hashicorp / terraform-provider-google

Terraform Provider for Google Cloud Platform
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Error importing GKE cluster: ip_allocation_policy conflicts with cluster_ipv4_cidr #18289

Open erictune opened 4 months ago

erictune commented 4 months ago

Community Note

Terraform Version & Provider Version(s)

Terraform v1.5.7 on linux_amd64

Affected Resource(s)


Terraform Configuration

import {
  to = google_container_cluster.cluster_1
  id = "projects/eric-tune-7/locations/us-central1/clusters/cluster-1"

Debug Output


Expected Behavior

Import should not have produced these error messages about conflicting fields. If a resource exists, then in principle it should be possible to generate terraform that creates the same resource, right?

│ Error: Conflicting configuration arguments
│   with google_container_cluster.cluster_1,
│   on generated.tf line 1:
│   (source code not available)
│ "ip_allocation_policy": conflicts with cluster_ipv4_cidr
│ Error: Conflicting configuration arguments
│   with google_container_cluster.cluster_1,
│   on generated.tf line 2:
│   (source code not available)
│ "cluster_ipv4_cidr": conflicts with ip_allocation_policy

I think that in this case, the ip_allocation_policy block could have been left unspecified. Then the generated config would match my cluster.

Or maybe cluster_ipv4_cidr should be unset.

Actual Behavior

  1. The error messages above were emitted.
  2. The generated.tf was generated.
  3. Applying the generated terraform resulted in further errors.
  4. I commented out the ip_allocation_poliucy block caused the generated terraform
  5. After this, apply worked, and the import succeeded.
  6. Then, I removed the import block and ran plan again, and there was no diff. This tells me that omitting the ip_allocation_block was safe in this case.

Steps to reproduce

Get read access to my project by contacting me via corporate gmail or chat. Try to import the cluster resource by running terraform plan -generate-config-out=generated.tf

Important Factoids

My cluster's createTime is 2021:

createTime: '2021-08-23T19:26:56+00:00'

Therefore, it may predate the ip_allocation_policy block.


No response


ggtisc commented 4 months ago

Hi @erictune!

To reproduce this issue please share the complete configuration of your google_container_cluster, for sensitive data you could just specify in a brief comment like this #provided

erictune commented 4 months ago

This resource was not creating using terraform. I am trying to import it. So, I'll provide both the gcloud describe and the terraform import generated config.

Here is the gcloud output, from gcloud --format=json container clusters describe cluster-1 --location us-central1

