hashicorp / terraform-provider-google

Terraform Provider for Google Cloud Platform
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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google_artifact_registry_repository inconsistent dynamic upstream #18143

Open Djabx opened 6 months ago

Djabx commented 6 months ago

Community Note

Terraform Version & Provider Version(s)

Terraform v1.8.3 on x86_64

Affected Resource(s)


Terraform Configuration

resource "google_artifact_registry_repository" "public" {
  project       = var.project
  location      = var.region
  depends_on    = []
  repository_id = "public"
  description   = "example virtual docker repository"
  format        = "DOCKER"
  mode          = "VIRTUAL_REPOSITORY"

  virtual_repository_config {
    dynamic "upstream_policies" {
      for_each = var.create_proxy_gcr ? [1] : []
      content {
        id         = "proxy-gcr"
        repository = google_artifact_registry_repository.proxy_gcr[0].id
        priority   = 30
    dynamic "upstream_policies" {
      for_each = var.create_proxy_docker ? [1] : []
      content {
        id         = "proxy-docker"
        repository = google_artifact_registry_repository.proxy_docker[0].id
        priority   = 20

resource "google_artifact_registry_repository" "proxy_docker" {
  count         = var.create_proxy_docker ? 1 : 0

resource "google_artifact_registry_repository" "proxy_gcr" {
  count         = var.create_proxy_gcr ? 1 : 0

Debug Output

No response

Expected Behavior

No response

Actual Behavior

Plan output

  # google_artifact_registry_repository.public will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "google_artifact_registry_repository" "public" {
        id                     = "projects/project/locations/region/repositories/public"
        name                   = "public"
        # (13 unchanged attributes hidden)
      ~ virtual_repository_config {
          ~ upstream_policies {
              ~ id         = "proxy-docker" -> "proxy-gcr"
              ~ priority   = 20 -> 30
              ~ repository = "projects/project/locations/region/repositories/proxy-docker" -> "projects/project/locations/region/repositories/proxy-gcr"
          ~ upstream_policies {
              ~ id         = "proxy-gcr" -> "proxy-docker"
              ~ priority   = 30 -> 20
              ~ repository = "projects/project/locations/region/repositories/proxy-gcr" -> "projects/project/locations/region/repositories/proxy-docker"
            # (2 unchanged blocks hidden)

During apply

error: Provider produced inconsistent final plan
β”‚ When expanding the plan for google_artifact_registry_repository.public to
β”‚ include new values learned so far during apply, provider
β”‚ "registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/google" produced an invalid new value for
β”‚ .virtual_repository_config[0].upstream_policies[2].id: was
β”‚ cty.StringVal("proxy-gcr"), but now cty.StringVal("proxy-docker").
β”‚ This is a bug in the provider, which should be reported in the provider's
β”‚ own issue tracker.

Steps to reproduce

The issue is not consistent. Sometime it work without any issue. But the same pipeline / same commit, when nothing have change on the registry, may fail but could work again after.

  1. terraform apply

Important Factoids

No response


No response

ggtisc commented 6 months ago

Hi @Djabx!

I tried to replicate this issue but after creating the resources with a terraform apply everything works without errors. I suggest you to follow this terraform registry configuration and read the documentation and argument reference.

This is the used code:


variable "create_proxy_gcr" {
    type = bool
    default = true

variable "create_proxy_docker" {
    type = bool
    default = true


provider "google" {}

terraform {
  required_providers {
    google = {
      source  = "hashicorp/google-beta"
      version = "5.29.1"

resource "google_artifact_registry_repository" "proxy_docker_repository_18143" {
  location      = "us-central1"
  repository_id = "proxy-docker-repository-18143"
  description   = "something"
  format        = "DOCKER"
  count         = var.create_proxy_docker ? 1 : 0

resource "google_artifact_registry_repository" "proxy_gcr_repository_18143" {
  location      = "us-central1"
  repository_id = "proxy-gcr-repository-18143"
  description   = "something"
  format        = "DOCKER"
  count         = var.create_proxy_gcr ? 1 : 0

resource "google_artifact_registry_repository" "artifact_registry_repository_18143" {
  depends_on    = []
  location      = "us-central1"
  repository_id = "artifact-registry-repository-18143"
  description   = "something"
  format        = "DOCKER"
  mode          = "VIRTUAL_REPOSITORY"

  virtual_repository_config {
    dynamic "upstream_policies" {
      for_each = var.create_proxy_gcr ? [1] : []
      content {
        id         = "proxy-gcr"
        repository = google_artifact_registry_repository.proxy_gcr_repository_18143[0].id
        priority   = 30
    dynamic "upstream_policies" {
      for_each = var.create_proxy_docker ? [1] : []
      content {
        id         = "proxy-docker"
        repository = google_artifact_registry_repository.proxy_docker_repository_18143[0].id
        priority   = 20