hashicorp / terraform-provider-google

Terraform Provider for Google Cloud Platform
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FW Policy unordered lists for address groups #18134

Open lahughes35 opened 4 months ago

lahughes35 commented 4 months ago

Community Note

Terraform Version & Provider Version(s)

Terraform >=v1.4.6 on Linux x86

Affected Resource(s)


Terraform Configuration

locals {
  rules_yaml = yamldecode(
    join("\n", [for f in fileset(var.factory_config.rules_dir, "**/*.yaml") : file("${var.factory_config.rules_dir}/${f}")])
  all_rules = merge([
    for k, v in local.rules_yaml : {
      for policy in v.fwpol_list : "${k}-${policy}-${v.priority}" => {
        action                  = lookup(v, "action", "deny")
        name                    = k
        direction               = lookup(v, "direction", "INGRESS")
        priority                = v.priority
        description             = lookup(v, "description", null)
        fwpol_name              = policy
        disabled                = lookup(v, "disabled", false)
        enable_logging          = lookup(v, "enable_logging", true)
        target_service_accounts = lookup(v, "target_service_accounts", null)
        target_secure_tags = (lookup(v, "target_secure_tags", null) == null
          ? null
          : flatten([
            for t in v.target_secure_tags :
            try(local.tagmap[t], t)
        match = {
          src_address_groups        = lookup(v.match, "src_address_groups", null)
          dest_address_groups       = lookup(v.match, "dest_address_groups", null)
          src_threat_intelligences  = lookup(v.match, "src_threat_intelligences", null)
          dest_threat_intelligences = lookup(v.match, "dest_threat_intelligences", null)
          dest_ip_ranges = (
            lookup(v.match, "dest_ip_ranges", null) == null
            ? null
            : flatten([
              for c in v.match.dest_ip_ranges :
              try(local.cidr_yaml[c], c)
          src_ip_ranges = (
            lookup(v.match, "src_ip_ranges", null) == null
            ? null
            : flatten([
              for c in v.match.src_ip_ranges :
              try(local.cidr_yaml[c], c)
          src_secure_tags = (
            lookup(v.match, "src_secure_tags", null) == null
            ? null
            : flatten([
              for t in v.match.src_secure_tags :
          layer4_configs = (
            lookup(v.match, "layer4_configs", null) == null
            ? [{ protocol = "all", ports = null }]
            : [
              for c in v.match.layer4_configs :
              merge({ protocol = "all", ports = null }, c)
ingress address groups https dev:
  priority: 5050
    - "vpc_one_fw_policy"
    - "vpc_two_fw_policy"
  action: "allow"
  direction: "INGRESS"
  description: "Allow ingress on 443/4443 from address groups"
      - "projects/{project}/locations/global/addressGroups/{address_group_1}"
      - "projects/{project}/locations/global/addressGroups/{address_group_2}"
      - "projects/{project}/locations/global/addressGroups/{address_group_3}"   
      - protocol: tcp
          - 443

Debug Output

No response

Expected Behavior

After adding a FW policy rule with source (or destination) address groups, the rule would not need to update when it hasn't been changed.

Actual Behavior

I'm sending a list of source and destination address groups (in different rules) and their order is switching after an apply so TF tries to "update" the rules every run.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create yaml file with a rule config (example above)
  2. 'terraform apply'
  3. 'terraform plan' - should show no-op, will show update because of list reordering

Important Factoids

We don't see this behavior with lists of IPs in src_ip_ranges or dest_ip_ranges, just with the address groups.


No response


ggtisc commented 4 months ago

Hi @lahughes35

We need the google_compute_network_firewall_policy_rule code to replicate this issue and all other resources involved like:

  1. google_network_security_address_group
  2. google_compute_network_firewall_policy
  3. google_compute_network
  4. google_tags_tag_key
  5. google_tags_tag_value

As you can see in this link

Finally when you talk about the source, destination or address groups are you referring to the google_network_security_address_group?

lahughes35 commented 4 months ago

Hello @ggtisc

All of the elements you listed are created before this stack runs, it only adds rules to existing google_compute_network_firewall_policys. I will include the resource for google_compute_network_firewall_policy_rule below, it just iterates over the all_rules var created from reading in one or more yaml files like the example above. I did include the code to add things like threat intelligences and secure tags because those are used for other rules in my configs but the only parts necessary to replicate the issue are the ones that map to the keys in the example yaml file.

Finally when you talk about the source, destination or address groups are you referring to the google_network_security_address_group?