  "addonsConfig": {
    "dnsCacheConfig": {},
    "gcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig": {
      "enabled": true
    "horizontalPodAutoscaling": {},
    "httpLoadBalancing": {},
    "kubernetesDashboard": {
      "disabled": true
    "networkPolicyConfig": {
      "disabled": true
  "authenticatorGroupsConfig": {},
  "autoscaling": {
    "autoscalingProfile": "BALANCED"
  "clusterIpv4Cidr": "",
  "createTime": "2021-08-23T19:26:56+00:00",
  "currentMasterVersion": "1.27.13-gke.1000000",
  "currentNodeCount": 9,
  "currentNodeVersion": "1.27.13-gke.1000000",
  "databaseEncryption": {
    "state": "DECRYPTED"
  "defaultMaxPodsConstraint": {
    "maxPodsPerNode": "110"
  "endpoint": "",
  "enterpriseConfig": {
    "clusterTier": "ENTERPRISE"
  "etag": "1054dc57-c518-49a4-9a7b-9b19accf1366",
  "fleet": {
    "membership": "//gkehub.googleapis.com/projects/608501761235/locations/global/memberships/cluster-1",
    "preRegistered": true,
    "project": "608501761235"
  "id": "6493a2b053284f339a8ef5a510eb7fd84b297ace3a924246a41dea587899ee03",
  "initialClusterVersion": "1.20.8-gke.900",
  "instanceGroupUrls": [
  "ipAllocationPolicy": {
    "clusterIpv4Cidr": "",
    "clusterIpv4CidrBlock": "",
    "clusterSecondaryRangeName": "gke-cluster-1-pods-6493a2b0",
    "defaultPodIpv4RangeUtilization": 0.0088,
    "servicesIpv4Cidr": "",
    "servicesIpv4CidrBlock": "",
    "servicesSecondaryRangeName": "gke-cluster-1-services-6493a2b0",
    "stackType": "IPV4",
    "useIpAliases": true
  "labelFingerprint": "a9dc16a7",
  "legacyAbac": {},
  "location": "us-central1",
  "locations": [
  "loggingConfig": {
    "componentConfig": {
      "enableComponents": [
  "loggingService": "logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes",
  "maintenancePolicy": {
    "resourceVersion": "e3b0c442"
  "masterAuth": {
    "clientCertificateConfig": {},
  "masterAuthorizedNetworksConfig": {
    "gcpPublicCidrsAccessEnabled": true
  "monitoringConfig": {
    "componentConfig": {
      "enableComponents": [
    "managedPrometheusConfig": {
      "enabled": true
  "monitoringService": "monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes",
  "name": "cluster-1",
  "network": "default",
  "networkConfig": {
    "datapathProvider": "LEGACY_DATAPATH",
    "defaultSnatStatus": {},
    "network": "projects/eric-tune-7/global/networks/default",
    "serviceExternalIpsConfig": {
      "enabled": true
    "subnetwork": "projects/eric-tune-7/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/default"
  "nodeConfig": {
    "diskSizeGb": 100,
    "diskType": "pd-standard",
    "imageType": "COS_CONTAINERD",
    "machineType": "e2-medium",
    "metadata": {
      "disable-legacy-endpoints": "true"
    "oauthScopes": [
    "serviceAccount": "default",
    "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
      "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
  "nodePoolDefaults": {
    "nodeConfigDefaults": {}
  "nodePools": [
      "autoscaling": {},
      "config": {
        "diskSizeGb": 100,
        "diskType": "pd-standard",
        "imageType": "COS_CONTAINERD",
        "machineType": "e2-medium",
        "metadata": {
          "disable-legacy-endpoints": "true"
        "oauthScopes": [
        "serviceAccount": "default",
        "shieldedInstanceConfig": {
          "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true
      "etag": "6c450ad5-52af-4193-959c-d80500ba4ab4",
      "initialNodeCount": 3,
      "instanceGroupUrls": [
      "locations": [
      "management": {
        "autoRepair": true,
        "autoUpgrade": true
      "maxPodsConstraint": {
        "maxPodsPerNode": "110"
      "name": "default-pool",
      "networkConfig": {
        "podIpv4CidrBlock": "",
        "podIpv4RangeUtilization": 0.0088,
        "podRange": "gke-cluster-1-pods-6493a2b0"
      "podIpv4CidrSize": 24,
      "selfLink": "https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/eric-tune-7/locations/us-central1/clusters/cluster-1/nodePools/default-pool",
      "status": "RUNNING",
      "upgradeSettings": {
        "maxSurge": 1,
        "strategy": "SURGE"
      "version": "1.27.13-gke.1000000"
  "notificationConfig": {
    "pubsub": {}
  "privateClusterConfig": {
    "privateEndpoint": "",
    "publicEndpoint": "#redacted"
  "releaseChannel": {
    "channel": "REGULAR"
  "selfLink": "https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/eric-tune-7/locations/us-central1/clusters/cluster-1",
  "servicesIpv4Cidr": "",
  "shieldedNodes": {
    "enabled": true
  "status": "RUNNING",
  "subnetwork": "default",
  "verticalPodAutoscaling": {
    "enabled": true
  "zone": "us-central1"
erictune commented 4 months ago

And here is the generated terraform:

