2ebd2b9eeec88cd822ce156f6674c7e99be082c7efac3c62f3ff652alpine:3.10.3]
docker_container.zoo: Refreshing state... [id=08e9f5799f00d5a6c968666cd91e683ab5a626e1aae84c761b3a05e2d9e7b9a5] Refreshing state... [id=ca7f581b69edba2a71fac1146c1a3fa95a03e3e4b4fccce9dbec46cbbe9cab04]
No changes. Infrastructure is up-to-date.
This means that Terraform did not detect any differences between your
configuration and real physical resources that exist. As a result, no
actions need to be performed.
Hey, @suzuki-shunsuke thank you for your effort on helping to finish the import of all resources :)
Could you take a look at the failing tests? Furthermore, we'd consider adding the verify-step for the test as well as already done in the test for docker_service
ResourceName: "",
ImportState: true,
ImportStateVerify: true,
@mavogel Thank you for your comment. I'll check in this weekend.
I found that d.Get("start").(bool)
is false
even if "start" = true
when DiffSuppressFunc
of "start" is set. 🤔
When I comment out DiffSuppressFunc
, d.Get("start").(bool)
is false
We can avoid the above trouble by removing DiffSuppressFunc
, but ideally we should set DiffSuppressFunc
start - (Optional, bool) If true, then the Docker container will be started after creation. If false, then the container is only created.
I think the attribute start
is meaningful only when the container is created.
So I set DiffSuppressFunc to ignore diff.
We can't get the information about "start" from existing container.
The attribute "start" isn't the state of the container.
Note that Docker image can have labels and environment variables so when we define labels or environment variables of docker_container
resource we have to add labes and environment variables Docker image has to the attribute labels
and env
CI fails but this failure occurs at the master branch too so it has nothing to do with this pull request.
This is a test of docker_service
=== RUN TestAccDockerService_fullSpec
--- FAIL: TestAccDockerService_fullSpec (6.43s)
testing.go:569: Step 0 error: Check failed: Check 71/76 error: Attribute 'endpoint_spec.0.mode' expected "vip", got ""
I don't know why this test fails.
@mavogel Please review 🙏
@suzuki-shunsuke thank you for the awesome work. It looks like we have a flaky test here and yes it has nothing to do with your PR. I'll investigate in a separate issue and we can deactivate this test temporarily (as we did also for another flaky test only on travis)
I'll review in the next couple of days
Would you review?
Computed: true
to some attributesDiffSuppressFunc
to some attributesVerification codes
I share verification codes.
Using Docker Compose and
docker run
terraform apply and terraform state rm
Instead of Docker Compose and
docker run
command, we can runterraform apply
andterraform state rm
too.terraform import