Yes, I am referring to google_network_security_address_group when talking about source or destination address groups above.

resource "google_compute_network_firewall_policy_rule" "default" {
  for_each                = local.all_rules
  project                 = var.project_id
  firewall_policy         = "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/${var.project_id}/global/firewallPolicies/${each.value.fwpol_name}"
  action                  = each.value.action
  priority                = each.value.priority
  description             = each.value.description
  direction               = each.value.direction
  enable_logging          = each.value.enable_logging
  target_service_accounts = each.value.target_service_accounts
  match {
    src_address_groups        = each.value.match.src_address_groups
    dest_address_groups       = each.value.match.dest_address_groups
    src_threat_intelligences  = each.value.match.src_threat_intelligences
    dest_threat_intelligences = each.value.match.dest_threat_intelligences
    src_ip_ranges             = each.value.match.src_ip_ranges
    dest_ip_ranges            = each.value.match.dest_ip_ranges
    dynamic "src_secure_tags" {
      for_each = toset(coalesce(each.value.match.src_secure_tags, []))
      content {
        name = src_secure_tags.value
    dynamic "layer4_configs" {
      for_each = each.value.match.layer4_configs
      content {
        ip_protocol = layer4_configs.value.protocol
        ports       = layer4_configs.value.ports
  dynamic "target_secure_tags" {
    for_each = toset(
      each.value.target_secure_tags == null ? [] : each.value.target_secure_tags
    content {
      name = target_secure_tags.value
ggtisc commented 4 months ago

There are 2 locals in your code that aren't declared that are necessary to replicate this issue

  1. tagmap
  2. cidr_yaml

But as you are saying that the important issue is to replicate the issue are the ones that map to the keys in the example yaml file maybe you can simplify this file to provide only the necessary to replicate this issue instead of share the complete configuration.

lahughes35 commented 3 months ago

I created a much simplified example tf file that will reproduce the issue, it just needs to be pointed at an existing project by updating local.project_id. After the first apply, all subsequent plans will show an update even with no changes made.

locals {
  project_id = "my-project"
  firewall_policy = "my-fw-policy"

resource "google_compute_network_firewall_policy" "policy" {
  name = local.firewall_policy
  project = local.project_id
  description = "Terraform test"

resource "google_network_security_address_group" "add-group1" {
  name        = "address-group-1"
  parent      = "projects/${local.project_id}"
  location    = "global"
  type        = "IPV4"
  capacity    = "10"
  items       = [""]
resource "google_network_security_address_group" "add-group2" {
  name        = "address-group-2"
  parent      = "projects/${local.project_id}"
  location    = "global"
  type        = "IPV4"
  capacity    = "10"
  items       = [""]
resource "google_network_security_address_group" "add-group3" {
  name        = "address-group-3"
  parent      = "projects/${local.project_id}"
  location    = "global"
  type        = "IPV4"
  capacity    = "10"
  items       = [""]

resource "google_compute_network_firewall_policy_rule" "basic_test" {
  depends_on              = [google_network_security_address_group.add-group1, 
  project                 = local.project_id
  firewall_policy         = "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/${local.project_id}/global/firewallPolicies/${local.firewall_policy}"
  action                  = "allow"
  priority                = 1000
  description             = "Testing address group order issue"
  direction               = "INGRESS"
  enable_logging          = true
  match {
    src_address_groups        = ["projects/${local.project_id}/locations/global/addressGroups/address-group-3",
    dest_ip_ranges            = ["", ""]
    layer4_configs {
      ip_protocol = "all"

resource "google_compute_network_firewall_policy_rule" "basic_test_2" {
  depends_on              = [google_network_security_address_group.add-group1, 
  project                 = local.project_id
  firewall_policy         = "https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/${local.project_id}/global/firewallPolicies/${local.firewall_policy}"
  action                  = "allow"
  priority                = 1100
  description             = "Testing address group order issue"
  direction               = "EGRESS"
  enable_logging          = true
  match {
    dest_address_groups        = ["projects/${local.project_id}/locations/global/addressGroups/address-group-3",
    src_ip_ranges            = ["", ""]
    layer4_configs {
      ip_protocol = "all"
ggtisc commented 3 months ago

Confirmed issue!

After creating the resources each time a terraform apply is executed terraform tries to update the google_compute_network_firewall_policy_rule.match.src_address_groups and google_compute_network_firewall_policy_rule.match.dest_address_groups even if there aren't changes to apply