when we create a plan we do it with a read-only role. we then apply plans with a role with admin permissions. however, when trying to create resources on our eks cluster we get an error which references the role that created the plan
Terraform Version, Provider Version and Kubernetes Version
Can you please share how you are configuring the provider?
By that I mean the provider "kubernetes" { ... } block and any KUBE_* environment variables being present in the execution environment.
when we create a plan we do it with a read-only role. we then apply plans with a role with admin permissions. however, when trying to create resources on our eks cluster we get an error which references the role that created the plan
Terraform Version, Provider Version and Kubernetes Version
Affected Resource(s)
Terraform Configuration Files
Debug Output
Panic Output
Steps to Reproduce
terraform plan -out /tmp/plan
terraform apply "/tmp/plan"
Expected Behavior
secret is created
Actual Behavior
Important Factoids
plan role has aws read-only privileges and AmazonEKSAdminViewPolicy
apply role has aws admin privileges and AmazonEKSClusterAdminPolicy
it's a gke issue but kind of similar
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