I was going to raise a PR to try and fix them to help anyone else looking at the google-beta tf docs home page, but because I think this is built on Magic Modules I don't want to break anything on the google page since it's working. Not sure why the google-beta page is having different URLs if its based on the same content?
We may want to remove these pages on google-beta and just use the google ones instead (the google-beta site is entirely redundant with the google one & both are documented there)
What kind of contribution is this issue about?
Related PR(s), if any:
Hi Google, I was browsing the website for the google-beta provider at: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/google-beta/latest/docs and noticed the "Getting Started" and "provider reference" hyperlinks don't work and get a 404 Not Found. They do however work for the Google provider docs at: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/google/latest/docs.
When trying to open these links, the URLs resolve to something different for both provider tf homepage docs:
I was browsing what I think is the root of the docs for both providers inside the Magic Modules repo located in this file here: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/magic-modules/blob/main/mmv1/third_party/terraform/website/docs/index.html.markdown
I was going to raise a PR to try and fix them to help anyone else looking at the google-beta tf docs home page, but because I think this is built on Magic Modules I don't want to break anything on the google page since it's working. Not sure why the google-beta page is having different URLs if its based on the same content?