# __generated__ by Terraform
# Please review these resources and move them into your main configuration files.

# __generated__ by Terraform
resource "google_container_cluster" "cluster_1" {
  allow_net_admin                          = null
  cluster_ipv4_cidr                        = ""
  datapath_provider                        = "LEGACY_DATAPATH"
  default_max_pods_per_node                = 110
  deletion_protection                      = true
  description                              = null
  enable_autopilot                         = null
  enable_cilium_clusterwide_network_policy = false
  enable_intranode_visibility              = false
  enable_kubernetes_alpha                  = false
  enable_l4_ilb_subsetting                 = false
  enable_legacy_abac                       = false
  enable_shielded_nodes                    = true
  enable_tpu                               = false
  initial_node_count                       = 0
  location                                 = "us-central1"
  logging_service                          = "logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes"
  min_master_version                       = null
  monitoring_service                       = "monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes"
  name                                     = "cluster-1"
  network                                  = "projects/eric-tune-7/global/networks/default"
  networking_mode                          = "VPC_NATIVE"
  node_locations                           = ["us-central1-b", "us-central1-c", "us-central1-d"]
  node_version                             = "1.27.13-gke.1000000"
  private_ipv6_google_access               = null
  project                                  = "eric-tune-7"
  remove_default_node_pool                 = null
  resource_labels                          = {}
  subnetwork                               = "projects/eric-tune-7/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/default"
  addons_config {
    dns_cache_config {
      enabled = false
    gce_persistent_disk_csi_driver_config {
      enabled = true
    horizontal_pod_autoscaling {
      disabled = false
    http_load_balancing {
      disabled = false
    network_policy_config {
      disabled = true
  authenticator_groups_config {
    security_group = ""
  cluster_autoscaling {
    autoscaling_profile = "BALANCED"
    enabled             = false
  database_encryption {
    key_name = null
    state    = "DECRYPTED"
  default_snat_status {
    disabled = false
  fleet {
    project = "608501761235"
  ip_allocation_policy {
    cluster_ipv4_cidr_block       = ""
    cluster_secondary_range_name  = "gke-cluster-1-pods-6493a2b0"
    services_ipv4_cidr_block      = ""
    services_secondary_range_name = "gke-cluster-1-services-6493a2b0"
    stack_type                    = "IPV4"
  logging_config {
    enable_components = ["SYSTEM_COMPONENTS", "WORKLOADS"]
  master_auth {
    client_certificate_config {
      issue_client_certificate = false
  monitoring_config {
    enable_components = ["SYSTEM_COMPONENTS"]
    managed_prometheus {
      enabled = true
  network_policy {
    enabled  = false
  node_config {
    boot_disk_kms_key           = null
    disk_size_gb                = 100
    disk_type                   = "pd-standard"
    enable_confidential_storage = false
    guest_accelerator           = []
    image_type                  = "COS_CONTAINERD"
    labels                      = {}
    local_ssd_count             = 0
    logging_variant             = "DEFAULT"
    machine_type                = "e2-medium"
    metadata = {
      disable-legacy-endpoints = "true"
    min_cpu_platform      = null
    node_group            = null
    oauth_scopes          = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/logging.write", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/monitoring", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/servicecontrol", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/trace.append"]
    preemptible           = false
    resource_labels       = {}
    resource_manager_tags = {}
    service_account       = "default"
    spot                  = false
    tags                  = []
    shielded_instance_config {
      enable_integrity_monitoring = true
      enable_secure_boot          = false
  node_pool {
    initial_node_count = 3
    max_pods_per_node  = 110
    name               = "default-pool"
    name_prefix        = null
    node_count         = 3
    node_locations     = ["us-central1-b", "us-central1-c", "us-central1-d"]
    version            = "1.27.13-gke.1000000"
    management {
      auto_repair  = true
      auto_upgrade = true
    network_config {
      create_pod_range     = false
      enable_private_nodes = false
      pod_ipv4_cidr_block  = ""
      pod_range            = "gke-cluster-1-pods-6493a2b0"
    node_config {
      boot_disk_kms_key           = null
      disk_size_gb                = 100
      disk_type                   = "pd-standard"
      enable_confidential_storage = false
      guest_accelerator           = []
      image_type                  = "COS_CONTAINERD"
      labels                      = {}
      local_ssd_count             = 0
      logging_variant             = "DEFAULT"
      machine_type                = "e2-medium"
      metadata = {
        disable-legacy-endpoints = "true"
      min_cpu_platform      = null
      node_group            = null
      oauth_scopes          = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/logging.write", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/monitoring", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/servicecontrol", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/trace.append"]
      preemptible           = false
      resource_labels       = {}
      resource_manager_tags = {}
      service_account       = "default"
      spot                  = false
      tags                  = []
      shielded_instance_config {
        enable_integrity_monitoring = true
        enable_secure_boot          = false
    upgrade_settings {
      max_surge       = 1
      max_unavailable = 0
      strategy        = "SURGE"
  node_pool_defaults {
    node_config_defaults {
      logging_variant = "DEFAULT"
  notification_config {
    pubsub {
      enabled = false
      topic   = null
ggtisc commented 4 months ago

Confirmed issue!

With a basic configuration or with the user code it returns the next error with terraform apply or just importing the resour issue!

With a basic configuration or with the user code it returns the next error with terraform apply or just importing the resource:

│ Error: Conflicting configuration arguments
│   with google_container_cluster.cluster_1,
│   on generated.tf line 1:
│   (source code not available)
│ "ip_allocation_policy": conflicts with cluster_ipv4_cidr
│ Error: Conflicting configuration arguments
│   with google_container_cluster.cluster_1,
│   on generated.tf line 2:
│   (source code not available)
│ "cluster_ipv4_cidr": conflicts with ip_allocation_policyce:

│ Error: Conflicting configuration arguments
│   with google_container_cluster.cluster_1,
│   on generated.tf line 1:
│   (source code not available)
│ "ip_allocation_policy": conflicts with cluster_ipv4_cidr
│ Error: Conflicting configuration arguments
│   with google_container_cluster.cluster_1,
│   on generated.tf line 2:
│   (source code not available)
│ "cluster_ipv4_cidr": conflicts with ip_allocation_policy
martin-guillen commented 4 months ago

A member of the GKE network team suggested to go through this issue https://github.com/terraform-google-modules/terraform-google-kubernetes-engine/issues/349#issuecomment-1746753427