22% (26 failed out of last 117 runs) as of 2024-08-09
Error: Error waiting to create activeDirectory: Error waiting for Creating activeDirectory: Error code 3, message: bad request error: "Maximum number of Active Directories has been reached"
This looks like a quota issue but only started showing up around 2024-06-06. Possibly due to an API change? Maybe we need a sweeper for this resource? I don't see any relevant quotas, so forwarding to the service team for assistance.
Impacted tests
Affected Resource(s)
Failure rates
This looks like a quota issue but only started showing up around 2024-06-06. Possibly due to an API change? Maybe we need a sweeper for this resource? I don't see any relevant quotas, so forwarding to the service team for assistance.
Nightly build test history