hashicorp / terraform-provider-google

Terraform Provider for Google Cloud Platform
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workload-identity in provider config on GKE #10710

Open aakash-lohono opened 2 years ago

aakash-lohono commented 2 years ago

Community Note


  1. apologies if this is supposed to be question.
  2. i've a workload identity enabled GKE cluster
  3. i'm running a pod with service account appropriately annotated to utilise said workload identity. I've verified it's working by running gcloud image separately with the same service account.
  4. i want to run terraform with google provider within this pod and want to utilise the same service account.
  5. i don't see any way to configure google provider to utilise the said workload identity enabled service account.
  6. according to docs, you need to provide service account key file

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slevenick commented 2 years ago

You can also use application default credentials that may be available on the GKE cluster: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/google/latest/docs/guides/provider_reference#primary-authentication

I'm not really sure what you have available within the pod though, how does it identify as the service account?

aakash-lohono commented 2 years ago

Apologies on my explanation, there's a lot of reading material to exactly point to the appropriate snippet

Screenshot 2021-12-17 at 9 39 14 AM Screenshot 2021-12-17 at 9 39 41 AM Screenshot 2021-12-17 at 9 39 55 AM

Documentation for Workload Identity and screenshots above:


Example usage wherein we don't need to explicitly mount any service account key within the pod and still can access GCP apis


what have i tried?

  1. start workload identity enabled cluster
  2. i've deployed ssl certificates without any sa key file with cert-manager by following guide
  3. configure config connector which utilizes workload identity mechanism guide
  4. manually verified gcloud sdk's interaction with workload identity a. create gcp service account with arbitrary roles/permissions that suits my need (i tried role/storageAdmin) b. made the said gcp service account iam member of roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser c. create kubernetes sa annotated with iam.gke.io/gcp-service-account: ${sa_name}@${project_id}.iam.gserviceaccount.com d. create a google/cloud-sdk pod with said kubernetes sa e. any interaction with gcloud or gsutil now works successfully without invoking gcloud activate-service-account ... on any mounted sa key json file. I can list buckets and upload or download files now

i'm not sure what part can I explain better, let me know if you need help for any of the materials @slevenick