hashicorp / terraform-provider-google

Terraform Provider for Google Cloud Platform
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GCE instance failed to set metadata from workbench notebooks #19363

Closed liusha-H closed 5 days ago

liusha-H commented 1 week ago

Community Note

Terraform Version & Provider Version(s)

Terraform v1.5.5

Affected Resource(s)

Workbench instance

Terraform Configuration

data "google_compute_network" "shared_vpc" {
  name    = var.vpc_name
  project = var.vpc_project_id

data "google_compute_subnetwork" "experiment_subnet" {
  name    = var.subnet_name
  region  = var.region
  project = var.vpc_project_id

resource "google_workbench_instance" "instances" {
  for_each        = { for instance in var.workbench_instances : instance.name => instance }
  name            = each.value.name
  location        = var.zone
  instance_owners = coalesce(each.value.instance_owners, [])
  project         = var.project

  gce_setup {
    machine_type = coalesce(each.value.machine_type, "e2-small")

    vm_image {
      project = try(each.value.vm_image.image_project, "deeplearning-platform-release")
      # name    = try(each.value.vm_image.image_name, "gcr.io/deeplearning-platform-release/sklearn-cpu")
      family = try(each.value.vm_image.image_family, "tf2-latest-cpu")

    service_accounts {
      email = coalesce(
      #      scopes = [
      #        "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform",
      #        "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email",
      #        "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery"
      #      ]

    boot_disk {
      disk_size_gb    = coalesce(each.value.boot_disk_size_gb, 50)
      disk_type       = coalesce(each.value.boot_disk_type, "PD_SSD")
      disk_encryption = coalesce(each.value.disk_encryption, "GMEK")
      # kms_key         = coalesce(each.value.disk_kms_key, "")

    data_disks {
      disk_size_gb    = coalesce(each.value.data_disk_size_gb, 100)
      disk_type       = coalesce(each.value.boot_disk_type, "PD_SSD")
      disk_encryption = coalesce(each.value.disk_encryption, "GMEK")
      # kms_key         = coalesce(each.value.disk_kms_key, "")

    network_interfaces {
      network = data.google_compute_network.shared_vpc.id
      subnet  = data.google_compute_subnetwork.experiment_subnet.id

    metadata = {
      idle-timeout-seconds = "10800"
      terraform            = "true"

    disable_public_ip    = true
    enable_ip_forwarding = false
    tags                 = coalesce(each.value.tags, [])

    dynamic "accelerator_configs" {
      for_each = each.value.accelerator_config != null ? ["fake"] : []
      content {
        type       = each.value.accelerator_config.type
        core_count = each.value.accelerator_config.core_count

  disable_proxy_access = true

  labels = merge(

Debug Output

Error: Error waiting for Updating Instance: Error code 3, message: failed updating GCE instance instance updater returned error: metadata key "version" is protected by Workbench Notebooks, invalid argument: invalid argument
 Error: Error waiting for Updating Instance: Error code 3, message: failed updating GCE instance instance updater returned error: metadata key "version" is protected by Workbench Notebooks, invalid argument: invalid argument

Expected Behavior

existing workbench instances updated and new instances created

Actual Behavior

missing argument as exit code 3

Steps to reproduce

  1. terraform apply

Important Factoids

No response


No response

ggtisc commented 1 week ago

Hi @liusha-H !

I tried to replicate this issue, but you have a lot of data that we don't have access to. With the next configuration everything works fine without errors. You should check it, as well as each variable and value you have to be sure that your configuration is appropriate. If after this you still continue with issues share with us your full code to check your full code.

resource "google_service_account" "sa_19363" {
  account_id = "sa-19363"

resource "google_compute_network" "cn_19363" {
  name    = "cn-19363"
  auto_create_subnetworks = "false"
  project = "my-project"

resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "csn_19363" {
  name    = "csn-19363"
  network = google_compute_network.cn_19363.id
  ip_cidr_range = ""
  region  = "us-central1"
  project = "my-project"

resource "google_workbench_instance" "wi_19363" {
  name            = "wi-19363"
  location        = "us-central1-a"
  instance_owners  = ["my-user@my-domain.com"]
  project = "my-project"

  gce_setup {
    machine_type = "n1-standard-4"

    vm_image {
      project = "cloud-notebooks-managed"
      family = "workbench-instances"

    service_accounts {
      email = google_service_account.sa_19363.email

      boot_disk {
          disk_size_gb  = 310
      disk_type = "PD_SSD"

      data_disks {
          disk_size_gb  = 330
      disk_type = "PD_SSD"

    network_interfaces {
      network = google_compute_network.cn_19363.id
      subnet = google_compute_subnetwork.csn_19363.id

    metadata = {
      terraform = "true"
      idle-timeout-seconds = "10800"

    disable_public_ip    = false
    enable_ip_forwarding = true
    tags = ["abc", "def"]

    accelerator_configs {
      type         = "NVIDIA_TESLA_T4"
      core_count   = 1

  disable_proxy_access = true

  labels = {
    k = "val"

  desired_state = "ACTIVE"
liusha-H commented 5 days ago

Thanks @ggtisc I tried it last Friday, seems like it worked, not sure if that's a Google api issue maybe?

liusha-H commented 5 days ago

will double check today, see if it still the issue

liusha-H commented 5 days ago

Hi @ggtisc , just gave it a go this morning, and the issue seems fixed (only saw it happened between 2nd to 4th September), anyway, thanks for replying re this topic, feel free to close this issue please

ggtisc commented 5 days ago

It was a pleasure, have happy coding.